1 Prologue: The forgotten land

As we all know in the land of Naismith there live the three sources. Heaven holding the power of light, Hell or the underworld holding the power of the darkness, and last the elements fire, wind, water, rock, and rarely sean metal. These are the three sources that come from three lands heaven, Underworld, and the world of the living.

Wait as I said there is one more source. One more world. NO. If it's a world we may be too late because unlike the other worlds that bring us power and some times heartache this one gives nothing but destruction fear and hatred. It takes all the hatred and fear to make monsters that destroy Naismith and the souls of the people who live here but a group constantly trains so they can fight and fend off the monsters we call this group the outsiders and there are insiders too who live in the core of Naismith although they may both live in Naismith they are worlds apart because outsiders know the true meaning of a close to death experience but that's not the point this forgotten land has gotten too strong to the point were hosts are being made having this said a prophecy shall be made.

A boy shall rise from the inside travel farther outside than any other and destroy the core.

Yes the core of the forgotten land.

The forgotten land of LIMBO

That is before that land turns his heart cold black.

Next chapter