
Ch. 6 C H O M P

Nox will do things I don't have time for like liberating people or collecting information. I'm going to put all my time into finding a good mode of transportation to the underworld until I find a way to open portals between these two places.

It's been 5 days since I've started operations with Nox, Trem also decided to stay and he's been promoted to a priest. He's the first to be promoted to that position so hopefully the others will work harder seeing someone already rising in ranks.

I've also been working on a technique, I've been trying to create a mini black hole using gravity, though this is proving much difficult as I don't have enough power to give it, so as I've been raising my level to use gravity little by little.

Now back onto transportation to the underworld, I may be able to go their with the help of a stray devil. The reason I want to go there is because I want my influence everywhere possible. Of course this is easier said than done, its hard enough spreading around in the human world with super naturals everywhere. Our main headquarters is near Kuoh town, we've pretty much gained control of everything there even though its only been a few day's, we're spreading to the rest of japan at the moment.




We've recently captured a stray devil after finding a few of them near Kuoh town, they've brought him to a outpost of ours that we've created on the outskirts of town. I'm going there personally to see if he will join us, although he may not be human, if he shall help me in my endeavor then I shall spare him and let him join us for his usefulness.

As I walk into a candle-lit room as a man in a full black suit is sitting in a chair guarded by 4 of my followers, I stand opposite of him as he looks at me, confused as to who I was.

"The four of you may leave now." I say as the others nod and exit the room. "Now, lets talk shall we? First what were you doing near here?"

He looks at me before speaking "I wish to live a normal human life is all." as he said that I laughed. "Sorry, I've never seen someone of your race want to be something else, they usually just talk about their superiority over the other races." As I said that he sighed before nodding. "Yes, that's usually what happens, but I wish to live in ignorance of all the other things happening in the underworld and live happily by myself." I rest my chin in my hand as I stare at him "You're a strange one I'll tell you that much." "I hear that a lot."

"I have a proposal if you'll hear me out my good friend!" I said enthusiastically "of course you can refuse my offer and be off your way, but at least hear me out." He gets less tense once he hears this, "Sure, go ahead." I grin eagerly before speaking "Ok, so all you have to do is get me into the underworld once and let me test something, and I'll promise to give you a residents and protection from other factions, so what do you say?" He sits up in his seat before saying "A little to good to be true to be honest, but I'll take what I can get, its been a while since I've had any residence that wasn't just a one night stay." I stand up as the door in the room opens and he's escorted out with me. "Now, at the moment I don't have the time to go to the underworld at the moment, so I'll give you a place to stay, of course I won't give you a small apartment, since you'll be helping the future of Nox, I'll give you a luxurious house." As I said that I had someone pull up one of our residents on a Tablet nearby. "I'll get someone to give you the keys and some rules to follow as you're there, now if you will excuse me I have somewhere to be." Before he had time to ask any questions I walked away.

The reason I was eager to get away is because if I got this right, it should be the day that Riser comes to the school, Issei got changed into a devil quite a while ago but honestly, who cares about him, even though I love humanity he isn't exactly the best example of humanity's greatness. I've been keeping a close eye to things there as they develop and honestly, its getting boring, Nox has been spreading wildly and while they try to stay as low-key as possible, it's not exactly the easiest to keep a secret organization hidden from other secret factions, so they've been picking up little things here and there showing a possible 3rd party other than the other factions involved. Now, If I were to help Rais with something easy like beating Riser, I can get a favor from her brother. Of course I'll try to keep Nox out of my affairs at the moment, but I want to have a little fun here as well.

When I was a few blocks away from the school, I stopped for a moment before confirming what's happening there at the moment, at the moment it seems everyone was talking before a magic circle appeared as Riser appeared with his peerage, time to make a dramatic entrance. As I walk towards the school, I raise the gravity to 5 times, and as it reached them it didn't effect them much, but they were taken aback by what was happening and who was doing it, they could sense someone out side. As soon as they looked in my direction I raise gravity to 10 time and repeatedly raised it by 5 every few seconds. As it got to 100 times gravity, everyone except for Grayfia who was there to keep them from fighting and be a witness to Rais's decision, she stood there absolutely fine as she looked at me through the many walls between us, as I got closer and closer to there location, I let my presence free for all those to see, to know there was another Powerful Being to the few there were. As I was behind the door I let off of the gravity manipulation so they could see me as I walked through and as I did a Ice bolt flew at me, but before it could get near me I merely used Weak Manipulation to disintegrate it before it reached me.

"Now now, no need to be so aggressive, I just want to talk to all of you. Now may I?"


Hey author here, I wrote this one on the day before the test day, I had it sitting with the one I was writting on those day's so here you go! BTW I'll be releasing the THICCC chapter tomorrow at some time, I usually begin writing the other chapters before publishing one.