
CH 1

I said nothing while Amber mulled deep thoughts. Shanice broke the silence, yelling from upstairs: "Tim! What are you doing? Where's my chips?"

I looked at my wife. "Be right back, okay? I'm gonna take the girls some snacks."

Amber shook her head. "No, I'm taking them out to dinner. Go tell them to get ready."

"Uh, okay. Did ... did you want your wine first?"

"No, I'll have a glass at the restaurant. I want to go out and celebrate this inheritance news with my daughters."

I felt a wave of shame as I realized I wasn't going to be included in this celebration dinner, even though my family's inheritance was the reason they were going out in the first place. Whenever Amber mentioned doing something with "my daughters," it was understood that meant without me.

As usual, though, I gave my wife no backtalk, instead turning on my heel to obey her.

When I entered the twins' room, they glared.

"Where's my chips?" Shanice demanded.

"I'm sorry, but your mom's home and she said you need to get ready; she's taking you guys out to dinner."

Neither twin acknowledged me but they immediately roused themselves. I collected their half-empty glasses before heading back downstairs.

Amber was still on the couch, staring into space. She looked up when I entered the room.

"Go get my bags out of the car," she said. I obeyed, and by the time I'd fetched the last of my wife's purchases, the twins were skipping down the stairs.

My wife stood up and hugged her daughters. "We're going someplace fancy tonight, girls. I've got some really good news."

"What?" the twins squealed.

"I'll tell you at dinner. Let's go."

Amber and the twins waltzed out of the house without a backward glance my way.

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