

The guy tried punching me in my face but I casually dodged. He unleashed a flurry of jabs which I also dodged easily. He jumped back a few meters and looked at me as he scanned me for weakness.

"You're pretty good, did you have military training?" He asked. "I was testing you to see your reflexes."

This bastard! Who did he think I was?

I spoke in a serious monotone voice "Your stupidity will be your downfall."

He quickly closed the gaps and swung at me with his right hand. This was getting annoying. I stepped back to avoid his swings but he kept attacking and pressing me until I reached the stairs. His attacks were pretty fast for a human but to me they looked really slow. I dodged the occasional uppercut that he would throw in without much effort.

"Keep it up Maz!" the girl exclaimed. "Destroy that red bastard completely." So, she was a racist as well on top of being slut. Looks like I was going to have to teach her a lesson.

This guy was a pro. Usually when I fought people like him, they usually slip up after hearing a girl cheering them on.

He launched a low kick at my left leg with his right leg but I moved my leg out of the way. He threw another low kick at my other leg but this time I decided to let him hit it.

Crack! The sound of his bone breaking on impact with my leg was heard. His face twisted slowly in pain and he let out a large bellow. I punched him in the throat before he could shout even louder. I watched as he fell down flat on the floor one hand on his leg where he had kicked me and the other on his throat while trying to scream but no words came out.

"Shut up man, you wanted this fight. I also don't want to cause a commotion or draw any attention to myself within five minutes of landing. Answer my questions and I will let you live." I said. "Do you understand? If you do shake your hea-"

I quickly jumped out of the way and a bullet flew past me.

"Tch... quit moving and get hit you bastard"

Seriously what was wrong with this girl. She unloaded the clip firing all the bullets at me. I stayed still as most of the bullets missed me. The eleventh bullet was headed dead straight towards my skull. I caught the bullet 0.5 centimetres away from forehead.

She was out of bullets. I had counted. There were usually 12 bullets inside a pistol clip. I dodged the first one and caught the last one while the rest had completely missed me. I looked at the bullet and flipped it in the air.

"How? How did you...."

"You can have your bullet back." I chucked it at her with enough force that that it lodged in to her right shoulder. She let out a gasp that was followed by a loud cry of pain. Before she could shout even further. I ripped off part of her dress and used it as a gag.

She tried punching me with her right arm but she couldn't even move it. She resorted to kicking and punching with her left leg. That's it. I had enough of this fucking bullshit.

I extended my arm into the air and I let it down. With a resounding smack I backhanded her cheeks. They turned a soft red. She screamed even louder but her gag masked the noise. "If you don't shut up I will cut up your clothe and use it to tie you down."

She wasn't listening. Smack! I slapped her again and tears started forming in her eyes. I slapped her again and again and again. "I will keep slapping you if you don't shut up." Smack! Smack! Smack!

After a while she had finally quieted down enough to understand what I was saying.

"By the way, I will kill you if you even try to get up." I said to the man who was trying to stand up.

I removed the girls gag who was sobbing quietly with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Who are you? What do you want from me? Why did you attack me?" I questioned. She looked completely different from how she was a few minutes ago. There was mucus coming from her nose, tears rolling down her now bright red cheeks. She had a ripped lip and there was blood coming from her mouth. I extended my arm in front of her and said in a calm and collected manner, "spit out your tooth unless you want to swallow it."

She looked at me confused in between her sniffling and sobbing. I grabbed her head and hinged her mouth open she tried resisting but she gave up after losing her strength. I peered into her mouth and examined it. Her teeth were perfectly fine. So was her tongue and everything else. I was worried for nothing.

I let go of her and ordered her to answer my questions. "We thought... that... y... you... we... wer... were... following"

"Speak properly or I will slap you again,"

"We thought that... you... you... were... following... us?" She turned her gaze towards Maz as if asking for help but he was barely able to stand.

"Don't worry sweetheart, he will live. Now who exactly are you?" I said in a serious pressuring voice. I put my face close to hers and stared in her eyes.

The man started making threats, "Do you know who I am... do you know who my mother is...My mother will kill.... you...kill y-"

I didn't pay any attention to him.

"Stick to the script." I said to him I slapped her again.

"Please don't hit her." Maz said in a croacky soft voice. "I'll answer all your questions. I am Maz Handman. That beautiful lady over there is my wife. We came here to get away from our family who didn't approve of our relationship." I could tell he was lying. This girl was definitely someone important.

Probably the daughter of a rich family.

Who in their right mind called their child Handman.

I got off the floor and dusted myself of as I walked towards the door. "Whatever don't get in my way again or next time I wont be so merciful." I opened the door that led towards the stairs but before I could go I heard I faint voice speaking

It was the girl.

"What are you. You're definitely not human. No human has skin that shade of red or horns."

"I'm your Karma." I said as I smiled and walked out. This was true. My orange red skin colour and my horns would draw way to much attention. I needed a disguise. First things first I changed my skin colour to a light caramel brown. I decreased my height by a few inches. My tall 6-foot 1 height became 170cm. My slightly long, black unkempt hair turned into a short, black fade with some white hair. My facial features changed as I morphed it. My sharp jawline turned dull. My black eyes turned brown. I added my skin cells onto my clothes and I changed my red shirt into a blue indo-western blazer and my black sweatpants became grey cargo pants. My red lips turned a light shade of pink.

They definitely did not go together but i pulled it off.

