
princess got to know about deal

After some time (in palace)

akshra came to visit king "congratulations dad you won the war" she said with no interest but little smile on her face so that her dad doesn't feel bad .she never liked this thing because she knows in this maybe they can win but they lose many people lives either they are from opposite kingdom or from her kingdom."i know princess,you didn't like this but i can't do anything my first priority is our kingdom to keep it save i have to do this" said while looking her with sad look." its ok dad i understand, why you called me " she asked with excitement. "oh yeah, did i disturbed you if that so i am sorry, but its argent so.." he cut off by akshra "no dad its not like that, i know if you have called me than their is really argent work" she said while giving a warm smile to ensure him." you believe me that much but see i am the one who is going to break my own daughter believe on me" he mummers slowly but akshra heard it already.

"dad you are talking about what, why you are going to break my believe on you" she said in worried taun."please don't think me wrong princess,i have no option so i have to choose this to save our kingdom " said while tears flowing down on his cheeks "i won the war in every one eyes but i lose something really precious " he continues while looking her in the hope that she will forgive him .

"i have two options in the war one to give my kingdom and other to give to you, princess i am sorry i am helpless their i can't put whole kingdom life in danger so i ..." he said in one breath while looking down. " so what dad you choose what " she said while fear in her voice what's if he chooses her to go to that hell ." i have chosen..... YOU... you have to marry the second prince of that Kingdom " said while looking down because he can't look in her daughter eyes after doing unbelievable thing with her. " WHAT....dad how can you choose me , find some another way dad i can't go to them, its good you save our people lives but dad ... i can't go with them " she said while crying hard."princess try to understand if i have other options i never choose this, forgive me please don't hate your dad " he said while kneeling down in front of her . she ran to her dad and hugs him to ensure him you will never hate him " dad its not your fault,you have chosen the right option .we can't put our kingdom in danger." she said while making him calm.

" dad ..... don't worry i can live there too, they are also human right not a monster" she said while putting fake smile on her face so that her father gets calm.

"little you don't know they are really monster but i am helpless " he thought while looking her.

"take rest dad , you are looking tired " she said with little smile and left the room.

she went to her room and cry hard to calm herself down. she have many things in her mind but she can't ask them, she doesn't want to go but she can't let her father down , she can't let there kingdom in danger just because of her . she have many questions but she doesn't have any one to answer them. after some time she slept while crying from long time

Week later

after that talk she spends most of the time out of her palace. she talks less to her dad to her friends and all . she is of charming and bold nature but now things are looking different.

one day she was sitting in her room while looking out of her window, she heard knock on her door she opened it and let maid's come inside. "akshra the second prince wants to meet you we got order to inform you meet him on xxx place on xxx time"

she said while looking sad for her meanwhile she was just looking her while fighting from her own thoughts 'why he wants to meet me' and the maid's left.

(what will happen when she gets to know that the second prince is the only one famous for merciless and devil man in the world and she messed up already with him in past)