
RAIN pt1

SEP. 19 2015

I was at the waiting shed waiting for Steve, he was kinda upset that we lost the other day. I kinda wanna make it up to him by buying him a drink, but I guess he's not gonna make it. I told him to meet me at the old coffee shop, but right after I got in on a trike I recieved a chat from Steve.


YO! Hey sorry I couldn't make it, btw just give me a call if you arrived at home.

-X0X0 your fav bish <3

After reading the chat I felt relief, thank God I don't have to lose that much money today. I smiled and asked the driver to go to Ministop instead.

I was kinda worried why I didn't saw Andy cheering so I thought of paying him a visit at work. Andy has been my bestfriend since 3rd grade, but ever

since we started middle school I didn't got to hang with him that much. I'm still surprised they believed he's 18 and hired him tho.

When I got there it started raining hard, I rushed inside and took off my hoodie that was soaking wet.

ANDY: Does it pain you to bring an umbrella for once?

When I heard Andy's voice I turned around and punched him in the arm. As soon as he was about to punch me back someone interrupted.

PATS: Her? Remembering to bring an umbrella? Never gonna happen. (he chuckles)

I rolled my eyes as I walked towards the counter to order something that would make me feel less hungry after seeing Andy eating a

chocolate kariman before I went inside. Andy jumps in to the counter after Pats gave him a signal that the manager was coming.

ANDY: Welcome to Ministop, your order Ms?

CZARINA: Hm... the usual.

ANDY: Wow, you never get tired of eating hot chix huh?

PATS: Hey, i'll take two burger stakes!

While Andy's heating our meals Pats took out his laptop and put on Attack on Titan. I took my phone out when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

When I checked it was Andy.


I'mma take a break, tell him to PAUSE!!!

[I replied]



Pats looked at me, I can guess that he couldn't wait anymore. After a few minutes Andy arrived and we continued watching, we finished atleast one episoderight on time.

Pats left after he finished eating, Andy went back to the counter and I stayed to wait for the rain to stop. Andy went back to clean the tables, I helped him with it. While we're at it someone walked in.

ANDY: Pstt!

Andy pulled my hair, I was about to punch him but suddenly the guy who just walked in looks familiar. Andy leaned closer.

ANDY: Didn't you beat him in second place?

CZARINA: Who, me?

ANDY: No the table. OFCOURSE YOU, idiot.

I looked at him a bit more and I still can't recognize him. Andy sighed and went back to the counter. I went back to the table where I left my hoodie,

he sat infront of the table I was sitting at. He was wearing a white shirt and sweats, he looks peaceful reading a book while waiting. I looked away when I saw him looked back. He grabbed his bag and sat right infront of me. Ok now I remember him, it's that Stellan guy.

STELLAN: Indigo, right? Is it okay if I sit here?

Before I can say "no" Andy walks in with his heated hot chix and a fresh from the freezer pepsi. Andy stared at us for a bit and placed his order at the table.

ANDY: Hey dude here's your hot chix, I didn't know you guys are close?

STELLAN: It's uh...

CZARINA: Wait, I thought the customer were the one's who's supposed to pick thei--

Andy winked at Stellan, I didn't even know these two know each other. I don't remember coming to Andy's neighborhood and seeing Stellan, he doesn'teven talk about him. I was kinda getting a weird vibe from them tho.

After they were done on their chit chat I continued scrolling at Instagram and saw Stellan's acc. I was kinda curious and stalked a bit. Although I couldn't stop staring at him, he reminds me of those salty smart ass anime characters with major

sus. Well he doesn't seem cold blooded tho...

As I kept on scrolling down I noticed that most of the pictures he uploads are pictures of plants, skies and his pet dog. There wasn't a single picture of him, compared to the other contestants Steve showed me. I shook my head and kept on going down, I saw some arts.

STELLAN: Find something that interests you?

That was sudden.

CZARINA: I'm sorry, what?

STELLAN: Your phone screen is reflecting on your glasses. (he smiles)


My face turns red from embarrassment. Now I have an additional thing to think about everynight for the next 30 years of my life. He grins and puts down his book.

STELLAN: Relax I don't bite, anyway can I ask something before you leave?

I gulped nervously.

CZARINA: Uh... sure, what is it?

Deep down I was screaming please... God help meee!! Send someone, an angel or a devil whatever works.

Before he says anything a group of girls comes in, he stood up and walked away fast. I thought maybe they know him since he looks kinda startled.

The rain finally stops, I took my hoodie and right before I stood up Andy called me.

ANDY: You better go before Amber comes.

CZARINA: Why, do you know them?

ANDY: Yeah, anyways chat me if the driver is sus. See yah.

After I exited I bump into Pats. We were both on our way to the waiting area to get a ride home. It wasn't long before he asked me about Stellan.

PATS: Andy sent me a chat, he said you actually talked to Stellan? (Asks in a surprised tone)

CZARINA: Yeah, he said he wants to ask me something.

PATS: So... what happened to "don't talk to strangers." rule?

I stood quiet while waiting, avoiding the question. Finally a trike came, Pats made me go first.

PATS: Hey, try not to blush on your way home okay?!!

Next chapter