
Preparations for the Take Over

Hey Author here!

Yesterday, my new fanfic, Archon of Danmachi has come out! Please check it out.

That's all, enjoy your reading


"In light of this newly obtained information, I've decided to slightly alter my plans. While at first I was planning on crushing every single military force in the Land of Snow, I now have, other ideas."

Shiki said.

"May i ask what those ideas are?" Koyuki stood out and asked.

"But of course! After your uncle is dealt with, you'll be Daimyo so it's your right to want to know these things." Shiki answered.

Sandayu nodded behind Koyuki in an approving manner, Shiki's way of handling things and respecting his princesses' position were much to his liking.

"I'll ask an acquaintance of mine to deal with things on the Yukigakure side. It's clear that the village's higher ups are not very fond of Doto's administration and were only pushed towards it so I think my friend will be able to bring them around and let them see the light, so to speak."

'Hehehe . . . Yes indeed! A friend by the name of Reaper who has various ways of convincing them should they prove disagreeable. And he'll be sure to win over Fubuki before they reach Yukigakure of course!' Shiki thought to himself before continuing.

"This friend of mine will swing by in a flash and take Fubuki off our hands after which they will both head to Yukigakure while we'll take care of Doto and his forces." He declared.

"Shiki-kun?" Kakashi called out.

"Yes Kakashi-san?"

"I know you're the team leader but do think it's a good idea to do this? We're effectively assassinating a Daimyo and taking on an entire country by ourselves . . ." Kakashi advised.

Shiki merely shook his head.

"Nonono, Kakashi-san! We're not assassinating a Daimyo! We're liberating a country oppressed by a tyrant and returning it to its rightful heir, under the support of the people!" Shiki declared.

The more Sandayu heard Shiki's words the more he liked them and truly started appreciating the boy's views and opinion in regards to the Land of Snow.

Koyuki on the other hand saw through Shiki's manipulations but she was okay with them.

'He's going to avenge my father, return me his legacy and help secure the allegiance of Yukigakure for us. Sure, he's doing it to advance his own agenda but while the idiots around it can't see the personal benefit and think he's doing it for some just cause but he's made it obvious to me . . .'

'Even while explaining his plans, he's constantly sending teasing looks my way when the others are not paying attention. Shiki . . . He's tightening his web around me and the Land of Snow, all the while knowing that even if I know this, it's still in my best interest to cooperate . . .'

'What a guy . . .' Koyuki finished her thoughts with a small but genuine smile on her face.

'Maybe this kind of unfair bastard . . . Is not so bad for a woman like me . . .' She thought as a slight blush crept onto her cheeks until she found the man himself gazing in her direction with another teasing look as if he could read her like a book.

It honestly got her hot, maybe this was her type.

Truth be told, for a princess who has feared persecution her entire life, a guy with overwhelming power and who always seems to be in complete control was appealing indeed. The fact that he was doing a lot for her, even if he benefited from it also helped a great deal in stealing the girl's heart.

'Another one bites the dust!' Shiki thought as he observed Koyuki.

'Although she isn't quite completely into me, once I make good on my word, she'll be utterly mine.'

"As for the problem of facing a large number of enemy forces, the solution is simple. Although I played around with the three bozos a little too much, I can efficiently take out all of Doto's forces."

"That was the plan before but slaughtering a mass amount of Yukigakure-nin will probably reduce our chances for a good relationship so we'll do it like this . . ."

After putting Nadare and Mizore back into his Yominohana, Shiki then placed a Flying Raijin Mark on each of them before ordering them to report back to Doto.

With the time difference between Yomi and the mortal plane, Shiki had loads of time to improve his jutsu and develop new ones like his Water Style: Water Dragon Song. One improvement was a modification of the Flying Raijin Mark that allowed for him to use his White Eye Of the Kagura through it but with a massive decrease in range of only a Km or so.

