
ThE FacebooK ConneCtion

It was the time of dispersal from school. As usual I went to my bus and sat on the window seat and started looking outside, I saw a boy on a scooty staring at me. I started looking somewhere else, but still he was staring me so I also started staring him and thought"देखते हैं कोन ज्यादा देर तक देख पाता है". Then that boy also realised that now it's the time to move orelse anything can happen so he went home.

As I reached home I started using Facebook and then I saw a screenshot sent by my friend to me it was a post in which it was written 'tag a person with whom you want to have breakfast here'. In the background there were beautiful hills and a table for two. The same guy who was staring me outside the school mentioned my name in the comments section.

I was surprised to see it, and as usual like all other friends do she started teasing my by his name inspite knowing that I already have a boyfriend. She said his name is 'Vickey Sharma' and the very next moment I received his friend request but I left it pending. I said Paridhi to say him I am least interested in him, but who cares she convinced me to talk to him by her emotional blackmail . I started talking to him, for first I liked him ,his respect towards me and the care he showed. Afterall what else a girl need a loving person who love only her and cares for her a complete package of a perfect boyfriend.

He asked me some things like hobby, friends and other things which he already knew before. He tried to have a friendly conversation with me and so do I .As we know good things don't last long same happened. My present Shrey asked me to block him thinking 'she is my girl stay away from her'. I said him he will be just a friend but insecurity and jealousy has no end. He screamed with anger 'block him or me',then suddenly a message came of Vicky I love you Kritika♥️. I was happy for getting a praposal and sad that my new friend is getting his expiry date so soon. I said him that I have a boyfriend and he said he already knew it I was bit surprised knowing it . He know it than why saying it all to me but anyways I bloked him and slept.

a love story close to my heart my FIRST writing so please ignore my mistakes and feel the presence of love...♥️

kritikagrover930creators' thoughts