
The Insane Supreme Reborn

Tang Yan got betrayed by his woman who conspired with many of his enemies which led to his fall. Ten thousand of years later he had now awoken in a teenage body which seemed like his original body. "In this life I'll make sure to have more fun" he said knowing fully well that it was because of his extreme fun loving behavior that got him to making many enemies. (it might seem cliche at first but trust me this is different ) What would await him in this life...find out by reading by further this is a novice work any comments would be helpful

Bored_immortal_025 · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 18

It has never been recorded it heard of about an incomplete martial spirit which is quit understandable considering that people who experience this either died not being able to advance or found a way to have a complete spirit but either way Du bao'er case was different since it was suppressed by heavens will due to the martial spirit grade being too high for the present realm to bear and also her cultivation level had an influence also in this. Tang Yan knew that  even if he was to tell them his thoughts, they wouldn't still understand not even his aunt Xuan Tong would be able to comprehend the reason behind it.

Everyone inwardly wondered how he knew of all these things since he had been staying in the lower plain for a long while and it was a hundred percent that the lower plains can't have a record of knowledge like this unless people would have started a battle for it. Tang Yan seeing the look on their face sighed then narcissistically said

"Don't stare at me like that, I'm just too smart to be able to think of a theory. Also I would advise you all to take physical training into consideration to increase your combat prowess. Mainly depending on ones cultivation would dent the body, you all would realise what I'm saying at one point in time ".

Xuan Tong and Miss shu on the other hand could understand what he meant since that's what the Sun slaughtering sect mainly emphasize on.

Tang sisi who had awaken her martial spirit without cultivation now had a different air around her, it could be said that she was a rough gold before but after awaken she seemed like an unpolished jade which still needed time to be cared for, examined and sharpened. The awakening of Martial spirit would cause an influence on the one who awakened it given the fact that it occured before cultivation. But one who awakened after a start in the cultivation journey would be the one to influence the Martial spirit, particularly if it's a Battle martial spirit. Defense martial spirits are common and have less effect of influence from either the spirit or the cultivator itself. Support and other type of martial spirits are dependent on circumstances and a perfect example of this is Tang sisi who at the moment looked a little more matured for a five year old child.

And just like that another day passed. The following day Tang Yan dressed up early and elegantly. His hair which had began to grow more was smoothly dresses backwards while his brows became sharp. Although his cultivation was interrupted with yesterday's surprise visit, it didn't have any adverse effect on him. Tang Chen was still unconscious while recovering at a slow pace .

Tang sisi also developed a little fever after all yesterday was a little unrealistic fir her which will of course have some slight side effects but it was sure not threatening at least after she takes a long nap and starts her training nothing like that will occur again


The sky lit up slowly as the sun rose from the East, the chirping of birds and the crowing of chickens could be heard . The lower plains at this moment had started another bustling day with that. Engine reeving along with horns from cars eveloped the streets.

Tang Yan brought out his phone smiling while staring at his phone screen as he stood by the bus stop, though he could have just gone on foot since he's already a cultivator but nevertheless he still wanted to relish the feeling of traveling by the bus. He didn't think Du Bao'er would send the payment of yesterday so soon which made him look at her in a new light while he felt a deep excitement traveling through his bones and body like electricity.

"Heheh with this I can get a new house with a nice pool and a bike" he thought already picturing what the house and bike would look like. He had already gotten extremely used to the semi modern life here since his arrival in the past month.

The school bus arrived and everyone who wanted to board the bus came aboard swiping their card at a screen by the drivers side. Tang Yan also did the same having been prepared for this. He closed his phone and sat by the window at the rear looking towards the outside like a curious child as the bus moved with a suitable speed dropping them off at the next bust stop.

Arriving at the school, Tang Yan stood at the side of the gate to observe the people on his list while the gate guard sat at his post while having a puff from his cigarette. Some of the students who passed by greeting him even though they knew he wouldn't give a reciprocal  attitude. An orange sports car drove into the school premisses in an arrogant manner but what was surprising was that the students didn't complain as it was dangerous to just drive in like that, they all stood at the side with envy as they all gave comments of praise to the owner of the car especially the females

"It's just a sports car what's the big deal in it, tsk"

Tang Yan scoffed feeling a slight irritation at the crowd's reaction which could be considered exaggerated.

"The car isn't what they praise but the person in it"the gate guard replied quite surprised at Tang Yan's attitude.

"And who's that?"

"Zhao Leng, the only son of the Zhao family "

"Huh, only son then how was he able to afford such ride don't tell me he's family is the ex mayor of this part of the lower plains"

"Well, not exactly something like that but also close to that. His father was the previous head of security of this place but got transferred to the Sky floating city a year ago due to his devotion to his job. You can say it's a kind of promotion "

"Oh so that's what gives, I bet he has a cocky attitude seeing that..."

"He's actually nice and only has a few screw loose that's all. And by the way why am I even answering to your opinion" the gate guard said turn his head to look at who he had been answering the whole time. It wasn't in his habit to chatter or gossip about others like he did just now "aren't you the punk who broke into the school last night" he added seemingly recognizing Tang Yan face.