
Chapter 3

Mercenary Guild.

This words were handwritten with a forceful hand and the words themselves were emanating a sharp power as though a sword could stab through you any second, making anyone who stared for a period of time, disoriented.

The building had 3 floors and the place was well kept and clean even on the outside with people entering and leaving all the time.

The place wasn't as disorderly and mannerless as he thought it would be, it looked more like a mid class restaurant with people eating and drinking without giving others trouble.

"Hehehe, staunch George! That's 50 and 0 now eh!" 1 of the people sitting with his group laughed and everyone joined.

"Pretty good haul you got there this time eh? hit a treasure chest or something?" one of them laughed looking at the bag George was carrying.

It was a size reducing bag made with the wonders of magic and technology that would shrink everything inside down to an adults index finger regardless of it's original size and judging by how a bag like that was bulging, it was pretty clear that they had a huge haul from the mission.

They were talking to the 8 people that came together with Ca'en. Felicia went back to her family to give the venom and said she would meet them at the guild once done. Ca'en wasn't worried about her doing something funny as he'd been with her for the past 3 days and learned of her character. She seemed to have been carrying a lot of weight on her shoulders since young so she felt responsible for everyone of her actions.

The mercenaries merely gave a once over to Ca'en and kept on talking to the others, Ca'en also didn't have interest in them so he dragged his hair to the reception and the group followed like sheep causing everyone to be bewildered.

Those were all A ranked and B ranked mercenaries and which one of those ranks wasn't a prideful being that got there through clawing their way up and for them to meekly follow someone like that?

Either the other party came from a very influential background or they were strong enough for them to be respected and this young wild looking man with such unkempt irritatingly long hair didn't look like those wealthy scions so there could only be one more choice, He was insane strong.

The place immediately became silent, every mercenary here could be considered a veteran even including E ranks so they knew how to pick up on the small details.

"Welcome to the mercenaries guild. How may I help you today?" the receptionist had a refined face with glasses, a welcoming smile and short hair but his body was lean and you could see scars running around his hands and neck.

'Seasoned' Ca'en immediately came to that conclusion when he felt the aura coming from the receptionist.

"Hmm, I'd like to register to become a mercenary please" Ca'en spoke with his same leisurely voice but the others that heard it had their hearts beating fiercely. He had gotten a little excited and unknowingly raised his voice.





The people behind felt their bodies go stiff but still had their awareness about them, however, it was different for the receptionist who was receiving it directly.

He felt as if he was standing in front of a speeding train and would be run over at any moment and it was only made worse that he unknowingly looked into Ca'ens eyes and felt his consciousness being drawn in yet there was nothing he could do about it.

'Hmm? Oh' Ca'en closed his eyes when he noticed what was happening.

George had told him about how he was unconsciously attacking people and he had been working on reigning the power in but he had to consciously keep on reigning it in or it would always be active.

You can imagine how much of a pain it was for someone who was trying to live a life of leisure so there would be times where he slipped up and this would happen.

The receptionist finally came to when Ca'en restrained himself and everyone's bodies felt like they had been released from a tyrannical grip.

"Uh... yes may I please get your ID?" his experience kicked in and he calmed himself, he knew the young man before him had no ill intentions and that helped a lot.

"Uh yes, you see I've been living in the mountains so I've never had such things" Ca'en scratched his head feeling embarrassed.


That explains it, he must be from 1 of those ancient hidden clans' the receptionist concluded.

There exists secret clans that existed solely for strength and bred monstrous humans that and would send out selected heirs to learn of and absorb knowledge from the ever changing outside so they don't get left behind and the receptionist thought this was the case.

Even Felicia and the group thought it was so when they heard his story, what living alone in the mountains with just you 2.

"That's OK sir, please place your hand on this while stating your name and age" the desk slit open and revealed a crystal clear orb the size of 2 children's fists with runic symbols inscribed.

'Some kind of thingamajiky eh' he placed his hand on and spoke,

"Ca'en 16 years old" and the runes started lighting up and a hologram with information appeared atop.





TALENT MAGIC: ***** *****, FIR-

RANK : -

The orb suddenly started shaking violently under his palm as the fire whirlpool that hadn't acted up before released fire magic into the orb.

The orb turned fiery red and shattered releasing a blazing heat. A fire dragon made purely of fire that filled the entire reception hall appeared and gave an earth shattering roar as if to announce that it had arrived.

It was glaring at the receptionist without moving afterwards.

Everyone immediately formed their defensive magic thinking it was an attack but the heat alone tore through it like it didn't exist and assaulted them causing everyone below B rank to pass out and everyone else to barely stand while gasping.

"Why the hell are you acting up all the sudden?" Ca'en had an annoyed glare as he looked at the dragon.

It gave 1 last howl and turned into streak that returned to him, causing the rooms temperature to abruptly decrease as if it had never shown it's face before.

"Uh sorry about that" that's really all he could say.

'The hell? you were obedient this whole time!'

"It's OK sir but we can't give you the card here" the receptionist calmed down and spoke causing a frown to appear on Ca'ens face.