"Since they are now marked, I can tell their position and surroundings as well as instantly teleport to their location. Once they report to Doto, I'll just teleport us to them and take him out. Once we have him, the other won't be able to fight back."

Once again Shiki's abilities left everyone dumbfounded. Kakashi in particular who recognised the jutsu the boy had used.

Fubuki was also shocked at such abilities which were hard to recognise as mere ninjutsu, making Shiki think.

'Yes, yes little kunoichi. It looks very appetizing, doesn't it? The power I have. Hehehe, maybe the Reaper will bring Haku just to show her what could be if she gives herself over to me . . . Hehehe~'

Shiki then made a shadow clone and took out a small boat from a storage scroll. He then proceeded to throw the boat into the water and took Fubuki onto it. They would wait for the Reaper to come while the rest would proceed to the Land of Snow on their current vessel.

While the main group made way for the Land of Snow at slow pace, waiting for Nadare and Mizore to reach Doto which would take a while, Shiki's shadow clone was with Fubuki on their boat waiting for the ship to make some distance so that the people on board couldn't see the Reaper and Haku who would be arriving through Flying Raijin as soon as the clone gave the signal.

A few seconds after the ship got out of sight, two figures appeared in a black flash surprising Fubuki. The shadow clone just released itself and so the Reaper accompanied by Haku were left alone with the Yukigakure-nin who wasn't quite sure on what to do before the two mysterious cloaked figures.

Shiki hand finally decided on a name for his organization along with all its affiliates to be under. Despite the fact that he already had a number of organizations and places under control, the original names were kept for the most part but now there would be a single unifying name for all of them and even an uniform for the main members.

In the future this name would be feared across the whole world and the uniform they were wearing would by a symbol of terror for all its citizens. This sort of distinct clothing would be normally used by members on high profile missions while they would exchange it for more common looking gear when undertaking secret tasks.

The name he chose was Mugetsu, meaning the moonless night. A fitting name for an organization meant to live in the shadows or at least he though so. As for the uniform, since all of the members have preferred clothing, he decided to make it something that can be worn over them, a cloak like the Akatsuki except better.

It was a fine piece of craftsmanship indeed. After stealing a sample of the corpse of Seimei, the greatest artisan and founder of the Takumi no Sato, Shiki extracted all of his forging techniques from his soul and used them for various purposes like upgrading his autonomous puppets as well as enhancing his subordinate's equipment.

He also started crafting a nice set of gear to use as Shiki since the Reaper could not use it effectively in order to take advantage of those kekkei genkai that require revealed skin. Obviously part of the gear that benefited from this were the hooded cloaks of Mugetsu and their signature masks modeled after Shiki's Reaper's Mask.

Said mask, besides being helmet shaped like Obito's war mask and being tremendously resistant to damage, it also served as a communication device that worked no matter the distance, achieved through seals. But was not all, also through fuinjutsu, Shiki put a form of genjutsu on the mask that artificially increased the fear of those who see it. Just like the existential dread caused by his own.

As a feature, Shiki bound Elemental Souls to the masks as well as a Pure Soul. The latter was for a one time use of the Soul Substitution Jutsu in case they perish while the others enhanced all ninjutsu, genjutsu and even physical ability for the case of the Yang Soul.

The cloaks on the other hand were made of a resistant fabric used in shinobi uniforms with specially refined chakra metal weave, sewn into it. It was still very light but incredibly resistant to any sort of attack physical or energy based. The knowledge of Seimei who created the Infinite Armor that could absorb chakra was also used making the cloak having the same effect.

Fuinjutsu was utilized to enhance both its resistance and absorption and and creating a storage function that allowed the weared to simply take out anything from under the coat and put it back seamlessly. The cloak could also release the absorbed chakra in a shockwave or refill the users reserves if need be.

Now, in full uniform, Reaper Shiki and Haku stood in front of a bound Fubuki.

"Alright little girl . . . Let's talk shall we."


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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