

I love bananas , I love lemons, I love fruits , no I don't, I think my gay, maybe bisexual, or just straight, I love black , but pink too, I'm always mad and sad too, I think I'm fat and too short , maybe too dark , I hate my kink hair maybe not , I want to be a doctor or lawyer or actor maybe singer? Or a dancer , hmm I DO NOT KNOW!!! but all I know is I'm young ,I still have time.

Everyone seems to have their life figured out, they know what they live for , what they want or who they are . I don't, I feel so left behind, I try every time to catch but each time I take 2 steps forward life pushes me 10 steps back. I don't know much about myself but I know for sure that I will speak my mind , voice out my views, state my opinions, I know for sure that when I speak everybody listens . Mama called me the voice of the voiceless cause I stand my ground and stick to what I believe in no matter what .