
The history of superman

Twenty four years ago.

Jonathan and Martha Kent finally could finally sit down. They spent the best part of an hour hiding the pod that Clark had come in. Martha was playing with the child as Jonathan was getting something to drink.

"So we will need baby food, extra clothing and diapers." Jonathan read off a list he made. Martha then realised something.

"Actually Mrs Lang left some here last time she was over. I'll just go and get them." Martha replied as she walk towards the cupboard. Jonathan still couldn't believe what had happened. He went from someone who couldn't give his wife a child, to becoming a father in one day. Was this a sign from God? Or were other forces at play?

Martha was carrying baby Clark, while trying to find the diapers. They had to be somewhere? Out of frustration the new mother bang the cupboard in frustration. Suddenly one of the cupboards legs snapped, the whole thing collapsed on the mother and child. Jonathan had heard the noise and rushed to investigate.

"Martha!" Jonathan shouted, as he arrived the young father was in total shock. The cupboard had fallen on his wife and child. Yet instead of it crushing them, the young baby was stopping the cupboard from falling on his mother. Neither of the Kents could quite believe what just happened.

"Jonathan. It's a miracle." When Jonathan moved the cupboard in its original position, he hugged his wife.

"Are you hurt?" Martha just laughed.

"I'm fine dear." She held baby Clark up in the air. "You are full of surprises. Yes you are!" Jonathan looked anxious. This child held many secrets, which he must discover.


8 years later.

Clark Kent walked the hallways of Smallville Elementary school. Clark didn't have many friends, he was an outcast. Clarks life had not been an easy one, he was constantly bullied by the other kids. Forced to endure the mental pain every day. Only a few ever helped him.

"Hey, Clark!" A voice shouted out. That voice belonged to one of Clarks only friends, Lana Lang.

"Hey Lana, how are you?" Clark asked her.

"I'm good thanks. Listen Clark I wanted to ask you something..." Before Lana could finish however the two of the found themselves looking at a boy named James. The kid was pinned to the wall by the class bully, Jeremy. "Let's go Clark." Clark however had other ideas.

"No!" The son of Jonathan and Martha Kent was angrier than he had ever been. "Let him go, Jeremy!" The bully turned his head round.

"Get lost Kent, this doesn't concern you." Jeremy spat at him.

"I'm not going anywhere. Clark said as Jeremy laughed."

"Oh and what are you gonna do?" Suddenly the bully dropped James, turned around and punched Clark in the face.

"Clark!" Lana screamed.

"Back off Girl!" Jeremy shouted as he kept punching the other boy. "Come on Kent, fight back!" The punches continued until Clark caught one of them. Jeremy was shocked as the farm boy crushed his hand.

"If you say so" Clark replied as he punched the bully about thirty metres down the hall. Then Clark realised what he had done. Everyone started to look at him with the same expression, fear. Even Lana couldn't hide that. Clark just looked at them all, and then ran.


Clark could hear his parents arguing in the other room. It was muffled but he knew it was about his actions earlier. After a couple of minutes his father came into the room, and sat on Clarks bed.

"We need to talk about this Clark." Jonathan told his son. Clark however was not interested.

"No we don't. I did what was right!" Clark stubbornly replied.

"We talked about this Clark! You have to keep these abilities a secret."

"Well what was I supposed to do? Just let him bully that kid?" Jonathan started to lose his temper.

"Jesus Clark, you sent that kid to the hospital." Clark started to cry as his father calmed down. "Look one day everyone will find out about your abilities, and when they do. It's going to change the world." Clark started to cry even more.

"I don't want to have these powers though. Look at me, I'm a freak!" Jonathan looked down as he realised he needed to correct a mistake.

"I think it's time I showed you the truth Clark." The two of them went to the Barn outside as they were joined by Martha.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked as her husband turned round.

"It's time." Jonathan whispered as they all went inside. "As I'm sure you have figured out now. Your mother never gave birth to you Clark." He started to open up a hatch below the floor. "We adopted you, not like every other parent though." Clark looked in amazement as he saw a pod."

"When we were driving this fell out of the sky. You we inside this." Clark looked at both of his parents with a sense of denial.

"Your the answer son. The answer to our we alone in the universe." Clark was just too shocked to even think anything. "The only other thing we found in here was this." Jonathan handed his son a medallion. This medallion was made out of some sort of metal. It also had the letter 's' on it. When Clark touched the medallion it started to light up as a holographic projection of someone.

"Hello there!" The man said as Clark walked a bit forward.

"Hi, who are you?" Clark asked as the man laughed.

"I am nobody, just an AI. However the man who's memories I have was called Jor El. He was your father." The three of them were all shocked as the man continued. "If it is more comfortable I could reset my settings to act more like him." Clark nodded as he decided to finally ask questions.

"I have so many questions. What is my name? Where am I from? Why do I have these abilities?" Jor el smiled at this.

"Of course. Your name is Kal El. As you have figured out you are not from this planet. You were originally from a planet named Krypton. I sent you here because our planet was to be destroyed. As for your final question. Your abilities come from what you call, the sun. It's ultra violet waves react to you kryptonian cells."

"So if your my father why didn't you come with me?" Jor El now looked sad.

"I tried. I only found out about the destruction of Krypton days before it actually happened. I only had enough time to make a pod for one."

"Why here though?"

