
The Indifferent Luna

Silveen a young Omega who is displaced by her family due to her inability to shift, finds love and settles for it until she experience the betrayal of the one she trust the most, her mate. Escaping death and discovering that her inability to shift is due to a curse placed on her at birth, she swears to take revenge on all who have or will try to hurt her. After chosing to walk the path of revenge, silveen soon finds out that there is more to her than the regular girl and there was more to her story. Following self discovery she soon finds herself face to face with the one person she couldn't bring herself to hate, her mate.

Messilaw · Urban
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57 Chs


"Silveen! where are you going?!"

I heard Lady Freya call to me, her confusion evident in her voice. I ignored her. I was not going to open my eyes and allow myself to be humiliated. one dose of humiliation in front of the whole pack was enough for one lifetime.

Her shout must have caught Eric's attention because I heard rapid footsteps behind me, and I felt his hand grab mine, at the exact moment I was thinking of running. I gasped as sparks of electricity jolted through my whole entire body from the point of contact, but I didn't dare turn around to look at him.

"Please stay Silveen." The way my name rolled off his tongue made my heart melt, and I knew I had to leave before I gave in.

"I can't Alpha Eric I have to ..." I tried to pull my hand away, but he held firmly to it.

"By my side Silveen. Stay by my side and rule these people with me."

I turned around slowly and looked into his sea of blue eyes surprised at the intensity of his gaze.

He was serious!

"Stay with me as my mate. Silveen." he whispered as if he knew of all my worries. Maybe he did but how could he possibly know?

How could he….

"Let me protect you. I would do anything to protect and keep you safe Silveen. Just… stay with me." His voice broke as he spoke further, now taking my hand into his, pulling it up and pressing his lips against my knuckles, closing his eyes as he did so.

I just stood there staring at his face and its distinct features, not knowing how to react. My eyes drifted to his forehead which was now arched with worry, a worry I never wanted to see there.

I reached out and touched his cheek in spite of myself and his eyes flew open, almost as if responding to the spark that lingered with our touch, he looked up at me. Expecting.

I only smiled sadly, abandoning all my logical reasoning again.

"Is the rose for me?"

He beamed and lifted it up to me. I collected it and brought it close to my nose inhaling the scent. It smelt of the ocean just like him. I smiled in satisfaction and together we began to walk to the picnic spot, he pulled me along, as we held hands and I realized for the first time in my life.

I was happy.

I was happy with the very man I was trying to run away from. I was trying to abandon everything and run, leaving behind this happiness.

"Have fun Silveen." I heard Lady Freya's voice in my head as we walked past her.

I turned to her sharply, eyes widened in shock. How was that even possible? How could she mind linking me? It was the first time anyone had ever mind-linked me. Not that anyone ever had anything private to say to me, not even my parents had. They had all just assumed that I always kept my walls up and blocked them out, when in fact I didn't know how it was done. I had thought it was impossible since I had no wolf, until now.

My jaw slacked as she winked at me before walking away. I stopped short in my tracks and stared at her retreating self in shock. I wanted to ask how she did it, but I didn't know how to mind-link her back.

"Is there a problem?" Eric asked me, as he too had stopped walking.

"She…. she mind-linked me!" I said, the shock evident in my voice. He only smiled now

"Of course, she can. You are a part of our pack now."

But I never heard it before. I thought to myself as excitement and confusion coursed through my veins. He tugged at the hand he was holding and we began to walk again, but now I was in my own head.

Was I never a part of my former pack? Was that why I never heard them? Was it because of him?

I glanced at him.

Was it because I was with him? Maybe my wolf would come out if I stuck around him. Should I hope?

This was a miracle in itself, I thought as a smile played around my lips. .........................................................................................

I had a pleasant time at the picnic, we had sat there for hours watching the sunset and its reflection in the lake, it was by far the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. I clung to the big teddy bear he had earlier given me, holding it close to my chest which was filled with the light of joy for the first time ever, the cobwebs of fear and uncertainty had long disappeared.

I laughed at his jokes as we got to know each other better. He told me what growing up was like and I couldn't help but envy him. His childhood, though void of his father, was filled with many happy memories, mine however was different.

I had lived a numb life, which revolved around waking up in the morning, going to school, coming back, and then staying in my room to study. Since I wasn't really a bright kid when it came to academics, my parents ensured I spent more time with my books. This never helped in any way, and now that I think of it, my parent must have used that as an excuse to prevent me from spending quality time with them. Maybe I was wrong, but they always kept me in my room.

I grew up having neither friends nor playmates, kids in school thought I was weird and so stayed away, well so did I. my siblings; two elder sisters and an older brother, who were happily married by the time I left home, always avoided me in school and bullied me at home. When I reported to our parents, they always pushed it aside saying all older siblings were like that.

I told Eric about myself and my family at Estradol, but only the good parts. I didn't tell him, his mate was the child who couldn't shift on her eighteenth birthday, I didn't tell him about my childhood, nor the estranged relationship with my family that brought me here. I only went by the line my father had told Lady Freya.

"You don't look to me like the troublesome type," he said and I smiled, even though a little sad that I had lied to him.

was going to grab onto this happiness I felt, even if it was fake, I was going to hold on to it while it lasted and protect him from the pain of having a mutated mate.

I sighed silently as I looked at him, the smile on his face was priceless and I wanted to keep it there, protecting him from the pain of who I really am, and I just knew he felt the same about me because of the way he stared at me whenever I laughed.

The sun soon set, going to her resting place and the stars replaced her, fireflies began to do their evening dance, filling the lake with the most beautiful aura, and the moon gleamed down on us, even she seemed pleased at the match. I thought, wanting to stay here forever.

"We should head back." he began. "Before Freya starts getting worried."

My smile faltered a little bit as I nodded and started to get up, he came quickly, took my hands, and pulled me up.

I laughed slightly as I staggered towards him, he took the cue and kissed my forehead. I blushed, purring from the tingling sensation it left.

He took my hand and we began to walk back.

"The clothes," I said, but he smiled.

"Someone would come for it."

I nodded clutching my teddy bear and rose in my right hand as he held unto my left. I could tell he loved holding hands or was it

just my hands he loved holding? I asked myself blushing at the thought.

We walked silently enjoying each other's company as we entered the village, ignoring the look we got from passersby who didn't seem to pay us any attention. They probably just assumed that we were lovers, taking a walk under the moonlight.

He suddenly came to a halt and I looked up to see that we were in front of Gamma Dilan's house. He looked at me with a longing I could not explain, but it made me blush all the same.

I began to walk towards the house, his hands leaving mine only at the last minute when we were too far away to hold hands. I felt everything even to the touch of our fingertips in an electrifying instance.

"Goodnight," I murmured reluctantly, howbeit loud enough for him to hear before I began to walk towards the door, climbing the stairs that led to the porch.

"I had a great time today Silveen." I heard him say loudly in my head. It was the second time this was happening today and I couldn't explain what was happening to me.

I turned around to look at him, giving him the most beautiful smile I could muster before going inside the house.

Once in the house, I ran to the window to watch him leave, admiring his handsome features.

He was beautiful and he was mine.

"Me too," I replied him in my mind, not sure if he could hear me.