1 the invention

one summerafternoon a boy called jace said he has noting to do this summer so his friend jose said i know what to do may be we could do this first person to create an invention like a flin car or somthing well said jace i am going to create a robot jose laughs and said like you are going to make a robot trust me jace said and then jose said i have to go home or else i am going to get grounded so when hose left jace told his mom that he his going to make a robot but his mom kept on laughing and said like you are go to create a robot , why do you and jose keep on thinking i can't create a robot so the next day jace went to the garage and garther some tools and then jose came to his house but he did not know so jose went to jace mom and said morning and then said pls do you know where jace is,in the garage jace mom said, so when jose was on the way tho the garage he yelled out where his that kid that said he want to create a robot , jace said it not funny ar least i have a idea but you don't and the calenge will soon be over in the next 2weeks jace finshed the robot but jose did a nerf gun that can change bullet like snow ball and water
