
The Insane Mage Cultivation Emperor

Wang Li is known as a pro gamer, hacker, fashion designer, actor, artist, and a famous novelist for him he loves peaceful life and not being messed around but when he found himself in a unknown world that is full of magic, monsters, cultivation to Wang Li he thought that he would have a time of his life. He could become a rich and famous person with many wives and also become a powerful immortal cultivator but for him he isn’t just weak but his job is to help a young child who in the books he has read becomes an insane emperor who does whatever he wants to make things even worse for him this emperor likes men well it’s alright he can do anything right lets try not to die and help a cute adorable gentle child grow up to become a caring kind emperor in the future. Wang Li made up his mind to lead the protagonist into the right path! He seems to have succeeded. Guo Ryoko Long in front of him was cute, sensible, caring, gentle and obedient. He doesn’t seem to have succeeded. Guo Ryoko Long, who was taller than him, had a low voice, dangerous and paranoid, “If you dare to run, I will break your legs, if you dare hold other people I will not spare them.”

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 {Guo Ryoko Long}

Wang Li was so upset on that day he even had baked things for Zyten and the little prince to meet up and they become friends and try his best to help them get a long so in the future Zyten doesn't suffer. But he pretty much kissed being brothers goodbye took the money and hit a hike.

What should he do now.

Leo started flying around. Wang Li wasn't about to bother with Leo right now what should he do now he can't just set around and wait for the right time to happen! Wang Li heard a gentle woman voice that seemed about the same age as himself.

"Let help you carry the water bucket is hard but no matter what one must always worry about themselves as well," the gentle voice said. Wang Li poked his head out he notice a young girl who was carrying two bucket of water her hair was braided to the side.

"Lora thank you for your help."

"Of course we might be servants but but we are outer court servants so we must be stronger then other servants," Lora said as she patted the newest comer on the head. 

Fining a new light shouldn't be a problem she would do just perfectly well. Wang Li waited until Lora walked out.

"Excuse," Wang Li said as he stepped forward. Lora eyes became to widen she has heard of this boy Wang Li he has gotten the tale of Fairy Prince in just three days of being outer court disciple.


"Can you do me a favor."

"Sure what is it?"

"They is a misunderstanding between me and little kid in the Rose Winter Palace could you bring these to him."

Lora took the basket that had bakery food inside with drinks and some nice clothes that Wang Li made himself.

"Wait before you do anything else don't tell him it was me alright it's our secret."

"Alright," Lora said with a kind smile and walked off.

Wang Li whipped his forehead but now he needs to worry other things how can he handle this mess. Why did you have to live Zyten you would of had a perfect life!

Time passed Wang Li would show up for classes do his homework, train, do some simple mission, and always gave food that he made for the little prince and ask Lora to bring to the little prince. 

Before Wang Li knows it he has been in this world for the past six months. In those six months Wang Li would pay attention to everyone and they are many times he would threaten anyone who would harm the little prince to the point no one dared to cross Wang Li. They were times when Wang Li would see Lora and the little prince talking it made Wang Li happy. He felt like everything were walking in the right path. 

Not just that he got the top student even though they were number of times he wanted to quit his system would also give him missions that made him want to punch his system. Wang Li was sitting outside a bench he held out his gourd as he laughed so happily and he started singing Christmas songs.

"Santa baby if you really there don't make fall in love again if you were won't be there oooh I am not even drunk let's sing a different song haha," Wang Li shouted as he spun around and he started holding out his hand like a guitar was there and he made guitar moves at this point Wang Li was drunk but he loved his liquor as he laughed so joyfully.

"Mmmm let the wine drink let the snow fall! But tonight let's have time of our life haha what the best day," Wang Li shouted and sing snow started falling down and Wang Li held out his hand his eyes were so bright yet drunk but he had a face that showed that he was enjoying himself.


Wang Li heard the noise and notice a cute white cat. Wang Li reached over and he laughed.

"Is the heavens finally blessing you are so cute I will call you Little Princess but you aren't as fat as my cat back at home," Wang Li said as he touched the cute cat that pushed her paw out.

"I'm moving faster than you think, you might mess with me if you are blank! Every day I'm getting stronger, stronger I am born to break the rules, I just want to scream out loud, nothing's gonna stop now!" Wang Li sing to the cat this song was something his niece would listen to every single day. Wang Li heard a noise and he looked up and he notice a young child the child hair was pure black his large red strawberries eyes stared at Wang Li.

"That's my cat."

"Your cat?"


"It's dangerous up there kid."

The seven year old pouted.

"I am not a child."

"Alright not a child haha you should be careful it's now snowing and it means it's easy to fall down," Wang Li said as he held out the cute cat and he sighed.

"I guess I can't take you away huh it's okay little cutie maybe next time haha do you like cats little kid?" Wang Li asked the young cute boy. The boy just blinked for a long time.

"It's normal to me nothing special," he said in a indifferent tone.

The boy was quiet for a moment.

"But if you like it you can come to me and see it," the boy blurted out.

Wang Li chuckled and he shook his head held out the white cat toward the boy. Wang Li unwrapped his white scarf and handed it over toward the boy and he gentle smiled.

"You should be inside it gets cold outside and it's bad for your body."

"what about you?"

"I am older then you I can handle the cold."

This cold has got Wang Li sober up but he felt bet tired now.

"Do you know me?"

"Kid am I suppose to know you they are so many people in this sect why should I know you, are you someone important?" Wang Li asked.

"What's your name?" the boy asked ignoring Wang Li comment.

Wang Li touched his chin and he smiled with a bright smile and he held his hand back as he moved closer.

