
The Queen and Her Butler

"Is it really you," Evangeline gasped, "Alex?"

"Yes," the boy replied, "I am indeed Alexander Mercer. I've waited eleven years to see you again, Eva."

Alexander went onto one knee and took Evangeline's hand, kissing the back of it.

"I am, and always will be, your eternal servant." he declared, "It's a game turned to reality, isn't it?"

"But," Evangeline questioned, "Why did you have to leave that day? I don't understand."

"Neither did I," Alexander explained, "But it turns out to have been all for this day. I'm to act as your butler, only the closest court members know of my existence. I am at your beck and call, milady."

"That's just like you," Evangeline giggled happily, "Always playing the servant, not wanting to be anything more…"

She had a serious smile.

"I might as well give you something to do for the moment." she told him, "How about some lunch? Just bring it to the garden when you're done."

"Yes, milady." Alexander smiled as he went off to the kitchens. Evangeline walked off toward the garden where she sat down on a fine-looking chair at a small, square table. She waited for about five minutes before Alexander turned up with a plate. He laid it in front of her to reveal a nicely-cut ham sandwich with some biscuits and a cup of steaming hot tea.

"Your lunch, milady." he announced. Evangeline smiled brightly in response.

"Thank you." she replied, "You even remembered my favourite."

Alexander stood beside Evangeline as she began to eat. It was sort of like watching a hamster. He chuckled a tiny bit when he saw the resemblance. Evangeline didn't notice him however, so he was safe. As she finished her lunch, she wiped her mouth with a napkin and got up.

"Alex," she called, "I forgot to ask. Just how did you get into the kitchen if you're a secret?"

"Only my identity is a secret," he replied, "To everyone else, I am just the royal butler."

"I see." Evangeline mumbled, "I guess it would be a problem if they knew who you were."

Alexander looked at a pocket watch, noticing that it was around one o'clock.

"Excuse me, milady." he announced, "I have to attend to some business."

"Of course." Evangeline replied.

With that, Alexander walked out and left the castle to go into the main city. It was a beautiful city, possibly the most beautiful in the world. The buildings were topped by marble domes and the walls were made of fine sandstone. The roads were clean and the skies were clear of any smoke or pollution.

After a half-hour of walking, Alexander came to a stop at a graveyard. It was well cared for and all of the gravestones were completely clean of any dirt. He went down one of the paths until he reached the very back of the yard, where a large grave sat. He looked at the name inscribed on it. Cassandra Mercer.

"Hello Mother." Alexander said, "It's been a while, hasn't it? We're all grown up now, both me and Eva."

The grave was deadly silent, but Alexander seemed to be listening out for something.

"Yes," he called, "Eva has really become quite a beautiful girl. She was also just named as your successor, I'm happy for her. As for me, I'm now her loyal servant, just like I've always wanted."

The grave remained silent as Alexander spoke, anyone passing by would mistake him for a crazy man.

"You don't have to worry Mother." he told it, "Eva will be safe with me. I'll always protect her, no matter the cost."

Alexander spent at least an hour talking to the gravestone with great fervour, talking about Evangeline mainly. He seemed to have a massive adoration for her, like he was speaking about some sort of goddess.

"Well," Alexander finished, "Looks like I've got to go, Mother. Eva is waiting for her butler to return. Maybe I'll see you soon, goodbye for now."

With that, Alexander went off to get back to the palace, going straight up to Evangeline's room, where she had waited patiently. She looked like she had something on her mind.

Whatever could be on Evangeline's mind? Find out in Chapter III: The Tiny Tyrant.

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