
Chapter 4

Murk Academy.

It was a beautiful looking building with 5 floors and an area that span around a km and was sitting right in front of the sunrise with the material made of some kind of white alloy and symbols beautifully carved in like a work of art. Most wouldn't even know that that beautiful looking art is actually magic symbols for protecting, attacking or secluding but Ca'en knew it the moment he saw it.

He was able to understand what it was, how to make them and what to do to make them ineffective but he merely shrugged it off.

There were children from all walks of life that had gathered here.

Some wore luxurious robes made of fine material while others wore simple unadorned clothing with some even wearing what could be considered nearly rags.

This 2 sides of society naturally formed separate groups with each forming smaller clicks within.

The Luxury wrapped would look at others with disdain and indifference while the simple wrapped would look at them with envy and longing.

There was a 5m wide gap between the two groups so imagine the confusion the groups felt when they saw Felicia walking in with an undisciplined, lazy looking guy with a sickly complexion. Much less walking slightly behind him making it seem like he was of higher standing than her!

'Well this is a bit awkward...' Ca'en thought as he felt all those inquiring eyes.

He was just about to ask what he was supposed to do when a young man almost as tall as him walked right passed, ignoring him as if he didn't exist and spoke to Felicia.

"Great magician, it is a pleasure to see you again. Please come this way" he gestured to the side where the luxurious dressed children were standing.

'Magician? ah I see... Earth really has changed hmmmm.' Ca'en thought.

Now that he looked closely, most children were wearing stereotypical magicians clothing it's just that one group was clearly wealthy and the other was not.

And seeing the way the wealthy dressed were looking down on the others made him feel a sliver of anger and feelings he hadn't felt for a millennia resurfaced. He had always been on the receiving end of such looks and seeing it again agitated him a little.

"It is fine Luel, I'm here to accompany young master Ca'en" Felicia responded indifferently.

In truth, she answered for Luels sake as she saw Ca'ens shadow vibrate and knew it was a sign that he was annoyed and wouldn't hesitate to kill the young man before him, she had been with him for a short while and thus saw it multiple times.

His shadow would start vibrating at an almost faint frequency that you wouldn't normally notice unless you were paying attention to it whenever he got really annoyed by the demonic beasts and would just kill them with his stare.

She didn't know what kind of spell he was using but she knew it was a pretty high class ability or a demonic spell after all, she was a prodigy herself.

She was afraid he would kill everyone out of displeasure here, I mean that was all he was doing ever since they met without batting an eye.

Even though he learned to reign it in, his aura leaked for a millisecond causing everyone to shudder before it swiftly retreated like it never existed and no one except Felicia knew it was him.

'What the hell was that? I'm an elite student and even I don't know what that was or where it came from' Luel shuddered for a moment before calming himself down and realizing that that malicious intent seemed to be targeted to him and he immediately thought of the tall youth who he ignored.

'Young master?' Luel turned to look at the young man and couldn't find anything that would indicate his status, he looked like a commoner no matter how you looked at it until he looked into his eyes.

Those eyes that looked like a deep abyss immediately locked him in place and the hostility that was clearly directed to him was slowly pulling his soul out when Felicia luckily spoke up.

"Young master, Ca'en shall we please move to the front? The registration is about to begin"

Only then did Luel feel that terrible pull on his soul disappear and the tension his consciousness felt immediately vanished causing him to faint on the spot.

"Mmm. Lead the way lass" Ca'en turned and walked further with Felicia following.

"Who was that?"

"I don't know, he caused Luel an elite to faint with just a glare!"

"Even The schools number one genius Felicia is so respectful to him!"

Such whispers quickly spread through the crowds and Ca'ens enhanced hearing naturally picked it up causing him to feel exasperated.

'Heis... That did not help my cause. Low-key Ca'en, Low-key..'

❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

The registration process was very simple, all you had to do was pour your energy into the orb and use whatever you're most proficient in at the test dummy next but Ca'en didn't have to go through all of this as he had mercenaries card and used that.

"Common class hmm? I guess that's cool" Ca'en took the silver student card and scanned it over his smart watch, updating his information.

There were three categories cadets were placed in : Common, Talented and Seed. With the Common Class being for people with average abilities, Talent class for those who still had a good chance to develop further and Seed for those with innate power, skilled individuals and geniuses.

Common class received Silver cards, Talent class Red and Seed got Golden.

Common class had well over a 500 hundred ,Talent just 100 and Seed 10.

You could still get into a higher class by improving but that did not happen often, of course most chose to do their best and remain in their class as just graduating from the academy could get you a good stable job.

"Classes start in the morning" the elder said as he waved his robe and vanished.

"Wow he must be an Advanced magician $to be able to disappear like that! Many were busy admiring the feat while Ca'en glanced at it nonchalantly.

"Acting like he did something but just bended light and sneaked away... Cheeky old man"

❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

"This is your room now young master" Felicia brought him to his dorm personally but there was a deep frown on her had as she looked at the door.

"I did not know this place was this worn out, I will get you another room now. Please follow me" she was about to turn when Ca'en merely yawned and spoke with his everlasting lazy voice,

"Nah it's okay. I'm pretty tired and I have not slept on a bed in ages, literally so how do I open this?" he scratched his head embarrassed.