"My name is Wang Li, to my parents I am Little Gluttony and they are some other cute nicknames that my family gave me how about you."

The boy smiled brightly as his eyes sparked with joy.

"My name is Guo Ryoko Long I am a prince," the boy said as he jumped to the other wall. Wang Li was frozen in place.


Not just that he was drunk and he dared to sing and almost stole that crazy emperor cat this is truly bad. Wang Li walked away and he shook his head.

On the other side of the wall. Guo Ryoko Long was walking toward his resident when he found himself smiling as he walked along the other wall and stopped.

His more beautiful then what that maid girl spoke of. His truly like a fairy and a person that was blessed by the goddess of beauty. 

"I won't eat you because he likes you," Guo Ryoko Long said as he smiled and he looked at the snow this snow is as white as his silver white hair. Guo Ryoko Long held on the scarf closer to his mouth and he walked inside his resident without a second thought.

The next day Wang Li did not get enough sleep he kept on waking up having nightmares that he suffered and died millions of ways. Nope, nope let's save up money and ran away from this hell!

As Wang Li was walking outside to Creed Cafe Lora notice Wang Li and she jumped on Wang Li back who sighed.

"Lora does the little prince know who I am?"

Lora looked away.

"Well you see one time he asked me who made it I told him it was me and then he asked me again with his cute eyes I could not lie, so I blurted it out everything," Lora said as she tapped her fingers together.

"Are you joking?"

"Of course not I am not playing with you at all I am just saying."

"So he knows I want the one who made the bakery food, and his clothes plus toy's?"

"Yup I don't understand what is wrong with it?"

"What do you mean what is wrong with it?"

"I mean you are truly ever kind so why not tell him about your kindness?"

Because that's not what I wanted. Plus he had nightmares of dying hundred different ways sigh let's not worry about anything else. Wang Li went to his training room. He held the spear in his hand as he moved around his martial art rank moved from one to two which was good. As Wang Li waved his spear in the air he started learning martial art technique. 

When he had time would spend his time cultivating or thinking on how to fix everything. At this moment he couldn't force at all he notice the snow was falling so hard. How wonderful would it be to have hot coco next to a fire place and watch Holiday movies.

Wang Li smiled of course he can do that but his master told him he must train and he must reach rank four martial art by the end of the month as if that would actually happen of course December isn't here yet but Wang Li is counting down the days. since it's snowing outside let's just relax for right now.

Wait a moment it's snowing outside and that child doesn't have anyone to take care of him and he might not even have winter clothes! 

The system petal appeared in front Wang Li he bought hand warmers, and snow boots after he was finished. Wang Li started running toward Rose Winter Palace. When he walked inside he saw Guo Ryoko Long was outside. 

Guo Ryoko Long looked up and his eyes brighten as he waved his hand.

"Brother Li!" Guo Ryoko Long shouted.

Wang Li fall on the ground.

"Little Prince don't call me Brother Li."

You get me killed I am way to pretty to die here and must go on that cruise no matter what they were so many beauties he was going to see damn it life sucks so much.

"But that maid calls you Brother Li short Bro Li Li why can't I call you that?" Guo Ryoko Long asked as he pouted as he stared at Wang Li who looked way. 

"Well you see it's different."


"How about this just call me Master Li?"

"No I like Bro Li Li better," Guo Ryoko Long said. Wang Li didn't bother held out his hand.

"Hand me your hands," Wang Li said in a kind manner. Wang Li was good at taking caring of the kids back when he was on earth he had nephews and nieces so he was always taking care of them no matter what.

"How do your hands feel warm."


"Hehe that's good they are called hand warmers they won't last forever but they are really hot for almost ten hours, these here are snow boots," Wang Li said he grabbed Guo Ryoko Long right leg and put on the black snow boots on and tied then after he was finished he did the same thing. He then grabbed a white jacket that he made that a hoodie on it. When Guo Ryoko Long put it on his found himself staring at Wang Li who was looking down at him kind smile.

"Now you will be all warm with the scarf I gave you, you will fine remember to always be careful."

"Why is Bro Li Li always so good to me?" Guo Ryoko Long asked.. Guo Ryoko Long was wearing small gloves.

I am prince that no one can control and no one tell me what to do if anyone enters here without a reason they could get themselves killed. But I am also someone no one cares about I am just a forgotten person so of course he wanted to know why Wang Li was being nice to him.

Wang Li reached over and rubbed Guo Ryoko Long head.

"Because you are someone who is worth being nice to."

Guo Ryoko Long let out a bitter laugh.

"But I am mistake that's those maids who come here to clean whisper about," Guo Ryoko Long whispered but Wang Li heard it.

"No one is a mistake no matter what the reason you can't get everyone to love, sure your father and mother were the one who created you but you don't have to hold on to them blood related family maybe important but so are none blood related family sometimes they can be more family then your real family. Once my mother told me this even if the world is against you even you feel let down hold onto something that is dare to you and remember to always be grateful that you are alive because they are some people who are just gone forever, no one is a mistake it also means you aren't a mistake Prince Guo Ryoko Long, you are a prince and be proud of that, show your family that you aren't weak but always remember to show kindness," Wang Li said. Guo Ryoko Long felt so happy for the first time someone told him he wasn't a mistake that feelings was wonderful.

"I will repay Brother Li Li kindness someday."

"Haha alright I will wait for that but I would like lots of beauties."


"Whatever Brother Li Li wants I shell gift it to you," Guo Ryoko Long said.

"Alright I need to go back now."

"You will come tomorrow."


"See you tomorrow then."