
Chapter 7

Ca'en stopped moving and stared at the young man. He had slick eyes, a well defined jaw bone ,wide shoulders, Reddish hair that reached his shoulders and blemish free skin. He was what was considered a prince charming so much so that even Ca'en felt a hint of jealousy save for that reeking stench of arrogance and privilege.

Ca'en ended up shaking his head when the thought of jealousy struck him 'Heii... I thought I was impervious to such feelings but I guess the real deal is still the real deal eh..?' and was just about to leave when the youth blocked him noticing how he was shaking his head.

"Don't you have something you should be saying before you leave?" there was a sneer on his face.

"Oh what should I be saying?" Ca'en asked with a little playful cunning.

"You should be apologizing for holding up this great ones time" he declared loudly causing all attention to be on the 2 of them.

"Hey isn't that Mannie from the Ardvious family?"

"Shit it's true"

"Poor guy..."

"Who's that?"

"You don't know? We're all commoners but we at least in the know! That's Mannie, 3rd in the elite class and a big bully. He looks for trouble any chance he gets and gets away with it because he is from the 3rd strongest Family in Murk City. I can bet that guy did nothing wrong but still got picked on" the other explained.

'So it's the type that gets off on bringing others down eh' Ca'en thought.

"Tsk" Ca'ens undisguised disgust rung out clearly as he shoved him aside and walked away.

"You dare!" this was the first time someone showed complete disregard for him much less after hearing about his family name causing him to lose face. Mannie couldn't keep it in and charged at Ca'en with a fist to the back of the spine 'This will teach you!' he sneered viscously but something unbelievable happened next.

His fist suddenly lost all power within 2cm of hitting Ca'en and dropped as if they suddenly had a thousand weights placed on them.

[Origin Arts: Total Suppression! Lv 1 (Any form of combat targeted towards host that is below the hosts Lv will immediately be nulled within a 2cm radius.)]

That's right, this is the O.P skill he got a few hours back! It was this O.P because it was the product of over thousands of combat arts combined and refined by the system but it also had a downside that it used 1000 units of energy and he had to read at least 10 000 books to level it up and it would activate on its own but it was worth it.

Mannie kept on using all the combat arts he knew but it was all the same. It became useless just as it was about to hit making him look like a clown causing the crowd to snicker.

They couldn't help it, it looked like a Skit and knowing that Mannie was being serious just made it worse.

"You forced me to do this!" reddened with shame and humiliation, he turned completely hostile and even forgot the rule of fighting outside the combat hall which also had another name, Grudge haljl.

"Fire Spear!" he bellowed as he swiftly took out a grey wand and chanted causing a 1m long spear made of fire to appear above his head and shot forward.

"Is he crazy? Not even nobles can get away with breaking the rules at the academy" one of the cadets exclaimed.

The explosion that should've happened didn't happen as the Fire Spear flickered to a stop right in front of Ca'en and bend its body as if paying respects to the king.

"What happened?" the crowd was bewildered including Mannie, he was trying to force it through when he felt the connection to the Fire Spear severed and the spears module break up causing him backlash as some blood escaped from his mouth.

"Using anything fire related in front of me is just stupid, don't you know you'll make it angry?" Ca'ens calm voice suddenly filled the hall.

"Tsk" he merely shook his head and watched as the fire whirlpool that had been calm for a long time suddenly acted up turning into a mini fire dragon in the whirlpool and snorted in destain as if to mock Mannie and infused its own power into the spear causing it to grow to 3ms and spiral rapidly.

Mannie started panicking at the shear force he felt from the spear, his previous arrogance disappeared. "What are you trying to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know it's against Academy rules to fight outside the hall of combat?" Mannie asked with his confidence returning when he thought of a way out and a smug look returned to him causing the cadets to to shiver at his shameless behavior.

"You're misunderstanding something here" Ca'en replied a a smile that bloomed brightly causing everyone to be stunned, "I haven't done anything. Remember it was you who attacked me and I haven't even done anything to retaliate, it just seems to me that you lost control of your magic and causing it to attack you" the last sentence sounded so cold and emotionless that it send a wave of shivers down the cadets spines.

The Fire Spear as if to prove Ca'en right suddenly shot forth so fast that no one saw it move and the next second there was an agonizing scream as Mannie watched his arm and wand being burned into disintegration from his shoulder and scatter into ash.

"Oh dear, you shouldn't try to use magic above your ability just look at what it cost you. Well this is none of my business so goodbye" Ca'en seriously turned and left shamelessly as if this situation had nothing to do with him.