"Why not?" he failed to reign his power in again and the people that were still standing suddenly got caught by the wave of energy, the receptionist luckily didn't look at his face this time or he would be dead by now.

Ca'ens Death Glare ability activated subconsciously and locked the receptionist in place but the prey had to directly look into his eyes and have their consciousness drawn out by the divine light or it would just lock the prey in place.

'The fudge! I should have listened to my wife and stayed home today!' the receptionist really wanted to cry, he was terrified and felt like his soul was being attacked by every kind of vile thing yet he couldn't fight it off

"Sir, you're at least A± rank and we don't have the equipment to measure that kind of power here" the receptionist explained through vibrating teeth and the pressure vanished as if it never existed.

"Oh you should have said that from the start... hmm, OK E rank should do" Ca'en spoke after a moment of deliberation.

He intended to live a carefree life and didn't want to draw attention to himself (not that this little stunt would help his cause)

"But sir, the least we could do is give you an A rank" the receptionist was dumbfounded.

"No E rank should do"

The receptionist thought for a while before simply nodding his head and typing out on the holographic keyboard 'No way am I going to court death! I still need to leave a bloodline'

"Here you go sir" he handed him a black wrist watch. "All your information is stored here so please don't lose it" he forcefully placed a bright smile on his face

'The sooner this dragon in human form leaves, the sooner I can go home'

"Good stuff" Ca'en put it on and thought that it was comfortable.

George placed the size reducing bag at the left side of the table and a holographic light swept over the bag twice and a number appeared above it afterwards

8000000 credits.

"Oh George you guys had a pretty good hunt eh?" The receptionist was forcefully changing the subject.

George shook his head with a smile, "No this is all young master Ca'ens" pointing with his chin while he transferred the whole amount of to him.

"Hmm? All of it?" Ca'en was a bit confused, sure he killed them but all he did was look at the beasts and they would die. This guy's did all the work and they knew what was valuable so they should be getting some off the money.

He fiddled around and got the hang of how to operate the device and immediately send 500 0000 credits to George and walked out while speaking

"I know to repay kindness with kindness and drag a grudge"

Everyone finally let out a long sigh of relief when he left, feeling like they had just survived an exodus. They didn't want to see that terrible guy ever again.

❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

What nobody knew was that the basic instinct of survival had fully kicked in and the receptionist went home and unto his wife for an entire day and night for procreation just in case he died in the future

❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

"President, why didn't you let me apprehend him?" a lady wearing slick office wear with knives hidden everywhere asked with a confused expression.

The young boy sitting on a simple chair looked at her and spoke in a light tone that made him sound like a child.

"I don't want you dying on me, I can't do all this work alone. Besides that being did nothing wrong"

The secretary had an uncomprehending frown on her face.

"Sigh... Lily, do you know how we're able to get information on someone when they touch the ID orb?" to which Lily slightly shook her head.

"The orb invades the persons memories and draws their blood" he explained to which Lily's face contorted.

"But that would be an invasion of privacy, it could even cause mental damage to the subject"

"Indeed, even I only came across this secret 100 years ago when I was interested in how the orb worked. Only the higher ups know of this" he kept silent before proceeding,

"You only know of 1 type of magic, the 1 that you can bend to your whims but there is a 2nd and much more powerful magic that's so rare that not even 1 out of a billion people possess it. Sentient magic.

Usually the user chooses his magic subconsciously when their born but sentient magic chooses it's master and it's incredibly haughty so when it chooses it's master, the master becomes its territory and it will protect it's territory like a venomous mother so imagine the kind of rage it felt when it's territory was invaded. It's already a miracle that our dear Wick wasn't killed for handing that orb to that being, other sentient magic would kill him, immediately"

Hearing that, Lily immediately felt a shiver. She could feel the underlying meaning, both she and Wick were A ranked but she was slightly stronger than him but that sentient magic could kill Wick easily from the way the president said it which meant she was no different.

She almost went on a death seeking mission.

"President I don't get it, why do you keep saying 'being'" she caught on to how the president was addressing Ca'en

"Well simple. I can tell that his base is human but there are 2 different magics that exists simultaneously in him that are veiled and time seems to have been stopped around him. It's like we aren't allowed to know anything about him" his childish voice suddenly became deep and serious.

"Lily, I order you as your superior. Do not ever reveal anything about that being or you will bring a calamity on us all"

Lily's heart beat furiously when she saw her president like this, he had only ever gotten this way twice in the past and both of the things he said would happen, happened so she knew well what to do


❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

Ca'en was sitting in a luxury vehicle that flew smoothly. The interior was simple looking yet he could feel that everything inside must be a luxury.

"How do you feel" Felicia asked keeping her eyes on the road.

"Fine, I really like it" he cut his hair off before he got into Felicia vehicle because it felt like a drag having hair that long.

He used Felicia as his module and cut it short like hairs to a brush cut again, it felt familiar so he he was cool with it.

Felicia spoke about enrolling into the academy as she was also going to enroll again and he just kind of agreed on a whim so they were on their way there.

Ca'ens leisure dream seems to be slipping away

PrincePakotecreators' thoughts
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