
The Journey Starts in Doupo Cangqiong

FallenAngelSXS · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

Mittel Auction House

"Xun'er, who is he? I think he's a little familiar but that's all." Xiao Yan said after Xue Feng left.

"That's Xue Feng, the one who fought you three months ago and seriously injured you, I taught him a lesson, I didn't expect him to change that much after that." Xiao Xun'er replied, there was a kind of pride in his voice.

"Xun'er, I was the one who challenged him and lost, you shouldn't have gone to him for trouble, now he probably thinks I'm trash that doesn't know how to lose, everyone thinks that." Xiao Yan said dejectedly, he was also surprised by Xue Feng's changes but this was not greater than his difficulties.

Xiao Xun'er just kept silent, she had nothing to say, she acted mindlessly in anger and attacked Xue Feng, resulting in Xiao Yan's bad reputation getting even worse.

And worse than that, she knows she provoked someone she shouldn't, even if she is the daughter of an Ancient clan they won't get into mere fights between the younger generation, meaning that as long as Xue Feng's revenge doesn't threaten her life , no one will intrude.

This clearly worried Xiao Xun'er a little, but because of Xiao Yan, the current Xue Feng could kill him with just one punch, she just thought of a way to remedy that, Ling Ying could kill him under her orders. , but both would be punished if the Gu clan knew, this is the arrogance of the fort, they disdain to act against the ants.

Meanwhile Xue Feng just wandered around the region controlled by the Xiao family, there were many types of shops and stalls, one stall in particular caught his attention, as he approached the stall Xue Feng saw a small piece of rusty iron and beside it an old woman sword.

"Hello sir, how much would this sword and this piece of rusty iron cost?" Xue Feng politely said to the stall owner.

The middle-aged man was a bit stunned by the young man's unusual appearance, not that he liked men, but just by the incommunicable hair color of the young man in front of him, he then said:

"Hello young man, well this sword costs 50 gold coins, and this piece of scrap iron I will just give to you."

"Closed, here they are." Hearing the seller's response Xue Feng didn't want to waste time and quickly paid and took the things, as soon as he touched the piece of iron the voice of the system rang in his ears.

*Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the low-level Xuan rank technique Suction Palms.*

*Ding: Congratulations to the host for subverting the plot by taking one of Xiao Yan's initial chances, the host received 5000 system points and a chance to play the system lottery.*

'So I really got it right, I wasn't sure but that's it.' Xue Feng secretly thought as he walked away.

"System, learn the Suction Palms technique!"

*Ding: Low level Xuan rank skill Suction Palms successfully learned, 2000 system points deducted.*

Suction Palms is a slightly peculiar skill compared to others, it is perfect for catching strangers by surprise as it pulls the target to its user, but that's all, but even so Xue Feng is satisfied, this skill could be worth a few hundred thousands of gold coins were auctioned at Mittel Auction Houses.

Xue Feng went to a Tea House and asked for a closed room where he also ordered a pot of tea and some snacks. After relaxing a bit Xue Feng bought a blank parchment from the system and a brush, after which he started writing the details of the Suction Palms technique a few minutes later and it was ready.

Xue Feng spent a total of two hours in the tea house, after paying 10 gold coins he left, he went towards the Mittel Auction Houses, after a few minutes he was already in front of the entrance.

Xue Feng entered without any problems, although there were two guards at the entrance it is common sense that no one would dare to make trouble at Mittel Auction Houses.

After entering Xue Feng came across a huge hall where there were several counters, there were a total of three employees to serve anyone who came and both attendants were young and beautiful girls, Xue Feng went to the girl on the left side.

"Hello guest, my name is Wen Shan, what can Mittel Auction Houses do for you?" Before Xue Feng could say anything, the girl's sweet voice rang out.

"I would like to sell a low-level Xuan sorting technique, would Mittel Auction Houses be interested?" Xue Feng asked.

"That... Guest, I will take you to the person responsible for evaluating this kind of thing, please accompany me." The girl kindly replied and then left the counter, Xue Feng just followed her in silence, he already expected something like this.

Soon they reached the second floor, the girl then knocked on one of the doors, a few seconds later and the door was opened, two people came out, a middle-aged man and a beautiful young woman.

"Xiao Shan, why did you come to this old man?" The first to speak was the middle-aged man, for him time was money.

"Elder Gu Ni, this guest wants to sell us a low-level Xuan ranking technique, I brought him to you for you to evaluate the technique." Wen Shan replied, only then did Xue Feng know who the old man was and was sure who the beautiful woman next to him was.

"Hmm right, you did well, please accompany me young man, Xiao Shan you can go back to your post." The old man responded naturally and dismissed the girl, Xue Feng then entered the room and removed the scroll before Gu Ni even invited him to sit down.

Upon picking up the Gu Ni technique he immediately realized that it was a freshly written scroll, he narrowed his eyes and continued to check, a younger evaluator would just kick out Xue Feng even before reading the scroll's contents, but Gu Ni is different, he is experienced and has seen many things throughout his life.

After five minutes Gu Ni finally finished his assessment.

"Young man, your technique despite being newly written is legitimate, could I ask the young man who wrote it?"

Gu Ni suddenly said, the technique was legitimate, meaning that only a master could write it and he wanted to know about such a master.

"Elder Gu Ni, do you want to acquire this technique or not? Its origins are beyond question." Xue Feng replied a little impatiently, which would be the normal reaction of anyone who had the origins of their assets questioned.

Seeing this Gu Ni just nodded, he understood that he had run over the ethics of commerce.

"Young man, can the old man ask your name?" Gu Ni asked politely.

"My name is Xue Feng, I am a Disciple of the Xiao family." Xue Feng after thinking for a while just replied, there was no reason to lie.

"Are you really Xue Feng? You look completely different from when we met several months ago." At that moment the woman who had been silent until then spoke.

"Did Miss Ya Fei really pay attention to a single disciple? And I don't blame her for not recognizing me, I had an accident three months ago, in that accident I also had some opportunities, that's all."

Xue Feng replied, he was really surprised, there were no memories about interacting with her before, which means that this woman pays attention to everything and everyone around her, as a business woman should be.