
This is now

When I was young it was always me and Iszaia. I remember the first time we met I was sitting alone in the park and standing up before me was a tall kid with glowing yellow eyes and yellow spiked hair that was shaved on the sides. He walked up and said, "hey miss why yea sitting all alone?" I stud up and gave him a left hook to the chin "call me miss one more time and see what happens!"

Well, I guess I can't complain about my silky black hair and blue eyes I also can't forget about my below average hight." aww ha sorry. Damn you can really pack a punch its gonna take some time to heal" he said laughing." Oh om sorry I didn't mean to" I said sounding like a mouse talking to a lion. "No worry anyway I'm Iszaia less be friends maybe we can spar" "haha maybe we cannot," I said. After that, we spent all our time together but then he Suddenly disappeared one day I remember how I would stay in the park and wait hoping that he would come, I never saw him again.

But that was then and this is now. Yes, now I'm trying to fight the biggest monster I ever saw, math oh how terrifying it can... "Decx pay attention no wonder you're failing this class well go on," said the teacher. "oh om well the product is om" well now I've done it "I don't know," I said again feeling like a mouse this time talking to a clan of lions. " Mister Decx by saying go on I mean to your next class the bell just rang and the product? last time I checked this was language arts.

Well fuck I'm guessing I just got eaten.

Words from the author

Should I make the chapter longer or do two a week? Well your comments decide all.

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