

In an alley, we come across the mc in a brawl.

*swoosh* *boom*

the mc sends someone flying into a wall. We can see(use your imagination) a couple of bodies of the ground.

Mc: Wow, you guys are really a bore. I get more of a rush fighting my younger brother, and this is a 5v1. You guys are really a**. He says with a sinister grin.

All of a sudden, a female student comes running into the alley with a furious look.

???: Manick, why can't you stop fighting with people. she yells ferociously.

Manick: Come on, babes, no need to yell. Besides, I was just playing with them, so it's not like I was planning on killing 'em, so just chill. Little did he know that it would only infuriate his beloved even more.

???: That's not the point here idiot you were moved here so you wouldn't cause trouble anymore.

All of a sudden, a blur rushed towards Manick, ramming a fist into his stomach and sent him flying into the wall. After successfully catching him off-guard, the unknown firgure placed a gun on his forehead.

Manick/???: F**ck off!!/Let him go! they screamed at the figure in pure rage

???: Come on, little bro and Lucia, there is no need to yell at me like that you're gonna make me cry *sniff**sniff**sniff* as she said that she had crocodile tears.

Manick/Lucia: Sis/Jasz !!

Jasz: Hello, lovebirds having a lover's quarrel?

Lucia: Manick has gotten into another fight again

Manick: Snitch

Suddenly a burst of killing intent spreads through the air, lowering the temperature in the atmosphere.

Jasz: Seems like you need to be taught a lesson.

Manick: Oh, F**k!!

Feelling the imminent danger Manick makes like a tree and leave as he is running could've of sworn he heard his sister cocking her guns. he decided that he needed a place where he can hide. As he continued to run he came across some woods.

Manick: Hmm this may be the best place to hide but I'm not sure it's wise after all this isn't some white horror movie so I'm just going to look somewhere else.

Next, as if the heavens were against him, he felt as his soul was being called towards the forest. So even though he is extremely reluctant to go he decided against it.

*an hour later*

As our mc is walking he suddenly feels a suction dragging him and suddenly he falls into a void.

Manick: what the f**k just happened.

As he was surveying his surroundings, he saw ten people looking at him as if he was their prey.

???: yo kid you're late. They all said mysteriously.