'You want to be shameless? Fine! I know it too!' Ca'en and shamelessness were old friends as he had to beg most times in the past so he didn't have the concept of shame in his mind anymore, Can Shame fill your plate? No!

'This was a very busy first day' As Ca'en fell asleep.

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"What did you just say?!" A strong man with a well trimmed and ruggedly handsome face bellowed.

"Find out who that boy is that he dares to touch my son and crippled him in this Murk City!" he slammed his palm on the aged strong wooden table causing a deep palm print to emerge on it with its edges burned.

The attendants shivered as the magical pressure finally vanished and they scurried away to find out Ca'ens background.

🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

Ca'en woke up 2 days later and felt like he had a huge hole in his stomach from not having eaten anything for 2 days. He didn't need to eat in his winged form but he had to eat when he was in human form and probably only had to eat once in a year because he was a transcendent human.

He took his plate filled with unfamiliar vegetables and sat down to eat, the food was not really that bad.

He was indulging himself when he noticed all the strange gazes at him but no one was whispering about anything so he had no idea of what was going on so he merely shrugged it off and decided to head out of the academy grounds into the city to explore.

The sun was shinning its last red golden beams with the night sky slowly peaking over the horizon and the city was starting to breathe in a different kind of life, the life that only the night could offer.

Nothing was really different from Ca'ens time once you looked past all the flashy technology. Women still looked wonderful and hot blooded men were still trying to get laid.

Ca'en was busy admiring the various sights when he noticed a corner that had magic power fluctuating abnormally from one of the Alleys and he ended up going to it without much thinking.

The fluctuations were caused by some kind dome like thing that was distorting the space around it.

[Discovered Barrier, Low level Mortal Grade. Do You Wish To By Pass It? Y /N]

'Tsk, what a low level thing' Ca'en ended up sneering in destain. Although he was no expert in barriers and never created one before, he was confident he could at least create a High grade Mortal Level Barrier without using Magic Crystals and Point Finders.

There are 3 tiers of to barriers, Mortal, Sky and Celestial. With low being the weakest and peak grade being the highest. There were different kinds of barriers ranging from Illusion barriers to Space Time Barriers.

'Now why would someone set up an isolation barrier here? ' Ca'en thought as even setting up a simple barrier was similar to burning money.

Ca'en immediately phased through the barrier and the next moment his face turned extremely ugly looking like an Asura.

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"Damn it!" the little boy cursed as he ran, he had been running almost 2 hours with his already weak and starved body.

Dysta had been living in the slums of this city that looked so shiny, in the darkest corners where just getting by was so bad that parents wouldn't hesitate to sell their children for a piece of bread no matter how stale it was.

His parents dumped him in the slums to fend for himself when he was only 3 and he lived there for 2 years when he found a 3 year old girl who was skinnier than he was, Depho. She wore nothing but what could be considered a mere rag and had dead eyes.

He handed her a piece of bread he had stolen and she had been following him since then like a shadow. Be it night or day, when he went begging or did unfair work that could be considered slavery. Heck she would even wait just outside the door when he shat and would anxiously start calling out his name if he stayed in too long without any movement.

She eventually became the reason he lived and he the reason for her otherwise they might have died long ago.

He would scavenge from the danger magic dumps and sell what was sell able and create little life saving gadgets with what he could for Depho and himself as he started noticing that she might invite trouble with that beautiful face even though you could only notice it when you looked past all the dirt and unkempt mess she was.

Dysta went to go buy a loaf of bread and soup and that's where all this trouble started. A handsome man offered to pay for his meal, even buying extra forcefully while Dysta was refusing. He wanted to refuse but accepted when he thought of Depho besides, the handsome man didn't look like a bad person and he even transferred 10 000 credits to Dysta. An amount he had never seen before that forgot all about his normal caution and dined with the man when he asked.

Dysta ate more than his fill and was about to leave with the Doggy bag that he took for Depho when the handsome and kind man said he had a dish that he would really like Dysta to try and ordered, there was a subtle hand gesture he made that normally would have gone unnoticed but growing up in the dangerous slums taught you to be vigilant of every movement so that gesture was immediately caught by Dysta and he immediately knew something was wrong.

He immediately started feigning an upset stomach and went to the toilet but he noticed he was being followed and that confirmed that the handsome and kind man was definitely no saint so he jumped through the window and ran.

