1 Prologue

A man that looked to be in his mid-forties sat atop a throne, many nobles surrounded him, they pondered what would the king tell them. Yes, the king they were thinking about was the man on the throne King Beric Lhanay of Galan.

"I have killed the maid that birthed my child Jiruo," he spoke clearly. Gasps were heard around the room.

"Good decision my king," said Advisor Ethben with an evil smile. "I say we kill the child as he has commoners blood and could never be considered a noble,"

Little did they know that young Jiruo had been watching their meeting through the door, he started to sweat terrified by what his uncle Ethben had said.

"Yes, send guards to kill him instantly." The king commanded. The few guards in the room walked to the door and they opened it surprised to find Jiruo running towards the hall that leads outside. "Shit" Jiruo mutters under heavy breaths as distant yells grew closer he recognized some of those voices one was his elder brother Ekols. Jiruo slammed open the doors that led out of the stone castle. He ran onto the bridge but quickly halted as guards stood at the other end.

"Stop now brother," said Ekols slowly catching his breath. "You shall have a quick execution."

"No, I will not stumble to this tyranny," Jiruo said, quickly leaping from the tall bridge into the river below as it was his only other option.

"I see he chose his own death," sighed Ekols peering down the vast river between the ravine. He saw Jiruo slowly disappear from his view.
