
Dream 1: The Beginning

The disturbing sound of one of modern technology's gifts and the ray of sunlight coming through the slit in one of the curtains brought Ethan back from something intriguing, something like a dream.

It was a quarter past eight in the morning, Ethan's mind should have been occupied by the fact that he was late for school, also when it was the first day of his senior year. What actually was bothering him was the dream he just had, he was trying hard to figure out what he really saw, did the maiden actually tell the truth or was it just a bluff. Was it really a portal from another dimension or maybe Ethan had just read way too much paranormal novels. Whatever it was, he needed to head to school and pretend like he's fine with the order of the world.


Ben: Ethan, I don't see you panting!

Ethan: I'm sorry, what?

Ben: Do you even realize what time it is, if Principal Jack weren't late, you'd be done for!

Ethan: Well I'm relieved knowing that I wasn't the only one who was late today though *smirks*

Ben understood something was wrong with Ethan the moment he observed his laugh, but there was no fortuity for the "high-school boy" chitchat during the assembly, especially when it was monitored by Mr. Clark.

Assembly ended and the first periods of the senior year went by and soon it was lunchtime.


Ethan: Okay but why are you yelling? It's not like I'm gonna have lunch with someone else.

Ben: Yeah that would happen if you only HAD ANYONE ELSE!

Ethan: You terribly sound gay now, but yeah okay agreed, I'll see you in the courtyard.


Ben: Okay so listen I know somethi-

Ethan interrupted while gazing at the sky using his marvelous grey eyes, caused by his mother's blissful genes, meanwhile, his silky-textured black hair danced with one of the best presents from spring.

Ethan: Hey Ben, did you ever have a dream where you actually see a "damsel in distress"? And what would you do if she told you she's from another dimension. I wonder how science would explain this.

His undisturbed impression was bothering Ben, whilst he knew what exactly Ethan was talking about.

Ben: What you're starting to have is a series of dreams where a certain girl will appear and I don't know what she WANTS FOR GOD'S SAKE, all I know is this series ends after the 31st dream. But hey it's nothing, it's just a matter of a month, you don't need to worry!

Ethan: Did you experience this too?

Ben: Yeah, you know what I did in all those 31 dreams, I told her to SHUT UP and lemme sleep, I mean hello! You may not have a school or homework, BUT I DO!

Ethan: Did anybody else had this series?

Ben: Hell yeah! Even your father and forefathers had, well not maybe "forefathers" but I'm sure your grandpa had it too! This thing is experienced by almost 91% of the males in our land! But thing is, it is not acknowledged by the government, and I'm unaware of the reason behind this. Wait, don't tell me your father didn't tell you ANYTHING about this?!

Ethan: Well no, of course, he didn't, I'm sure he has better work to do.

Ben: Dude this thing takes place during our puberty, it's almost like not advising a girl about menstruation!

Ethan: What's the big deal, you all ignore this series of dreams, don't you? I bet my dad just expected me to understand this all on my own, oh, by the way, do our mothers- I mean females- know about this?

Ben: No, my father told me once not to let any women know about this by any chance, or else it'll screw up my marital life, in the future, pretty much!

Ethan: God you're so unbelievable.

Ben: So, what did she look like, what happened, and what did you see? Spill the orange juice!

Ethan: You do know right that it's not "orange juice", its "tea" *chuckles*

Ben: Potato, Pothato whatever!

Ethan was about to narrate Ben the most intriguing dream he just had, he was still lying on the heavenly green grass on the inclined plane by the courtyard slightly wet due to the morning dew, his arms were rubbing against the ground while he kept staring at the sky with eyes which didn't have life in them a day ago.

Ethan started serenely," I was in the middle of a bridge which connected two lands, one had summer going on and the, on the other hand, it was winter. Then came this incredibly beautiful maiden, and it felt like "Psalm Trees-fever" was going on in the background. Unforeseen tears came down through my eyes and in a moment, I was speechless. Then we had this ten-twelve minute conversation, and I might sound clichè but you can't believe me, it felt like she's been watching over me for a long time. The way she looked at me, pierced right through my eyes and now anywhere I look, everything looks ten times more beautiful and lively. She was like the supernova I always desired to observe. I don't really know what is this all about, all I just want to do is find the perfect escape in her- which I already have I guess- and to cherish the time we stay being connected-

"WOAH WOAH WOAH, ETHAN HOLD YOUR HORSES MAN, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING YOURSELF INTO!"- Ben interrupted."There's plenty of other girls out there too, and you know what, they don't just appear in mere dreams, they are the REAL DEAL!", Ben finished.

Ethan: You'll never discern what I'm talking about.

Ben tried to correct him again but the bell rings. Later, Ethan behaved with Ben like nothing paranormal was going on.

On the way back home, Ethan kept recalling the conversation he and the girl from another dimension had:

Hana: Oh I see you've found me, quite delightful!

Ethan: How did I find you?

Hana: Oh yes you did, maybe you've forgotten!

Ethan: But how do I know your name, you haven't mentioned it once.

Hana: Oh don't bother to try to understand that, it's an intel from another dimension, so you won't possibly get it.

Ethan: This place, it's so enchantingly serene- I'm afraid my heart might explode.

They both continued the conversation calmly, there was not even one bit of shock or surprise in any one of them.

Hana: Oh thanks to you for that!

Ethan: Why?

Hana: Oh so in this sequence of dreams, the ambiance depends on your secret realm of desires.

Ethan: Fascinating, who's in charge of this though?

Hana: Oh that's confidential!

Ethan: Yeah a great amount of intel I work on! *laughs sarcastically*

Hana: So, care to wander around your realm, your highness!

Ethan: Yeah sure!- oh hang on, how did the color of the river water transform so quickly?

Hana: Oh can you just not gulp the matter about "transforming river water", after perceiving that this is just not a mere dream- it's the portal to another dimension!

Next chapter