
Chapter 15 The Final Chapter of the Ancient Evil God

Kratos kicked open the blast door of the headquarters.

Hadley, Xissent and Miss Lin were trembling with fear. They held self-defense pistols and immediately surrendered after seeing Kratos' figure clearly.

The violent aesthetics displayed by Kratos on the surveillance screen made them deeply realize that they had completely chosen the wrong sacrifice target this time. Even if the monsters in the entire base were added up, they would still persist in Kratos' hands. Less than half an hour.

Dana aimed her gun at the three of them: "Why did you send monsters to attack us?"

Hadley shook his head, hesitating to speak.

"Let me answer it!" A middle-aged woman with strong aura and well-dressed walked in through a secret door.

Her expression was calm, as if everything that happened now was within her control.

"I'm the head of this department."

"At the bottom of this building, the oldest creature in the world is imprisoned. He is the ancient evil god who once ruled the world."

"And the task of this department is to select sacrifices and perform sacrificial rituals to appease the god."

Marty shook his head and said, "But why do you have to make it so complicated?"

Director: "Because making you suffer is also part of the sacrificial ceremony."

Kurt: "No matter what kind of ancient evil god it is, Kratos can defeat it."

The supervisor showed a contemptuous smile: "I admit that he is indeed very powerful and easily destroyed the army composed of nightmare demons. But even so, it is nothing compared to the ancient evil god."

Dana said righteously: "If the world is going to be maintained by sacrificing mortals, it's time to change."

Director: "This world has been operating according to this rule since its birth."

"No one can break this rule."

"The sun is about to rise. If you are still alive by then, the ancient evil god will wake up and destroy the entire world."

As if to verify the supervisor's words, the entire ground began to shake with increasing amplitude.

Jules, out of fear, picked up a handgun from the ground.

The supervisor earnestly persuaded, "Being chosen as a sacrifice is a very honorable thing. Because the whole world continues to exist because of your sacrifice."

"Think about your family and friends, you can choose to die with them, or die for them."

Jules was shaken in his heart, despairing, aiming the gun at himself.

Kratos snatched the gun and shot the supervisor.

The bullet pierced through the knee, the supervisor knelt on the ground holding the wound, his expression turning fierce, "You are too selfish, just to live a few more minutes, do you want to drag the whole world down with you?"

Mimir's voice came into his ears, "Well done, brother, your marksmanship has improved."

I was originally aiming at her head.

The ground shook as if in an apocalyptic earthquake, cracks rapidly climbing up the walls, ceiling, and debris continuously falling down.

The supervisor pressed a button, and the entire command center rose upwards.

"Take a good look, see the catastrophe brought upon this world because of your selfishness."

The command center ascended to the mountaintop, becoming an observatory overlooking all the mountains.

At the same time, a huge hand emerged from the ground, its fingernails alone being 10 meters long, making humans appear tiny compared to its massive body like ants.

Dana, Marty, Kurt and Jules all knelt on the ground in shock after seeing the palm of the ancient evil god. They felt only despair in their hearts, feeling that nothing in the world could destroy it.

The supervisor raved madly, "You selfish and foolish people, you will eventually be nailed to the pillar of history's shame."

Hadley said to his two subordinates, "It has been my honor to work with you."

He then put the gun in his mouth and shot himself in the head.

Xissent despairingly asked, "Miss Lin, is there a painless way to die?"

Trembling, Miss Lin took out two pills from her pocket, swallowed one herself, and fed the other to Xissent.

Dana saw a faint smile on Kratos's lips and curiously asked, "Are you confident you can take it down?"

"I have killed him before," Kratos said, leaving everyone baffled, then jumped off the high platform of the command center, heading towards the ancient evil god.

[Ding! The main mission has been updated, mission objective: eliminate the ancient evil god, Chronos.]

[Due to the mission status change, the weapon summoning restriction has been lifted.]

Kratos opened the system skill interface, replaced 'Creating Illusions' with 'Infernal Torture' while summoning the Chaos Twin Blades before entering combat mode.

The burning sensation of the chains on his arms returned, endless rage engulfed him, his skin instantly turning pale, the red tattoos emitting a bright light.

Mimir nervously said, "Brother, I just received new information."

"This Chronos's strength is extraordinary, he is the father of Zeus in Greek mythology. And Zeus is the king of the gods, equivalent to Odin in Norse mythology."

"So, there is no way we can defeat him."

Chronos also noticed Kratos running towards him, placing his huge hand on the ground, causing a massive sandstorm to rise, with meteor-like rocks falling and creating several large craters.

