
Chapter I: The Fifty Million Dollar Check

1: The Fifty Million Dollar Check

Her eyes widened and carefully stared at the check that fell from the envelope. Yes without a doubt her full name was written on it Caelyne J. Feiriche. Not missing a single letter although her name was often misspelled by others. She felt that someone was really messing with her but she cleared the thought when she checked the surroundings.

No one even paid attention to her. Even Elise returned to her seat after reading the absurd letter. She paid no mind to it and felt that Caelyne was overreacting, when she heard the latter gasped in astonishment. Elise did not notice the check that fell from the envelope.

Uncertain of what to do she looked at the check if it was a fraud. Scanning and editing stuff are nothing new nowadays, it may not be authentic at all. She kept her doubt within herself, not mentioning this even to her best friend Elise unless and until she had the check authenticated.


Lunch time came and the two girl went to the Cafeteria to order something to eat.

Elise chatted non-stop as if she is doing a monologue since Cae only replied with "hmm, yeah, ughh, then?"

Her friend already forgotten the letter she had found on her table.

"Your order Miss? Miss Cae?"

The old women smiled and patiently waited for Caelyne to speak.

"Hey, Cae, Nanang is asking you what do you want?" Elise nudge her friend when the latter didn't speak when asked by the food server.

She snapped out of trance and pointed out the food.

"Caldereta and 1 rice" she motioned one using her index finger.

She received her order and mechanically went to the other side to pick up the spoon and fork after paying the cashier.

Elise followed her and wondered why her friend acts weirdly today.

"Are you still thinking of the letter you found on your table?" Elise asked in surprise. She know Caelyne would not be bothered by it even if another ten weird letters came. She felt that something else bothered her friend but still asked about the letter.

"Ughh, sort of." Caelyne truthfully answered but she no longer elaborated her answer.

Being a chatterbox Elise continued to ask, "How can it be? You of all people would fell for such a petty trick?". Caelyne has thought so too however, the 50 Million dollar is truly appealing and nerve racking for a person like her who can be considered as a disposable employee.

Caelyne just shook her head and instead of thinking too much she changed the topic.

"By the way, how's your relationship with Warren?"

whenever Elise's boyfriend would be mentioned it is as if there is a switch that would be mysteriously opened and her chatterbox friend could talk non stop for a whole period of 2 hours.

Until now, Caelyne is being amazed by this friend's skill.

Elise talked about random stuff that they did the past week, not missing a single detail.

"I told you last Friday that we would climb Mt. Apo this coming Saturday right? I am going to book tickets want to come with us?"

"And be your certified third wheel? Thanks, but no thanks." Caelyne chuckled at the thought that she would die from drinking too much vinegar on that trip. Although both couples were both her college friends and her best buds she opted not to join some of their trips to give them more time to spend with each other. Besides, she believes that life is too short so live it while it lasts.

They returned to their respective booths and finished their work. Soon, it was already time to go home.

Caelyne prepared her things and bid goodbye to Elise since she was going to board the bus to catch it on time while Elise is often fetched by her boyfriend, Warren.

As Caelyne walked along the streets she felt that someone is tailing her. She looked at the back but failed to catch anything unusual so she continued walking, brushing off the weird feeling of being stalked. It was already six o'clock in the evening and the street lights went on. She felt relaxed on having the street's lights on, "At least it was no longer dark" she thought.

Although the time was supposedly a rush hour the number of people found on the street are very few. She only passed before a street vendor and some pedestrians like her rushing to get their own rides home. Usually, Caelyne would not be bothered by the people around her. She always take a 15 minute walk from her office to the bus station and vice versa it is all normal for her. Except for today, the feeling of being followed is something she cannot shake off at the back of her mind. She tried to look as calm and as composed as possible while she survey the surroundings from any potential threats. In a distance she saw the alleyway she often used to take a shortcut to the bus terminal. She contemplated 'How many minutes would it take me to dash from here towards the end of the alleyway? I think I could make it in 5 minutes, if I walk- No, run.. I should run real fast, it will only take a minute to cross that alleyway if I run.'

The feeling of someone's following her kept ringing in her mind. She calculated that if she do not take the shortcut she would miss her bus and will need to wait for another hour. While walking, she decided to take the shortcut even if it is dark and there was no one else on the alleyway. She look around one last time and when she found no one, she tried to walk fast and somehow sprinted through the alley. When she was about to exit the creepy alleyway 'as she thought for the first time' she felt someone brushed past her.

Caelyne subconsciously looked back only to find a big white envelope as if it has just fallen a few seconds ago, more than a meter away from her. 'Was that envelope there when she was running?'

It was dark but the color of the white envelope has a luster which seems to shine in that dark alleyway.

Truly, curiosity can kill the cat one day. Caelyne's curiosity was piqued as she tried to go back to get the envelope, since it was only a meter away from her. The envelope, to her surprise, has her name on it on the lower right part which says "Property of Ms. Caelyne Feiriche".

'What is wrong with envelopes today? Why do they keep on appearing anywhere bearing my name?!?!'

The envelope was in the size of a long bond paper which perfectly fits in her backpack. Inside it was a flat smooth board and a pen like thing but has no ink.

"What is this?" she asked, as if someone would answer her. The flat board seems to be thin but sturdy at the same time.

The place where she exited was full of life as many people come and go to shop, dine or to get on with their rides. Many food stalls littered the streets which makes the ambiance light and happy. Who would frown to foods anyways? Caelyne is now only a few meters away from her bus stop. She still have few minutes to spare and decided to buy some bread for their breakfast.




The sound of a breaking glass was heard upon her arrival at her home.