
Chapter 1: The Isle

The Isle of Elsda had been there as long as the people could remember. The beautiful clear and vivid water surrounding it, the lush green grass that grew. And the mysterious dark forest that was always out of place on the beautiful small island.

As time passed and the people grew old, rumors floated around the Isle of Elsda. Rumors of witches.

Witches were disdainful creatures. Hated by everyone. The little children who were curious of such vile creatures were scorned upon and told not to ever show any emotion other than hate to the witches. The witches were believed to be servants to the devil, they were pure evil.

Humans hated witches to the point of harming them.

That's why they she lived under the protection of the small island.

A girl named Celeste sat down near the bed of a river. She had long shimmering silver hair that brushed against her face as she slipped her feet into a small river of water that sparkled like diamonds. Her eyes were a splendid blue color that could put the brightest sapphire to shame. Her eyes glowed mysteriously and were framed by long lashes. Her skin was pale and smooth, not a single blemish, her cheeks were tinged red from her slight flush.

As she dipped her slender foot into the river she relaxed her shoulders. In the distance was a waterfall that shined under the light of the sun, trees shaded the girl from the bright and warm sun. The trees were tall and their peaks were bathed in sunlight, the branches swishing from the slight wind.

"How boring." Celeste whispered as she stared blankly ahead of her.

She held out her hand and in an instant she froze everything around her. Ice creeped up the waterfall as it slowly froze in motion, the trees and river turned to ice. She nonchalantly pulled her feet out. As she slipped into a dark dress that framed her feminine body, she pulled on a dark cloak embedded with silver lining on the edges. She grabbed a staff that curved like a hook at one end forming a circle shape, in the middle a floating icy blue orb floated, it was her magic staff.

She chanted a spell in ancient script and as she did she muttered, "rງງคຖŞง (melt)."

The ice that covered the frozen river, trees, and waterfall melted and everything went back to normal.

That's right Celeste was a witch.