1 Welcome to The Ivy Newsletter!

Thursday, August 4th

Hello, lovely readers! I'm VanillaBearFantasy, the author of 'The Ivy', my first novel.

I will be hosting a QnA event next chapter. Please comment questions about me, the novel, updates, ect.

I am aiming to publish a chapter every Friday. This week's chapter has already been written, but has not been typed up into Webnovel.

I write my chapters on paper first, because it's more fun for me and I don't have to worry about it not saving. Additionally, I make the chapter's first edits as I'm typing. if you have any questions about the beta versions of the chapters, please ask! some major changes have already been made, such as Lotus's Canon age and all of her lines in chapter three.

I am also planning to make a cast-of-characters chapter in this newsletter, which will be updated when a new character is introduced. Every character with lines has a slot on the cast list. Be aware, the cast list is chock-full of spoilers if you haven't finished reading the published chapters.

Some bonus chapters will also be posted here when various goals are met on the original novel. For example, when the novel hits 1K reads, I'll post a bonus chapter from Soli's perspective on Kasis's disappearance.

If you are reading the Ivy, please add this newsletter to your library so you get all of the necessary updates on the schedule and don't miss any bonus content.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful, wonderful day!

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