
Chapter one

A scientist was making antidepressant using an a fungus called ophiocordyceps unilateralis it was a type of fungus that would take over a carpenter ants mind and slowly drain the life out of there body.while making this medicine she accidentally spilled a strengthening chemical in the mix. Unknowing of her mistake she got a few people to test her pills they seemed to have worked but a couple days later the pills would have turned them into "zombies" or the undead. Her now realizing of her mistake called for all the pills to be sent back but it was too late people had already bought and taken the pills unknowing of who exactly bought and took the pills all they could do was wait. A few days later the scientists would here about " a zombie outbreak" on the news as her tv suddenly shut off. She would walk outside to see the world she knew and loved in ruins she knew of her mistake and couldn't bear to leave the house and stayed cooped up in her room so she never knew or heard any of this happening. After seeing her world in ruins she thought to herself " maybe it's just my city". She searched up on her phone " zombie outbreak" but nothing had shown up. She would then sigh in relief as she exclaimed " I have to find out if they sent help" so she would go to the border of her city and see it was blocked off. Her knowing that they are trying to keep the virus from spreading she didn't try and get past the barrier she would instead try and sneak back home until she accidentally knocked down a glass vase shattering it. zombies would then rush to her as she would run for her life until she came across a " odd " zombie it wasn't eating anybody and it was sitting down instead of running around looking for food. She would the walk to it unknowing of its origin " as the zombie turned around and tried to bite her. This zombie wasn't like the other zombies it was intelligent so she tried to communicate with it. The zombie would ignore her signs and again sit back down knowing that she had already fell for his trick. The lady would sneak behind the zombie and take off some of its skin as she ran away. Instead of going home she'd go to her lab to run some test as she discovered that the virus was transmitted through saliva. As she was in her lab a singular zombie would sneak out of the barrer unnoticed and affect another person as this continued and this epidemic slowly started to become a pandemic. As the virus spread worldwide the scientists had discovered two things one was this virus could not be stopped by normal means and two was she had a immunity to the virus and that there had to be more like her. She would then walk out of her lab after hours of doing research and fly up into the air as she black out. She would wake up to a zombie carrying her in a lard cage. She would look closer at the zombie as she would realize it was the same zombie she took the skin sample from. She would then start to quietly ask questions trying not to alert other zombies as the zombie would look at her in a sorta annoyed manner. The zombie would set the cage down and write in the dirt " I'm not setting you free you're the only clean human I can find". She looked at the writing in confusion thinking to herself " I knew this zombie was smarter than the average zombie but I didn't think he could communicate". The zombie would walk away to find firewood which was a bad idea. The scientists would then break out of the cage and run back to her apartment and grab a weapon. She would then go back outside to find food and supplies so she could survive in this zombie apocalypse. She would go back home to see a unexpected guess waiting at her door. She would see the " intelligent zombie" standing at her door before she got any closer she examined the zombie. She noticed that this zombie wasn't cut bruised or scraped anywhere so she was wondering how he died. The zombie would look at the girl as he lashed out at her and attacked her eating her on the spot. The zombie would then walk inside her apartment and lay in the bed as he " fell asleep". The zombie would get up in the morning as he walked to her bathroom and see that he wasn't a zombie anymore. ( the scientists blood was the cure) he'd stand there in confusion as he passed out and wake up later hungry.

This is my first time writing something I’m sorry for the grammatical mistakes and the horrible story line if I should continue please leave a comment

Vincent_Gristcreators' thoughts