
Chapter 1

??? POV

No one wants a loner a loser to be exact and no one wants a hater unfortunately I'm that person, disowned from my own family (at least I think so) living on the street, lost the love of my life, becoming an assassin, surely the list can't probably go on oh but it did it went on and on until the point of running away from my home town cause if I didn't my life would be on the line all because of one mistake one mistake changed my life it changed it all. I walked and walked until I came into an unknown street while walking on the street I hummed a song

While humming I passed a restaurant and my humming came to an abrupt stop when I saw the scene unfolding in the restaurant a couple as I can clearly see where basically smooching each others faces, I nearly gagged at the sight, I believed in love before I was an assassin which I'm truly regretting now, but now I have no idea, but later on I realised love was a traitor and I had nobody else to blame but myself for falling in love all because of one mistake a very big one, and I haven't forgiven myself ever since. I walked away and walked further until I came to an inn

"Hey what's your name, you must be new around here"said the innkeeper

"Yes indeed I am new and the name's Evan"I said

"Nice name Evan by the how old are you, OK let me take a guess you're 18"

"No, people sometimes mistake my age I am actually 25"

"Wow I was seriously of your real age, anyway welcome to 'The meadow' a nice small street, hope you enjoy your stay here, I assume your here to book a room"

"Yes indeed sir"

"That would be 50bucks per day"(don't mind me I have no idea how much they pay in inns)

So I paid for a week and he gave me the keys to my room I went upstairs and immediately collapsed on the bed

" Shit I forgot to take a shower"(its normal to say shit right? I mean like not in a cursing way)

I groaned and walked to the shower and took a long steaming bath when I came out I wore a pair of boxer shorts and jumped onto the bed and slept.

Innkeeper's POV

Evan's face kept appearing in my thoughts his dark brown hair almost black hair that was fairly scattered almost like he had run his hand through it again and again, his dark blue eyes I could almost swear that I saw twirls of green around it, if I weren't a Christian, those eyes had mystery in it his sharp jaw made him look even more captivating he even had a Spanish accent , I wonder if he is a Christian like my family.

"Dad,dad dad!! Are you okay?"my daughter asked

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine I must have zoned out "I said

" you just don't zone out like that, dad what's going on"

I looked at my 20 year old daughter who was looking at me worriedly

"Nothing I was just thinking of someone he's new on this street and I think he's an immigrant because of his Spanish accent"

Suddenly my wife came in

"Please do tel his name maybe he'll be a good husband for Ella"my wife said

" Moooooom! For the last time I'm not getting married to some random guy "

"I know but your the best graphic designer in the whole of Chicago what more do you want?"

My daughter paused then said

"The whole America?"

My wife's eyes widened to be as big as saucers

"But that will take forever, I want my grandchildren now" my wife whined

"Enough of this husband and wife talk I said

"She started it" my daughter said

"His name is Evan"

"Gorgeous name for a gorgeous man" my wife said

"How do you know that you haven't even met him"

My wife just shrugged and said

"Good night" and she walked of

"Good night I need to prepare for tomorrow, there are a lot of people in this time of the year"

"Dad just stop, OK, your stressing yourself I promised you when I was younger I would take care of you bought us this house so we can stay together we can't do that if your all over the place"

"I appreciate that your worried, but the reason I kept the inn going was because I want to meet new people, I want to help people who are still in the dark and bring them to the light you know what I'm saying but to that I need the inn"

"Hmm fine, but I'm still getting you an assistant"

"Good night Ella"


One look and she was of to bed

I also retired to bed with a note to ask Evan if he was Christian and If he was coming to church tomorrow


Evan's POV

I woke to the sound of church bells chiming, I stood up in only boxers (sorry to intrude but it can happen to any guy) and went to the window one look outside and I new I made a mistake the next new I heard a girl's scream one look at myself and I was in the bathroom when I can out in more presentable clothes, I looked at the building meant to be a church next to the inn with a very poor design, I always wanted to be an architect but all because of one mistake my life changed but I'm willing to change but it isn't like anyone will listen to me after knowing about my past, I decided to go shopping for a few clothes and some stuffs using the money I earned when I was an assassin don't get me wrong but I didn't kill I'm more like a spy I was just about to leave when I heard a knock on the door I opened the door to find a young maiden at my door I tried to stop myself but my mouth moved on its own

"Bella" I said

"Um no my name isn't Bella its Ella" she said while turning red

"No Bella means beautiful in Spanish" I said smirking

She blushed even harder and said

"Yeah um thanks, you need to come downstairs for breakfast or you won't be able to eat until lunch"

"Sure OK" I said after making a solid note to find a job later today and followed behind her she just pointed at an empty table before I could take a step a familiar voice stopped me, I turned around to see the innkeepers face

"Morning sir" cause today wasn't exactly a good morning

"Oh please call me Andrew, I wonder if I'm hearing things or not cause I heard girls scream this morning did you guys hear it

Before I could explain a girl came rushing in panting

" Andrew you will not believe what I saw this morning "she said not even acknowledging me

" what?"Andrew asked

"A half naked man!!!"

"Well that's not something you see every day" said Ella

When the lady saw me she pointed an accusing finger at me


"What'd you mean you" I said folding my hands

"You're the one I saw" with that she ran of blushing like a tomato

Andrew burst out laughing

This is going to be a long day I thought, to me it feels like I'm a highschool student and I made a bad impression first gone bad really bad with that thought in mind I walked to my seat to eat.

AN: hey guys what'd you think about the embarrassing parts in this chapter and woohoo for me this chapter is actually long yeah baby, kindly vote,comment and your support is needed

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