Kratos dodged the falling rocks and emerged from the sandstorm.

Kratos dodged the meteorite and rushed out of the sandstorm.

Chronos brought down his massive finger towards Quotos

Kratos evaded the attack and swung his Chaos Dual Blade into the nail of the finger.

Chronos attempted to lift his finger, but Kratos gripped the chain tightly and yanked off the entire Fingernail.

Blood poured down like a torrential rain, even causing Chronos to let out a cry of pain.

Mimir excitedly exclaimed, "Brother, that move was magnificent just now."

From the distant command post, the onlookers, though unable to see clearly, could hear Chronos's howl echoing through the sky.

Xissent, Miss Lin, and the supervisor wore expressions of disbelief.

Meanwhile, Dana and the others saw hope, silently cheering Quotos on in their hearts.

Cronus, angry at the pain, smashed down his palm that was covering the sky.

Kratos switched to his vibranium shield with his left hand and blocked the attack without injury.

Mjolnir in his right hand began to accumulate power, and the blue lightning light became brighter and brighter.

He held the hammer in his hand and jumped hard, like a steel nail, piercing the huge palm.

Chronos's face displayed disbelief as he began to fear the tiny opponent before him, refraining from physical attacks. He then took a deep breath and summoned a hurricane from his mouth.

Kratos swiftly switched to his Chaos Dual Blade, deeply embedding it into the ground to prevent being blown away.

Simultaneously, he unleashed the 'Infernal Tools,' summoning chains from the void, piercing Chronos's eyes.

Cronus wailed again, lost his mind because of his anger, opened his big mouth, and swallowed Kratos and the nearby ground into his stomach.

After falling into the digestive tract, Kratos used a two-stage jump, utilizing falling rocks and trees to prevent himself from dropping, then using the Chaos Dual Blade as a climbing pick to ascend step by step until entering the brain.

Vigorously clapping his hands together, he unleashed the 'Hulk Impact,' turning everything before him into a white liquid.

Chronos lost consciousness completely, collapsing to the ground as the shockwave blew away nearby trees.

A massive amount of red souls poured out, flowing into Quotos's body, taking a full 3 minutes.

Among them was a cluster of golden souls.

[Ding! Congratulations, you have acquired the new skill 'Titan King.']

Kratos stretched his muscles, smashed open Chronos's skull, leaped down from the mountain-sized corpse, and headed towards the control post.

The supervisor pressed a button, lowering the control platform to ground level.

Xissent looked at Hadley's body helplessly, and then suddenly remembered something: "Miss Lin, antidote, quickly.

Miss Lin regretfully shook her head, "There is no antidote!"

Xissent shouted in frustration, "Ah... damn it!"

Shortly after, both of them coughed up blood, collapsed to the ground, and ceased to breathe.

Director murmured: "For thousands of years, countless ancestors have tried their best, but they can't kill the ancient evil god..."

Kratos came back.

The supervisor immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Kratos reverently: "From now on, you are our new god."

"Not interested!" Kratos said still sparing no words.

Dana aimed her gun at the supervisor: "You have sacrificed so many lives, don't think you can stay out of it."

The supervisor argued rationally: "I am protecting the world!"

With a "bang" sound, the supervisor fell into a pool of his own blood, breathless, and his eyes before death were still filled with unwillingness.

Another golden soul poured into Kratos' body.

[Ding! Congratulations on getting the new skill Alien Queen. ]

Two teleportation rays shot from the sky, covering Dana and Kratos respectively.

Mimir said excitedly: "Is the mission in this world over? I'm starting to look forward to the next world. In fact, I really hope to take you to Asgard to meet Odin."

Jules said reluctantly: "Are you leaving?"

Dana nodded: "The bad guys have been eliminated, and the future of this world is decided by you."

Marty and Kurt also waved goodbye to the two.

Kratos nodded briefly to everyone.

Dana said slightly excitedly: "I hope I can perform missions with you again in the next world. Also, my original name is Jill Valentine."

The two bodies slowly rose up and finally disappeared.

[Horror Movie Universe, Progress 1 has been completed, now go to the superhero universe! ]

Starting from the next dungeon, the dungeon process will become longer, but it will still maintain a fast pace and never spoil the plot.

The difficulty of the first two dungeons is relatively simple. The mission goals are to kill Loki and Cronus respectively. Kui Ye only needs violence to pass the level. Starting from the third dungeon, the difficulty increases. In addition to violence, Kui Ye also needs other assistance.

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