2 2 Baby in a rock.

"ssshhhhh! Can you hear that?"said a man in a cream colored explorer vest and a pair of brown shorts and matching shoes.

He had a muscular and well maintained physic.

Those perfectly outlined Jaws and cheek bones could make any woman drool over him. He was the epitome of perfection.

" What? What did you he... Wait is that..... baby? "said a lady who looked to be in her late twenties about the same age as the man next to her. She wore the same attire as the man.

She had a perfectly constructed face, silky black long black hair that fell over her back.

A curvaceous body, well outlines.

She is the type of woman every man could dream of.

" Yes Monica. It sounds like a baby crying. But where exactly?"said the man in brown shorts.

They appeared to be in some ancient ruins of some sort.

That attire and the fact that they were in the remains of a lost civilization could only mean that they were both archeologists.

" It's seems to be coming from over there.....that rock!" said Monica as she pointed to an ancient kind of rock with a bunch of mysterious symbols on it.

"Hurry come and help me lift this rock." continued Monica as she hurried over to the rock.

The man in brown shorts followed her obediently and did as he was told.

Once they lifted the rock, they saw nothing but they could still hear the sound of a baby crying.

"hey Harvard. The sound is coming from the rock its self.!" said Monica while leaning her ear closer to the rock.

"Oh sh*t, could the baby possibly be in that rock!" exclaimed Monica as she covered her mouth with a palm in a surprised expression.

"Quick! Pass me the tools" said Harvard.

Monica ran back to the place her and Harvard where searching before they heard the wails of a baby. She picked up the tool box she left there and ran back to Harvard to hand it to him.

Harvard placed the tool box on the ground and picked out a hammer and hitting nail. As Monica watched on still wondering on how a baby could end up in a rock.

Harvard placed the nail on the rock with one hand and hit it into the rock. Small debris flew out after every hit.

Monica also got her self some tools and helped out Harvard.

After a couple of hammering and falling debris, the baby wailing earlier had been retrieved from the rock.

His skin was as cold as freezing ice. As if he just melted.

"awww. Look at you cutesy wutsy." said Monica holding the freezing cold baby in her arms, clear joy evident from her face.

Harvard also seemed to be in joy too seeing the babies face.

He couldn't help reaching out to touch the baby's puny arms.

He felt the joy over flow through him.

" I'll call you Trevor. Cutesy wutsy" said Monica.

The two even forgot that they just got the baby from a dang rock.

Well, Monica and Harvard were high school sweet hearts long time. They got married two years back. They tried to have a baby but couldn't so they consulted a doctor and were told that they couldn't have a baby.

So seeing and touching a baby was something so foreign to them that they couldn't help it but to over flow with joy. It felt so right to hold a baby in their arms.


****2018 modern day*****

"Trevor! Trevor! Wake up it's time for school." said Monica as she walked pass Trevor's room carrying a basket of laundry.

"Just give me couple of minutes." said Trevor in a tired tone.

"Oh come one kid, it's already 7 am. Your gonna be late for reporting day." said Harvard as he entered his room and pried open the curtains.

The sun picked through the windows and fell on Trevor's face.

Trevor groaned in dissatisfaction. If there's one thing he hated was waking up early on a Monday morning. For he will have to endure another torturous week at school listening to Mrs. Benson teach.

"Aaaaaahh. Why do u have to go today. Can't I just go tomorrow instead.?" asked Trevor in a pleading voice, tossing the blanket away from his body and jumping off bed.

"No honey. Your a new kid in school,and you have to make friends." said Monica matter-of-factly.

"But mom....." before he could even finish what he was saying, Harvard spoke on a loud tone from down stairs, "Hey, what's taking y'all so long breakfast is ready!"

"Let's not make your dad pissed okay. Pack up your school bag and come downstairs for breakfast." Monica said before she kissed Trevor on the forehead and turned to leave.

Trevor had no other choice but to listen to his parents and prepare for the gruesome day ahead.

" Are we having bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast?" said Trevor, clear happiness on his face, smelling that aroma as he came downstairs.

There house was an ordinary house, not too fancy, not too cheap either.

The flat screen TV on the wall opposite the stair way.

A set of L-shaped couch on the right of the stair case.

A glass table in the middle of the L-shaped couch and the TV on the wall.

To the far end on the wall right of the stair case, a set of slide glass doors leading to the court yard outside.

And on the left of the stair way a neatly organized dinning table near the kitchen wall with a medium sized rectangular hole that is used to pass food from the kitchen to the dinning table.

A wooden door a meter away from the dining table that leads to the kitchen. And in the kitchen, a back door of of cause.

"Good morning dad, mom" greeted Trevor.

"Good morning. How was your night?" asked Harvard.

"Fine dad" replied Trevor.

"that's good." said Harvard.

After all the greetings, they finally had their breakfast.

They took 10 minutes until they were done.

After the breakfast, Harvard picked up Trevor's back pack, handed it to Trevor as they stood up from their seats and offered to drop him off at school.

"Here... Let me drop you off at school." said Harvard.

"Alright.... good bye mom." said Trevor then followed his dad out through the main door.

Outside, there packed a black polo.

Harvard walked to the driver's side, opened the door and sat at the driver's seat.

Trevor followed suit and sat in the passenger seat.

They drove off to their destination.

"Can you turn on the radio for me?" asked Harvard clearly concentrated on the road ahead.

Trevor reached out his hand and tapped on the screen in the middle panel of the car.

The radio turned on immediately and played a some sort of hip hop rap song.

"Son, make some friends okay. Don't let anyone pick on you. Always stand for the right thing son. And ohh! I want you to bring you girlfriend home any time soon"

"Oh come on dad. With your inherited looks, I can brig home 10" replied Trevor in a sarcastic tone.

Both father and son laughed through out the drive as they chatted and made jokes non stop.

These two clearly were close, really really close.

After 15 minutes, they finally arrived at their destination.

They both said their love yous and byes and Trevor finally rushed to the school gate.

Along with other students, trying to beat the time before the school bell rings.