The door looked to be made of metal and there was no doorknob so you really couldn't blame him.

Felicia felt a bit conflicted before she finally answered "wave your card across the door and just tell it to open" She was bothered by how Ca'en accepted being placed in the Common Class when he clearly didn't belong there.

Ca'en did as instructed and the door smoothly slid to the side without any difficulty betraying it's old look.

"Whoa! Cool! See you tomorrow!" he immediately entered not giving much thought to it. You couldn't really blame him for having a low IQ when it came to the opposite sex as he had always just spoken precisely, doing what he's supposed to do and leaving as he was done.

Never had any time for love what with his hammering.

".... Ok" Felicia felt dazed for a moment as she watched the door close and didn't know how to react. She knew she also had a low IQ when it came to such things but she at least knew to keep proper manners

Like Nigga, WTF?

But then she thought back to their trip and had to accept that he really was like that as she left.

❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

Ca'en swept his hand and the dust inside his room was cleaned. He learned how to do it when he got dirty as he just sort of imagined cleaning himself but he was to lazy to do it and a hand made of magic materialized out of thin air and swept him from head to toe immediately cleaning whatever dirt there was and even whatever smell he had.

It was like he had bathed in a bath of peaches and apples that surprisingly didn't exist anymore leaving the group around him feeling attracted to the smell so he smugly called it Fragrant Hands.

There was only a small bed that couldn't really fit his 2m tall body and a desk but this did not stop him from immediately sleeping in his apple and peach scented bed.

❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

"Low born, you know what to do" a raspy yet elegant voice sounded voice sounded from within the shadows outside of the city gate.

The speaker was clad in a formless darkness and it didn't appear to be human.

"Yes, master" a salivating creature answered, prostrating itself at the others feet. it was an ugly short creature with 2 small wings on Its back and it had an uneven body. It was a demon however it's wings were different from Ca'ens in that instead of having feathers, it had bat like wings.

Normally, it would only stay on the first floors of hell torturing weak souls as it was not strong enough to torture the people on the lower floors so imagine it's joy when 1 of the Archdaemons left hand person chose it to out this mission.

It knew even with its limited intelligence that this was a big chance for it. It would be rewarded handsomely if it completed the mission and if it really did well, it could be granted power and raised a rank.

Demons held true to their belief of equivalent exchange, if it did good, it would be rewarded. If it did bad it would be rewarded a punishment. And that punishment would usually involve having it's power sealed and thrown to the ones it tortured, imagine the joy you would feel if you saw the mighty person you couldn't beat, weak and thrown to you?

The lightest it would be punished for was a hundred human years but that time would stretch to a 1000 in hell.

It knew what it should do and swiftly turned into a dark fog that entered the city and made its way to the Academy.

"Master said to go for the weak ones..." it scanned the dorms and avoided the ones with strong presences as it made it's way to the ones with weak presences, finally finding a human who did not have a presence at all.

It would have been careful if it had higher intelligence as only dead organisms had no presence like the human in that room but it was just happy with having found a target.

The sooner it killed this human and left the better, even though the Angels Sanctuary Magic was currently weakened, it would only be like that for 6 minutes before it reactivated again and it would be unable to leave when that happened, the rays from the sun would kill it on contact.

❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

The demon looked at the human who lay comfortably and sprawled out with saliva dripping and got excited about to pounce on it when it suddenly prostrated it self heavily on the ground

'What's going on?!' it started to panic as it's little brain started thinking at speeds it never had before bringing a headache.

'Why is this human a noble demon all of a sudden?!' This noble demon in front of it had a much more powerful authority about it and it didn't know what to do.

Naturally the noble demon was Ca'en. He unconsciously released his human form when he began sleeping comfortably causing his 3m wide wings to fill up the whole room but he just kept sleeping and he didn't even notice the poor demon almost shitting itself and continued snoring.

The poor demon knelt on floor waiting for a response when all it got was a ringing snore.

'eh? is the noble master sleeping?' it dared not believe that such a high tier being could be unsightly like itself, 'should I look?' it hesitated before deciding 'no, this must be a test of some kind' and with that it's period of escape ended.

❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

A faint human figure slowly materialized next to Ca'en and smirked a little. It was a being made of pure energy and gave off a comforting glow, it was neither male nor female but it had the beauty of both.

"You've made me wait for quite a while, child" It spoke. There was nothing magnificent sounding from It, sounding just like every other regular Joe but all demons and angels would shake if they were to hear It speak for this was an existence that had long vanished from being.

"Does not matter much now that you've returned.." It eyed Ca'ens body before it's sight fell on the wrist watch, "that should do" it poured itself into the wrist watch.

It integrated itself into the watch as the watch disintegrated.

"What happens from here on out is solely up to you. I can only help you without interfering."

Initializing: 3%... 10%... 50%...

Neither Ca'en nor the little demon ever realized that the being was ever there as Ca'en had a very strange dream that night about people who he thought he never met and things he thought he had never done before yet felt like he really lived in the world of that dream.

I edited some stuff I was not happy with in the previous chapters but it shouldn't be different so there you go! ?

PrincePakotecreators' thoughts
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