The story of a young man began at the age of 15 and after the first invasion,his life was never the same. He had to run all his life and his name was RUNNER 626.
"It was a bright day and I raised my head,I heard about the tournament but I was scared about what my people's fate would be.
I have been in this place for over a decade and I have been running all my life,I don't know what will happen after the tournament but let's start from the very beginning,when my world was invaded", Jace said.
I woke up one day and I expected that things should be the way they use to be,I picked up my brush and I head straight to the bathroom,I took my bath and I drained my hair and I moved close to the mirror.
I was just 14,I saw my friends and I ran towards the door,I tried to go out without anyone noticing but I found out that no one was watching me,I saw my mom in the living room;she look tired and she has slept off,I left the house and I followed my friends.
I moved close to a poll in the midst of the road and my best friend followed me,he moved close to me and he asked me... "Jace, you look happy today... Do you have anything to share with me?",Sean asked.
I raised my head and I laughed but somehow I felt disappointed because I have never imagined that my best friend won't remember my birthday.
I smiled again and I replied him,he was ashamed of himself but he laughed like the whole thing meant nothing . But somehow I felt disappointed,he laughed and he hugged me. My other two friends rushed to us and they asked me to gist them. I told them and we started preparing for my birthday,we rushed to the store and we purchased some items..
In the evening,I returned to my house and I saw my dad sitting on our couch,I moved to him and I told him that I would be turning 15. I was surprised to hear that he was already preparing for my birthday. I smiled and I rushed to the kitchen to inform my mom but I saw her baking my birthday cake,it was the best day of my life and i did not imagine that anything would ruin it.
I walked to my bedroom and I sat on my bed,I made other plans and I had a birthday wish that no one would believe. I have always wished to travel to space and I am even waiting for that wish to get fulfilled. I placed my head on my pillow and I imagined a lot,somehow I slept off and I didn't remember where I was,I dreamt about the next and I was sleeping conveniently.
Suddenly,I saw a light reflection and it was bright,it troubled my sleep and I wondered if it was morning already. I opened my eyes but I thought I was dead because my expectations was to see a lot of people in my room screaming and shouting happy birthday and it really bothers me that no one came to wake me on my birthday.
I checked the time and it was 3:02AM in the morning,I thought that the lights were also a birthday surprise... I rushed to the living room but I heard a woman moaning,I opened the door that leads to my parent's bedroom and I saw my dad tied to a table, I saw a military man beside him,I moved close to my dad and I saw another military man raping my mom,she tried to speak to me but one of them shot her and the other one fired at me. .
I escaped and I ran out of the house but I fell into the hands of many military men... My country was invaded,the citizens were enslaved and we were taken to a new continent. I didn't get the chance to see my dad again because we were distributed to serve various masters in different places and I don't even know if he survived...
When we got to the new country,I was lucky and I was assigned to a rich master,he didn't give me much stress because there were many of us in his house. My friend,Sean, was in that house too and we served as a slave for two years in the man's house.
A wonderful day,it was March fourth again and it was my birthday,I will be turning seventeen and I felt so happy because the rich man has promised to free I and Sean. After the birthday celebration,in the evening,the man told me to pack my things and I head straight to the bedroom.
But spontaneously,a bright light,brighter than the military light shines on the building... I wondered if we were being invaded again,I peeped through the window and behold...
coming soon