
On The Island

Once he stepped foot onto the island, a pulsating pain gradually made its way up and around his body. His ears started violently ringing and his eyesight went blurry. The buried thoughts that he kept deep inside in order to keep his sanity, started to rise up again. He gaped open his mouth and started screaming in pain, screeching for help that would never come.

Blood… Dripping, deep red blood started to leak out of his ears and eyes. He saw a black figure with horns that spiralled upwards arising and walking out of the oasis in front of him. Grasping, pulling, and scratching his hair, he fell to the ground constantly gasping for air in his anxiety attack.

The black figure neared him, it seemed 6 feet but felt like it was towering above him by a huge 7 feet. The red eyes gave off an aura with intent to kill. The creature was faceless, although you clearly see that it was smiling amidst its torture. The boy squirmed on the ground in pain rolling back and forth and back and forth. He had blood flowing down from his head, soaking into his white but cheap clothing, staining them. The anonymous figure then laid out his hand to the boy, it was about to make him learn true pain.

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