"There was a reads I bought you to this planet. I needed to find a planet that was not yet corrupted, where there were people that would care for you. This planet, while not perfect has the potential. You will be a beacon, for all others to rally behind" Clark just ran outside not knowing what to think.

"That's a lot of pressure you have put on him." Jonathan said as Jor El looked at him.

"I know. I wanted to thank the both of you. You have been more of a parent to him than I ever could." Jor El replied as they both looked at each other.

"Clark has been the best son I could ever ask for." Jor El smiled

"Clark. Is that the name my son is known by?" The Kents both nodded. "It suits him. I must ask though, please. Never give up on my son. Even if he loses the will to do what is right, don't give up."

"Never." Martha said as the AI of Jor El disappeared.


Fifteen years later

As Clark rode on the train he had a look back on his rollercoaster of a life. He managed to keep his abilities a secret. So far he knew that he had flight, super strength, heightened hearing and increased sight. The Kryptonian had completed school and college. He was now living in the city of metropolis, and on his way to a job interview with the daily planet news. They were the biggest newspaper company in the entire city.

Clark got off the train and started walking to the Daily Planet. It didn't take him long to realise which building it was. Due to the giant metal planet on top, it stood out like a sore thumb. Despite having all of these abilities Clark actually lacked confidence. He tried not to get nervous, though with very little success.

Clark entered the building and after a minute chatting with the receptionist, he made his way upstairs. There he was greeted by a man with white hair. The man saw Clark and walked towards him.

"Hello, you must be Clark Kent right?" The man asked as he shook Clarks hand.

"That's right."

"Great, my name is Perry White. I'm the chief editor of the daily planet." Clark smiled.

"It's very nice to meet you." The two of them spoke some more. Clark felt like the interview was going very well. Slowly but surely the young man had started to gain some confidence.

"You know Kent, I really like you. By far, your the best person that had come into my office today. You're hired." Clark felt a sense of pride as he listened to Perrys words. "Come on I will show you around." The two of them looked around the place. Eventually they ended up in the main offices.

"So is this where I will be working?"

"Yes." Perry then called over a young man with ginger hair. "This is Jimmy Olsen. He will be your photographer." Clark shook hands with the young man."

"It's very nice to meet you. Clark Kent"

"Jimmy Olsen, it's a pleasure to meet you. Wow already got the job? Perry must really like you." Jimmy joked as Perry interrupted.

"Olsen, where's lane?" Perry asked the photographer. Yet was met with a shrug.

"Don't know, could be anywhere."


"Here!" A woman's voice called out. Clark looked over and was amazed with what he saw. A black, long haired woman was standing in front of him. She was a little shorter than the Kryptonian, with blue eyes and a wicked smile.

"Clark Kent, meet Lois Lane. She is our number one reporter in the entire building." Perry said as Lois laughed.

"Flattered." Lois replied as she looked at Clark. "So this is the man to replace that other guy."

"He had a name you know?" Lois just shrugged.

"Don't know. Don't care. Just stick with me Kent and you'll do just fine." Clark nodded, he then said his goodbyes and left with Perry escorting him.

"He seemed nice." Jimmy blurted out as Lois looked at him.

"Maybe. Let's wait and see." Lois replied.


One year later.

Clark had the weekend off, therefore he had decided to spend it on the family farm. His parents were having work done on the house. However instead of paying someone to do it, they just asked Clark instead. It felt like he had been chopping wood up for hours. Clark just managed to block out any distractions while he was doing it. Clark finished and went inside to his parents.

"I feel like I need three showers after that." Clark joked as Martha laughed.

"Same old Clark!" Jonathan said. Suddenly Clark heard something in the distance. It was a very long way away. Though with Clarks super hearing it felt a lot closer.

"You'll never be as strong as a Saiyan, kid." A man yelled as Clark looked confused

"What is it Clark?" The Kryptonian just ran out of the house and into the barn. His parents followed, and found him holding the medallion that was in the pod.

"What are you doing, Clark?" Martha asked, but got no reply. Clark activated the medallion. The hologram of Jor El appeared.

"Clark, it has been a long..." Jor El said before he was cut off by Clark.

"What is a Saiyan?" Clark loudly replied, Jor El looked shocked.

"Where did you hear that name?"

"Someone said it on earth." Jor El now had a worried look. "I knew this day would come." Jor El explained to the Kent family the history of the Saiyan and Kryptonian war.

"So what are they doing on earth?"

"I don't know. What ever it is though, I can not be good." Clark had decided what he was to do.

"I have to go stop them!" His three parents looked at him, all concerned.

"Clark, you can't!" Jonathan shouted. Clark was not interested though.

"What am I supposed to do!" Clark yelled even louder than his earth father. "If these Saiyans are half as bad as he said, then I have no choice. Jor El smiled he pointed at the pod, where a hatch opened reveal in a suit inside.

"I made this for you. Do not worry about the size, it stretches to fit everyone. The symbol was are family crest. On our world it meant hope. One day I hope it will mean the same for this planet." Jor El said as Clark tried it on. It was a blue one piece suit with a red cape. It had the symbol 'S' on it as well.

"You look wonderful Clark." Martha smiled as the Kryptonian just nodded.

"I will be back before you know it." Clark replied as he flew up into the air, hoping the Saiyans hadn't killed anyone yet.
