
The Unknown Attacker

Lara and Shawn had just killed someone and now they had started the game.

Lara: Shawn!! This is crazy. We killed a person and now his partner is gonna try to get us back.

Shawn: Lara calm down. Let's think about. We started the game. We killed someone and someone else is trying to kill us. If we try to find ourselves a strategy then hopefully we'll be able to survive.

Lara: Shawn, we have to get ourselves a place to live. We need to get far in away from people and build a shelter. I'm not sure how but we can try, right ?

Lara: I guess so. But, what about the shelter? It's gonna take so long and I don't even feel safe out here anymore.

Shawn: Lara. Let's go over to Dixie and Troy. Just one night. Please just this once for the night and then we'll leave. I promise.

Lara: Ok but, please, stay by me and don't move away.

Shawn kept his arm on Lara's shoulder and Lara hugged him tight. Shawn wrapped his arms around Lara and comforted her.

Shawn: I'm with you Lara. Don't worry about anything. We will make it out of here. Come on let's go find Dixie and Troy.

Dixie: We are right here Shawn.

Out of no where Troy an Dixie came out.

Troy: We thought it would be best to find you since it's almost the afternoon, maybe we should go hunt and share food.

Dixie: Actually, I already packed food and looks like Shawn did too.

Shawn: Well I mean, yeah, I do need to use this up. It's only good enough for one day so I guess tonight we'll be hunting.

Dixie: Come on Shawn, I'll show you our place.

Dixie yanked Shawn and two started off towards the shelter.

Troy: Lara? Come on let's go. You're coming too you know.

Lara: Yeah sure.

Troy: Follow me.

Troy walked in front and Lara followed soon they reached the shelter. Lara was surprised to see how big it was. All four of them could sleep peacfully in the night if they wanted to. Shawn and Dixie had already started a fire and were cooking steak and pieces of chicken. On the other side, Dixie had started another fire and was cooking canned soup for everyone.

There was a room type of structure and behind it was a small self made bathroom. Obviously, it wasn't that big like a regular bathroom but it was big enough to use. She went and sat beside Shawn as he cooked the meat. She gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and then wrapped her arms around him. He wrapped an arm from the front and sent a kiss on her cheek as well.

Shawn: Lara, how do you find the place?

Lara: Not bad. Not bad at all.

Dixie: The truth is that we only fixed the walls and built the little bathroom. The rest of it was already here.

Lara: I thought so. You don't have the brains to build anything near this anyways.

Dixie: Very funny. At least be appreciative for the little bathroom just like Shawny. He complimented it the moment he saw it.

Lara: Shawny? Seriously?

Lara looked over at Shawn with a confused and frustrated look.

Shawn: Lara. Relax babe. I don't know anything about it.

Lara: Dixie, don't call him that. His name is Shawn and it stays that way.

Dixie: Fine. Whatevs. Anyways, let's start eating. I'm starving.

Come on Shawn. Let's eat.

Lara absolutely hated the way Dixie kept approaching Shawn.

So, she decided to keep him to herself for a bit.

Lara: Well Dixie, me and Shawn will be back here in a bit. We decided to go on a roam together. We aren't that hungry but, Troy is. So since you guys are hungry, eat up and we'll have lunch once we're back. Come on Shawn.

Shawn: See you guys later.

Dixie did not have a pleasant look on her face. Lara could tell that Dixie was trying to stay close to Shawn because he is so attractive and Shawn just didn't figure that out yet.

Lara and Shawn walked further from the base and captured the scenery to remember the way back. They decided to walk in a straight line so that they wouldn't get lost.

Shawn: Lara, weren't you hungry ?

Lara: Were you? I wasn't.

Shawn: Oh please, of course you are it's just you wanted to make Dixie doesn't come too close to me.

Lara: Well then, if you've figured that out then why didn't you figure out to stay away from her ?!

Shawn could see the upset look on Lara's face. He didn't want her to be upset so he decided to be the good guy.

Shawn: Ok. My bad, I'll stay away from her. Why do I need her anyways. I've got a girl anyways.

Lara blushed and gave Shawn a hug. As she turned and rested her chin on Shawn's shoulder, she saw someone standing with a gun. This time, it was an unknown person. Lara was quick. When the person pulled the trigger, Lara yanked Shawn and the two fell to the ground and the bullet missed them just by a second. Shawn looked over to see who was there but there was no one.

Shawn: Are you ok?

Lara: I'm ok. Let's go back to the shelter.

The two ran as fast as they could. When the two reached they saw that Troy was laying on the floor bleeding from his shoulder. Dixie was trying to treat the wound. Lara screamed and kneeled next to Dixie.

Lara: What happened ?!!!

Dixie: Some girl showed up and shot him !!!

Lara: A girl ? Me and Shawn almost got shot too but it was guy.

Dixie began to wrap the wound as she had managed to remove the bullet. While doing this, she spoke with Lara.

Dixie: Do you know what that guy looked like ?

Lara had completely forgot. She never thought about what the attacker looked like. But, the truth was that she didn't remember a thing. The only thing she remembered was that the attacker was a guy and he had a gun in his hand. She decided to ask Shawn.

Shawn was making soup for Troy. He was cooking the canned soup. Lara got up and sat beside Shawn.

Lara gave him a kiss on the cheek and rubbed her hand on his back. He wrapped an arm around Lara and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Lara looked back a saw how Dixie was staring at them in a strange way. She ignored Dixie.

Lara: Shawn? Do you remember anything about the attacker?

Shawn: All I remember is that the guy had purplish hair.

Lara didn't remember anything about the attacker but, she did remember that this morning when all the teams gathered, there wasn't a single person with purple hair.

Lara: But, when we all gathered with the teams, there wasn't a single person with purple hair.

Shawn: Don't think about it much babe.

Lara: Babe ?

Shawn gave Lara a kiss on her cheek. They exchanged a smile and then Lara got up and knelt down next to Dixie. She was sitting next to Troy while he slept.

Lara: Is he ok?

Dixie: Yeah. He's good now.

Lara: You're lucky he doesn't cheat anymore.

Dixie: Oh please. He's the best. Maybe that's why you're so jealous that I didn't tell you about us. Don't worry, no need to apologize.

Just hearing this made Lara snap.

Lara: What are you talking about? He cheated on me with not only girls but gay people. Why would you even wanna date someone like Troy? And why would I be jealous anyways? You're the jealous one. You're so jealous that I have Shawn, aren't you?!!!!

Dixie: You know what Lara? You should really stop playing the victim all the time. We have been best friends for so long, there is no need hide anything from me.

Lara: Well, you hid from me as well. Didn't you Dixie?

Shawn saw as the two quarreled. He ran towards them to break the fight.

Shawn: Dixie. Lara. Break it up you two. Seperate!!!!!!

The two completely ignored Shawn. The fight had now became violent. The two were striking each other with their fists. Dixie picked up a rock and hit Lara. Lara began to bleed from her forehead. At that moment, Troy got up and saw what happened. Together, Shawn and Troy seperate the two. Lara fell to the ground in pain.

Apparently, none of Lara's strikes hit Dixie but, Dixie injured Lara horribly. Dixie was stilll standing and threw another rock and this time it went crashing into her stomach. She screamed in pain. Troy got up and slapped Dixie.

Dixie was angry with the fact that Troy has slapped her. She ran off into the woods. Troy ran behind her. Shawn began to treat Lara's wound her forehead with the left over supplies from the aid Dixie used to treat Troy.

But , now it was time to figure out who this new attacker was. And why was he or she after them? The unknown attacker.

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