I walked out of the building and by the time the sunlight had hit my skin my appearance had changed to camouflage and mingle with the people.

"For fucks sake... It's so bright." I pulled out sunglasses out of my small pocket dimension that was in my shirt pocket. I pulled up my phone and looked at the address of the benefactor. 188 North Palace Road. I halted a taxi but it went past by me since it was already full. I tried halting two other taxis but they were also full. Finally, the fourth stopped for me and I got in.

"Where to?" the driver. The driver was a small young girl that looked around 15 years old. She was chewing gum while looking at me through the mirror. I gave her the address of where I was headed.

"Are you going there for the wedding?" she asked.

"What wedding?"

"You're the eighth person going there. I asked one of the passengers and he said that there was a wedding day after tomorrow."

"No, I had no idea about any wedding. By the way can I get your number?"

She slowed down the car and adjusted her mirror. "Why do you want my number. I'm underage you know?"

"Don't misunderstand I need someone to drive me around the city, its alright if you don't want to I can find someone else." I could see her face blushing red. What kinda person did she think I was.

"Very well then right it down," she told me her number and I jotted it down in my small notebook.

"You haven't told me your name, mine's Blue."

"Anya, anyways we arrived. We weren't that far away. We were only 3 kilometres away."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a £100 note. "Keep the change," I told her.

"Thanks, little advice do not piss of the lady of the house. She is really powerful and could destroy your life quickly. She is the CEO of a large company called FORC. UNLIMITED."


"FORC. UNLIMITED is the largest company in terms of manufacturing and making force fields."

So that's who my employer was. I'm pretty sure I read something around those lines but I didn't read properly.

"Thanks, I'll call you in an hour or hour and a half,"

I got out of the car and stretched my legs. Anya rolled down the window as I shut the door.

"Also, people around here don't like foreigners so don't act like one." She said in a smug voice.

Before I could answer her she stepped on the pedal and zoomed of.

At least there wasn't any dust or emissions that came out of the car.

I turned and headed towards the big mansion that blocked my vision.

This place was so big. I used my enhanced vision to see how big. There was a fence going on for at least 5,000m. If I had to make a rough estimate the house was 4000m2. It was bigger than I had anticipated but it was nothing new.

I Walked up to the giant gate that loomed over my short and tiny body. Before I reached the gate I hit my face on an invisible wall.


I put my hand out to feel what I had hit. 'I definitely looked like a blind man who lost his walking stick.' I thought to myself.

"Who are you?"

I looked around to see who was there.

"Whose there?"

"Down here, look at the intercom." I turned my gaze towards the intercom that was next to the gate. "what do you want?"

"I'm here from the T.K.S I'm here for the job."

The gate swung open. "Keep walking straight for one kilometre and then you will see the house." That was pretty far away considering how lazy I was. I reached into my shirt pocket and rummage around until I found what I was looking for.

A small pod no bigger than my hand. I double clicked a button and it turned into a hover board. I threw onto the floor but it levitated 30 cm of the ground. I got on it , leaned forward and moved on.


"Sorry, I forgot to deactivate the field." Came the voice from the intercom. "You can go in now."

I put my hands in front of me to see if they actually did. Turns out whoever it was actually did.

I rubbed my nose as the hover board gently carried me in. I pressed my right leg harder onto the front of the board and sped up. Right now, I was moving at 100km/h and I reached the mansion in a matter of seconds.

There were people waiting outside and upon closer inspection it turned out to be the maids and butlers. I slowed down and jumped of the board when it reached a suitable speed for me to jump of. I double tapped the board and it retracted into a pod even smaller than before but this time instead of putting it inside my shirt pocket I decided to put it in my ring.

I pried the diamond ring open and I put it in. I put the diamond back in its place. "Alright let's get to business. Where is the lady of the house?"

The maids and butlers were astonished. I could see that they had never seen pocket dimensional technology from the looks on their faces with their mouths forming an o shape.

The man who seemed like the head butler managed to regain focus "Follow me."

As I followed him, I looked around the mansion. There were so many sculptures. There were sculptures of gargoyles, sphinxes, naked woman and men without arms. The ceilings looked like church decorations. On the walls, pictures, portraits and famous paintings were there.

"Is that ... the Mona Lisa? Or is it a cheap imitation?"

"Everything you see here is authentic. There are over 100 sculptures and 82 paintings All those sculptures and paintings put together are worth over 10 billion us dollars."

"So ... is that like a lot? Can you convert that into pound sterling?"

The old man laughed and didn't say anything else. We walked in silence until we reached a door made of wood and marble. The handles were made of gold. He pulled open the door and allowed me to go first.

The room inside was big. The was a giant bed that was bigger than anything than i had seen. If I stepped on it I could run on it for a few seconds before I reached the edge. That's how big it was. A golden chandelier that was not stuck to the ceiling was revolving around the bed. There was a large sofa made from silk next to the window. The balcony door was open and fresh air was entering .

"Why are you late?" I turned my gaze towards the sound of the voice. There stood a tall lady with skin white as snow who stood at least 7 foot wearing a green mini dress. She wore a lingerie with matching high heels. The hair on her head was long and beautifully braided. She turned her attention towards me from the book she was reading. She walked away from the bookshelf that was behind her which filled the entire wall.

I raised my hand for her to shake as I smiled and said. "You must be the employer, right?"

please dont forget to add to your library . tell me how i did

Prince_Gogetacreators' thoughts