
Chapter 3

After walking for 20 more minutes Cameron and her sisters made it back to the orphanage. The three of them go inside only to be greeted by the strong smell of alcohol and Ms. Evans there waiting for them with an angry expression on her face. " Your late where did you go" she said slurring her words. " We didn't go anywhere we came straight here."Cameron says making sure to keep the letter out of sight. " We didn't go anywhere." Evie said speaking up from behind Cameron. " Within seconds she was on the floor in tears clutching her stomach after being punched." HEY don't hurt her she's just a kid." She stood up to Ms.Evans only to be slapped once again " Go to your room." she told her. Cameron then picked up both crying children and took them to their room locking the door. "Mia can you get me the first aid kit" she asked her. " ok" 3 minutes later Mia came running into the room with the first aid kit falling as she came in. "are you ok " Cameron asks picking Mia up from the floor. " im ok." Cameron grabbed the bandages and proceed to wrap them around Evelyn's bruised stomach as she winced in pain." Is that better." " It still hurts but im fine." " Ok then you and Mia can go to bed and get some rest." Mia crawled into the bed with Evelyn and cuddled up next to her while Cameron kissed them both good night.

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