He had run for quite some time before he was sure he wasn't being followed and stopped to rest for about 15mins and started to walk again when he noticed something was off.

The Alleys were always silent as all kinds of underworld activities took place here but it was just too quiet, having a bad hunch, he picked up the pace and started taking irregular routes to shake off whoever was still following him when he an exit he could take.

'Good! I can lose them in the crowd!' he thought as he rushed for the exit.

But for some reason, the more he got close to the exit the further away it seemed causing Dysta to run in panic, he was just about to exit to the light when the exit would infinitely stretch out.

Dysta ran and ran until he could no longer that he fell down without even being able to move a muscle anymore. He had forced himself to use more energy than he had ever used in his young life because his gut was yelling at him to not fall into the hands of whoever was chasing him and he was right for the voices he heard next send shivers down his spine.

"Hey hey now lad, you can't just be running away without even saying thank you when someone buys you food now can you?"

"Kekeke... Yes, you made the master very angry you know" another creepy voice sounded.

"Stop playing around, the master said to bring him back to the mansion. Hurry and pick him up" the leaders spoke. There were 4 men in total, Dysta had seen 2 by the Handsome mans side but he didn't know the other 2. They 2 wore standard white guard uniforms that only nobles guards could wear and the newcomers wore black mage robes with white edges showing that they were employed by nobles and each one of the 4 had a golden white star on their right chests signifying that they were one star elites. The guards were Magic Swordsmen.

One of the mages stood in front of Dysta and was about to cast a sleep spell when Dysta suddenly moved like a wounded animal and kicked hard at Mages groin causing the mage to slump with a stretch as Dysta tried running away before one of the guards suddenly appeared by his side and tripped him up.

"Chuttle, I always tell you to be vigilant but you never listen" the guard spoke.

"Shit! Hold him down! I had to use 30 fucking Magic Crystals to set up this fucking barrier and it eats an extra crystal every 5 minutes but this little shit is trying to make things worse for me" Chuttle dragged his body from the ground to the boy and undid his robe, pulling out his ugly member.

"Ugh Chuttle, don't do such disgusting things here" the other mage spoke.

"Just fucking hold the boy down, it's not going to make any difference whether or not he sucks it now or later. He'll still come to me after the master is done with him anyway!"

The others were disgusted by what they just heard because they knew it was true and felt pity as they held Dysta to the ground. They knew he was going to be broken by their lord but could do nothing as they had signed a lifetime contract with him and had to do as they were told.

Chuttle brought his ugly shriveled looking member and forced it into Dystas mouth while he was struggling and felt a perverted satisfaction when he felt the boys saliva on his ugly thing and the tongue trying to push it out made him feel bliss full.

'God or even the Devil! Help me! I'm willing to sell my soul to you if you would just help me! I have never complained about the hand dealt to me, this is all I ask. I still have Depho to look after! What about her God?!' He prayed trying to hold on to any last thing he could as his mouth was continuously violated but no answer came. God and even the devil had abandoned him.

Dysta was crying with despair as he couldn't believe what was happening to him when a sudden surge of determination rose from the depths of his soul.

'You want to use me? Fine! But you will pay a price even if I die! I'm sorry, Depho..." Dysta knew that his ending won't be pretty and he accepted it but the only regret he felt was leaving Depho behind in this ugly world.

He calmed himself down and bit down hard with a cold determination as he spat the dong out and laughed like a maniac as blood dripped from the corners of his lips.

"Aaaahhh Ahhhhh! My dick" Chuttle shrieked as he covered his crotch and the others became stunned.

They would have never thought that such a fragile and naive looking kid could have the guts to do something this vicious.

"I'll kill you!" Chuttle became deranged and rushed forward to strangle Dysta to death when his head suddenly slid from his neck stunning everyone.

Chuttles deranged look was frozen still as his eyes turned grey. The others immediately took on defensive stances with the Swordsman in front and the mage behind.

"People like you don't deserve to live" a cold voice resounded as if death itself spoke.

Black Feathers started to fall softly as a figure appeared with the moon as his clothing.

It's wings shone with a metallic black stretched out as if the coming of the a majesty. It's black skin radiated a silver dark hue swallowing the moonlight as if that was a domain it could not enter. The figures eyes were an abysmal black with no white and red flames flickering about as if a gate way to hell.

Dysta was as stunned as he was marveled, "Beautiful... I can't believe the devil answered me" all he could do was look up to it.

The voice then declared in a steely voice, "and I'm here to deliver it to you"

Next chapter