
The Christmas Incident Report, AMC Proposal


27th December 2057

Secretary of Internal Security

Robin Windsor


25th December 2057

Report by Tyran Bulwark, Chief Police Commissioner.

At 7pm, Grand Square, on the 25th of December, an individual only identified post-autopsy as Chen Wang released a significantly large burst of Chi, resulting in devastation within a 3 kilometre radius from detonation point.

A 24 year old Male, Chinese Descent, the suspect was a practitioner of cultivation, having recently surpassed the Nascent stage. Head disciple of Master Tai Ling, of Tiger's fist sect. No past criminal records and recent searches of the individual's history rule out involvements of third parties, harmful substances or malicious intent. Testimony by Master Tai Ling:

"That man is constantly practicing, there's a reason he is my top disciple. Recently though, it seems he wanted to become stronger.....So I increased his training a tad bit. But I didn't know it has gotten so bad it caused.....I-I'm.....sorry. On behalf of my entire sect...I am sorry"

Cause of Death: Chi imbalance. Liver cells severely damaged, nerve points by chest, arms, legs and joints seared. Necrosis found on numerous extremities on the body. Large perforation through the abdominal cavity, lower spine shattered. Intestines were found approximately twenty metres away from the source of the explosion, first degree burns observed near perforation lining. The time of death approximates to 7.10pm, 5 minutes after explosion.

All tests taken in the incident site show presence of ionising radiation, Xianxias and Alchemists recommended for clean up. Severe burn marks on debris between explosion source to a 1.5 kilometre radius suggest that the chi blast generated up to 5000C of heat. Structures located 1.5 kilometres to 3.0 kilometres away from the explosion source suffered from severe structure degradation, and will need to be sent for reconstruction soon. Machinery from the Mage's Association is permitted for use, Summoners are to temporarily replace transportation system until fixed by the Constructive Powers Group Pte Ltd. corporation (CPG). Total cost in damage and repairs are estimated to be MU$150 million.

Total victims involved: 30,000


Hospitalised or injured: 5,433

Patients' injuries range from 1st degree burns to complete lymphatic paralysis. Members of the clergy, and Medical Students from the Powers Institutes are to be called in for relief efforts.

Monasteries and Necromancers are to be tasked with holding funerals for the deceased, currently communicating with the monasterial mediums to get an optimal burial ground.

In regards to police response:

Local police statements have revealed that while the suspect was spotted by 6.50 pm, the cultivator's main physique prevented capture and apprehension, despite the number of dark magicians and demonic users in the organisation.


While police have rushed to contain the situation, the organisation as a whole lack the capability to maintain internal order in regards to rogue wielders. Military intervention, while possible, would not be efficient enough to deal with rogue mobile, or individual wielders.

It is of my personal opinion that this opens a glaring weakness in our internal security, should another similar incident arise.


Re: Counsel Decision

It has come to my attention that the possibility of severe incidents arising from unstable wielders within the country is a glaring possibility our current systems are unable to deal with.

In total, all categories of known wielder types fall under:



Martial Artist



Power User


Demonic User




Relic user

While previous cases of rogue and unstable wielders have been witnessed and subjugated, the extent to which a rogue user could lay destruction was no different from a gunman from 1890, while the limitations of the body fundamentally prevents any form of ability failure from causing widespread destruction of this extent.

However, it should be said that after the second Magic Revolution (2034) , the limit of the average body has been severely raised, alongside increased wield efficacy.

It would not been unprecedented to presume that this would be first of many subsequent incidents that will continue after this.

As a result, upon numerous discussions within the top ministries within the country, I have hereby accepted your proposal of establishing the Anti-Magic Corp (AMC).

The AMC will thus be responsible for internal security of Atlas, specialised to fight against wielder-type threats and to eliminate them as quickly and effectively as possible.

The Wield Societies have similarly scouted suitable candidates for the department upon request:

Church of Prominence: [REDACTED]

Allocated Codename: Judge

Mage's Association: [REDACTED]

Allocated codename: Jury

Power Organisation: [REDACTED]

Allocated codename: Executioner

United Cultivation Front: [REDACTED]

Allocated Codename: Enforcer

Occult of the Dark: [REDACTED]

Allocated Codename: Infiltrator

Martial Arts' Guild: [REDACTED]

Allocated Codename: Juggernaut

Relic's Guild: [REDACTED}

Allocated codename: Breaker

Xianxia Affiliation: [REDACTED}

Allocated codename: Rallymaker

Summoner's Rally: [REDACTED]

Allocated codename: Queen

Alchemist's Inner Circle: [REDACTED]

Allocated codename: Tinkerer

Monasteries of Baism: [REDACTED]

Allocated codename: Ace

Cult of Necromancy: [REDACTED}

Allocated codename: Puppeteer

These twelve members scouted shall be the core members of the corp, and will be vital in ensuring the continuation of order in what would possibly be a time of challenges and pitfalls.

Following this decision, the AMC will be under the leader ship of [REDACTED], allocated codename: Justice.

A class 3 order has been facilitated between all ministries to ensure continued research into the possibility of wield failures within the country, while investigations into the passed suspect are to continue until definitive evidence can be found.

Final Statement:

The AMC will be Atlas's response to possible rogue wielder threats, and shall stand at the forefront alongside the police and military in the subjugation of high tier security threats. The inability for the police to catch a rogue wielder, coupled with the military inefficiency in dealing with single wielder threats have revealed a large hole in Atlas's security, and will prove debilitating to the country should it not be addressed quickly.


The wield failure in this case proves worrying. This is the first time a wield failure incident resulted in this much devastation, continued research and investigation is needed.


Robin Windsor

Chief of Internal Security