

Irene looked at the man in front of her with a raised eyebrow.

"You know," she sighed. "When I said I want him alive, I did not expect you bring him to me semi-alive state," Irene frowned.

The man in front of her was Rung. Both of his arms broken in pieces as the nail of each finger forcefully unplugged. One of his legs twisted like a tied rope, and his brown eyes lost all of his liveliness, looking to emptiness emptily.

...Yet, he was somewhat alive, unknown why.

"What can I say," Atilla shrugged. "He made me angry," he said sweetly.

"Your voice and your sentence do not match, Atilla," Irene sighed. "Well, whatever. It seems he will not possess any threat now," she eyed Rung.

Atilla shrugged again. "Probably," he said and looked at his Queen. "So, putting that fella aside. How will you clear the corrupted council?" Atilla smirked.

"I can't kill all of them. Some of them have a considerable influence in Dragnof," Irene said darkly. "And when we started to kill lesser ones, they will be alerted."

"And?" Atilla asked. "Do you have a plan? Since I do not," he asked. He was enjoying to Irene's seriously thinking face. It was rather cute for him.

"It will be risky, but I have a plan," Irene said. He grabbed Atilla's shoulder and dragged him to her meeting room. "Come with me; I'll explain my plans to you," she said while pulling Atilla.


"So, what will it be," Atilla said while rubbing his shoulder. 'Damn, lass surely has a strong grip,' he thought.

"The council has six members," Irene said and pulled six paper out, putting them on the desk in front of her.

Atilla eyed the six men carefully. 'Fat and bald ones always the bad ones,' he thought with a smirk. "So, how many of them corrupted?" Atilla asked.

"All of them," Irene said darkly. "All of them corrupted," she sighed.

"All of them?" Atilla raised an eyebrow. 'I knew fat and bald rule, but... all of them, damn,' he sighed. "So, what is your plan?" he wondered.

"You know, humans are greedy, right?" Irene said. "What if we started a civil war between them?" she asked with a cunning smirk.

Atilla smirked with his own. "I like the idea," he chuckled. "They will fight, and we'll kill the lesser ones~," he then added sweetly.

"You picked the things fast," Irene said and sit. She poured two cups of wines and gave one of them to Atilla.

"For the future and mutual friendship," Irene raised her cup.

Atilla looked the cup in front of him. 'That's not a good idea,' he thought and looked at smiling Irene. 'But, a cup won't be bad, I guess?'

"For the future and our mutual friendship," he raised the cup, and they drunk them together.

Irene looked Atilla little gloomily. "I know not the best wine, but we will have a great wine together once the things are finish," she said.

"*hick* Ok-*hick* O-okay~," Atilla stutter. His cheeks were red, and his balance was in disorder.

Irene shocked. 'Really? It was just a cup,' she started.

She looked at the man in front of her. A robust, playful and without a doubt shameless man was was hardly even stood just by a wine.

Irene smiled. 'He is rather cute when he is like this,' clearly Queen of Dragnof had weird fetishes. 'Yes, indeed cute,' she softly smiled.

"H-*hick*hey, isn't it har*hick*har-d to carry those two melons?" Atilla said out of the blue.

Yeah, maybe not that cute.


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