
The Infection

Badang: Hey Grock wanna hang out at the lake?.


Badang:Here we are bud.

Grock:So what are we gonna do?.

Badang:Hmmmmm??? Hey whats that green stuff there.



Grock:Lets go explore it.

Badang:Im not so sure but ok.

"Grock Accidentally steps on the green stuff"


Badang:Are you ok?!!.

Grock:I im ok i just need to rest for a while.

Badang:Are you sure bud? . Let me walk u home.

Grock:Sure lemme just Aghhhh!!.

Badang: Are you sure you're ok?.

Grock:Yes im ok just nothing but pain on the back.

Badang:Lets Walk you home buddy.

...The next day

Grock:A tail!!! wha what happened to me!!!?

Grock I gotta tell badang.

"Goes to Badang"

Grock:Badang!!! Help i've got a tail what happend last night.

Badang:You stepped on that pule of green stuff remember?.

Grock:Oh yeah but why did i grow a tail?

Badang:Maybe its.... "Grock screams"

"Grock covers his face with his Hands"

Grock:Aghhhh!! whats happening.

Badang:Hang in there bud i'll be bavk wait here!.

"Badang leaves"

"Badang Comes back"

Badang:Grock!!? Is that you?.

"Grock Spits acid"

Badang You've transformed into a lizard!!

Grock: Run!! Run!! While you still have time Aghhhh!! Hurry

Badang runs away"

"Grock meets angela"

Grock: you too?!! Aghhhh!!.

Angela:Another infected person.

Grock:What Is this a virus?!!!.

Angela: Im afraid it is. and its Uncurable.

Grock:what will happen to me.

Angela: I dont know either I heard everyone that is infected with this virus fully transforms in 48 hours.