
Izuku's Training: Pt-2

We're now in Dagoba Beach, a place once beautiful marred by the works of the non-disciplined people. By that, I mean it's FULL of trash. Not just miscellaneous ones, but also the big ones, like broken TVs, fridges, sofas, air-cons, and so on.

When we arrived, I was both astonished and disgusted by the logic of the mongrels. Yes, I call them mongrels cuz they're scums who does not even have energy to put trash into their proper place. That naturally slid down my mind cuz, this place is gonna be clean under me and Izuku's hands. Mostly Izuku but you know the drill.

While we're there, I was thinking about a way to train Izuku's body so that he can handle the backlash of OFA when he received it. That and in preparation for him to face the Sludge villain in a bit more convincing way.

And then it hit me.

What is a good way of training their body other than the conventional way, like push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, running, etc? That is to do it Saitama way. Like literally, the dude just did 100 push-ups, 100 pull-ups, 100 sit-ups and 10km run for 3 fucking years, and look what that did to him. He became the 'One Punch Man' that me and you guys are watching, albeit bald at the process.

So what I was thinking was, I'll make Izuku do the Saitama training, but with 30 reps at the start and slowly increase the reps by 10 a month. That'll strengthen and toughen his body on the way, while having him train Chakra control and Taijutsu.

Yes, people I've said it. Taijutsu. It'll complement the way he fights other than the 'Smashes' he has. And also prepare him for a technique that I'm sure will shoot his strength off the roof if used correctly. And I know just the way to train.

And so, I let Izuku do the Saitama training, starting 30 reps and 3 kms of course, while I'm buying the manual for Taijutsu and the technique that I mentioned above. Here's a hint, Might Guy and Rock Lee. I plan on giving that technique when he's 6 months in. Yep, I'll do just that.

I then went onto doing my own training, which is, shopping.

Surprised? Don't be.

What I'm buying right now is the 'Fountain of Youth' from Seven Deadly Sins. Why you ask? While I'm immortal, I'm only immortal by soul. I still face the physical death cause by both natural and unnatural means. In other words, I have to fucking leave my body when I 'die' and I don't want that. I like my handsome and sexy body, thank you.

Looking at the relic in my hands, I gave it a swish, wanting to know if it spills from the cup. Surprisingly yet expectedly, it does not spill from the cup. The cup must have some functions in it. I then drank down the whole thing. Although it is not an alcohol, it surprising taste like lime soda. A fact that I like.

As for the cup that is left, I put it into my treasury. It will serve as a wine cup in the future.

I feel nothing when I drink the 'Fountain of Youth'. So, in order to test it out, I brought out an ornate dagger from 'Gate of Babylon' and slices my palm to see what it happens.

And to my expectations, the blood that flows down from the wound immediately seeps back to where is comes from and the wound closed it self. No one manages to see me, not even Izuku. Well, he is training at the moment so he'll know about it eventually.

After that, I took out Gae Bolg Alternative, weapon of Scathach, and practices her moves. Although I have her Card integrated with me, I like to make her battle experience mine. That way, I don't need to feel sorry every time I used it.

After going through the spear arts that Scathach used, I then switch the red spear into a golden spear, the weapon of the Lancer of Red, Karna. The way he used his spear is quite different from how Scathach use hers, though that might just be the difference in how they use it and not the foundations.

After the Lancers, I went through the katas of Saber, Archer, Rider and Assassin. As for Caster and Berserker, I created a very powerful Bounded Field with the help of Goetia, and trained their skills.

Now that I think about it, should I get another Caster Class Servant via the Class Cards? Goetia is a no go since he's Beast I or as he like to call himself since he turned a new leaf, True Solomon. Well, I won't blame him for that since he's more of Solomon then he is when in demon mode back then. As for Gilgamesh, let's just leave him like that.

And so, I bought another Caster Class Card, and it revealed to be, Skadi, Scathach-Skadi. She's in her Lostbelt form, like God Arjuna from the Indian Lostbelt, full god and full power. And now I got and authentic Caster, albeit in her true self.

In fact, all the Servants that I have in, including Gilgamesh and Goetia, are in their True self and form. Unlike the limited copy of a Servant gotten by the Grail or the Chaldean Summoning System. In other words, they are bona fide heros in their real prime and fucking strong at that too.

Now that Sigurd is the true Sigurd, I wonder what the dragons from the world of Fairy Tail will do when they sense his presence? I bet they'll get scared and turn tail the moment he's in their vicinity.

By the time both of us finished our training, it was evening. We then went back to Izuku's home, taking a bath with the former's permission of course, and have a nice dinner, courtesy of Miss Midoriya. The Katsudon is tasty, but I wonder if Emiya and Tamamo Cat can make is tastier?

After telling Izuku to keep on training everyday and he nods with vigor, I then went back to the alleyway that I once appeared from. The thugs did not appeared in that alleyway after I give them a brutal beatdown. A fact that I liked and noted down in mind. I then returned to my world via Kaleidoscope, not wanting to go through the portals again after the horrid feeling it give.

When I arrived back to my room via the bathroom, Siduri was there, seemingly waiting for me. Looking at her, I sometimes wonder, if she ever asked me about where I go and what I did there whenever I went out.

Instead, she would wait for me in my room, and when I come and made myself known to her, she would turn to face me, and with a smile that always, and I mean always made me smile back in return, she said,

"Welcome back home, Your Majesty."

Another chapter has come to your doorstep, dear readers. I hope you do like a little wholesomeness in the end. More will be coming in the way. And as always,

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

EliasEinzwerthcreators' thoughts
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