
Basic guide to Naismith

Outsiders-people who are trained to fight monsters. Live on the outskirts of Naismith were the monsters are most active.

Insiders-getting straight to the point here. Their life should really be no different from yours. Live in the inside of Naismith(close to the core). Monsters aren't active unless they have a host.

Core- every land has a core if that core is destroyed the land will lose all life and connection to all the other sources. So basically It's the heart of the land.

Monsters- made by the hatred and darkness in our the world and the land it touches decades.

Source user- an outsider who use one or more powers from the 3 sources

Host- unlike a source user a host tries to get power from the forgotten source or the source find a way in to the soul the take over the body and make the a super advance monster or a host.

Forgotten source-limbo

3 sources- heaven, underworld, and the elements

Guide- every source user has a guide that helps them out it can be anything and everything from your fav pet to your fav shoes to a human? "well don't you think a human is a little too much " "sutup author and l listen to the guide I have the power to change the story" and they can have at least two guides at once

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