
The King's Lady

Zoe Elizabeth has the King's head.  In her hands.  Under her skirt.   Everywhere you could imagine. It's shocking because four months ago, the whole of OO1 swore the King would have Zoe Elizabeth's head. Zoe is an enigma with the destiny of death. Chased out by her family, she finds mercy in the eyes of Maximus, the same man that ruined her life. She has vowed to make his life hell, but Maximus has other plans for her.  Maximus is a quasimodo with a painful past. A sadistic powerful monster whose life mission is to steal Zoes power and make himself the most powerful man on earth. But when he discovers new feelings towards the dainty priestess, he is forced to face the monsters of his past.  With mysteries surrounding their families, dark secrets are unveiled, Maximus' betrayal is out in the open and Zoe finds out an even bigger legend that could bring chaos to all they have worked for.  Could Zoe and Maximus embrace their love in a world filled with danger, scheming creatures and betrayal?  Or will they drift apart the more they find out the dirty secrets surrounding them?

Loneliest_Empress · Fantasy
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12 Chs


This was the first time Zoe had thought about that day since she came to 001. Pacing around the room, she tried to recollect the day as it happened and again, she was left with the confusing image of Melissa's smirk. Her deep taunting gaze and the hand she placed on her mothers back. 

There was no reason as to why her sister would be glad she was cast out. For all she knew, for all everyone knew, Zoe confided in Melissa more than she did with her own mother. And the bond between the two was unbreakable. She held her hand in her palm as she felt a faint headache coming on. Why didn't she notice this on that day? Could she be seeing this wrongly? 

But Zoe knew better than anyone how great her memory was. So far she was there and saw things, she would be able to project it to herself again as if she was watching a movie. Even the vision she had from her peripheral view would be included in her memory. And clear at that. So there was no way she would have seen it wrongly. She rushed to the bathroom and splashed some water on her face. Staring at her own reflection in the mirror, she saw that the only thing she physically had in common with Melissa, was the freckles. Which they got from their mother. 

She took off her clothes and decided to take a relaxing bath. Perhaps she had been through too much stress and was now over thinking things. As quick as she could, she blamed it on Maximus again. If he were as nice as anyone should be, she wouldn't be feeling so stressed out. 

The following Thursday went smoothly. As the workers had claimed. 

Before the stupid and completely unreasonable event began, she had approached Maximus while he was with a particular old man. She  bowed her head slightly to greet the old man who gave her a scrutinizing gaze before quickly scurrying away.

Turning her body so she could stare into his eyes, she asked. 

"Do I have to do this? All my models are usually pretty and kind. What if I don't have the skills for... someone like you?" She wriggled her brows to his face and expected him to look away or blush out of embarrassment or glare at her. Anything that would indicate he felt insecure with his looks but Maximus did nothing. 

He placed his hands behind his back like a gentleman, and she noticed that his outfit today didn't have any trace of gold thread in it. Everything on him was black. Except the man himself. "It is either that, or you replace the young lady playing  the violin." 

Zoe turned her head in the direction and saw a young lady standing on ice preparing to play the violin. She gave him an incredulous yet bitter look and he returned it with a smug one. Must he go this far? 

"Do you enjoy this? Do you enjoy seeing people in pain? Is it your hobby or your lifetime dream?" If she hadn't known that the man would have no regard for her and not think twice before giving her the worst punishment, to which no one would come to her rescue, her fist would have met his face by now. 

"Yes. I take pleasure in seeing people in pain, Zoe. You don't want to get in line on that.`` He noticed someone behind her and beckoned for the person to come over. A man in a fitted suit came into her peripheral vision and Maximus said to her. "See... even you aren't as noble and kind as you think you are." 

It was a taunting remark that tugged at her heart. Zoe turned her heavy foot around. Back at home, whenever they had family gathering with her aunt, she had seen the way she treated some of the workers and she didn't like it. One of the reasons she and her aunt would always have an argument, and one of the reasons no one except her mom, sister and uncle liked her in the family. As her foot padded away from him, she sadly settled in her seat and began to prepare the colors. Glancing at Maximus who was having a conversation with the man earlier, she reminded herself she would come up with an escape plan. 

She was wise enough to know she couldn't go back to Greece now but at least she didn't have to stay in OO1. There were other places she could hide at. 

The sorrowful event that started in the morning with pretend smiles and enjoyment, ended with adult wailing, unconscious humans and grim looking faces by the time the clock struck 10 at night.  She checked the numerous paintings she had made of the man. One where he was talking to a man. Another where he was slowly sipping his champagne. Another where he had a playful smirk on his face as he watched the nude show that was arranged by men and women. It was the first time Zoe had seen a man naked. And she owed her eyes losing its virginity to Maximus. The paintings were all good. His outfit and the colors she had used, made it seem more sorrowful. 

As if he was a man who took pleasure in non-pleasurable things to aid himself from dwelling on his sad past. 

But what sad past would a man as powerful and wealthy as him have? She was definitely sure he grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth and was pampered to death by his parents at a young age. That would explain his lack of regard for everyone. 

The workers started to clean the hall after Maximus and the guests—who had attended because they had no choice but to, left. She too was about to retire to her room after drying the paintings, when she saw a young girl of about ten wiping a huge wall mirror. Without thinking twice, she volunteered to help. Who wouldn't? 

Only a man like Maximus with no human feelings. She understood that he was a werewolf, but wasn't he half human? Even wolves would care. Maximus is just pure evil and he eagerly and lovingly embraced that darkness.

One might think she was exaggerating, but only a person who has seen Maximus and witnessed the things he did would believe it when she says he is the most cruel man earth will ever come across.

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