
The Incomparable

You know, looking back into my life, it was horrible. No one had thought to tend to me. No one gave a second glance once they walked past me. Father’s dead... Mother’s dead... Same as everyone around me, but all that changed when I was chosen. Chosen by who? “HIM” of course.

Sectra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 7


"Did you just talk back to m---" he couldn't finish as he was caught off when a car came by.

"WHO HERE JUST GOT AWAKENED ABOUT 2 HOURS AGO?" a voice yelled as they were coming out of the car.

"That's what you get for talking back to yer seniors kid," the red-haired man said as he started to point his hands towards me.

"I believe you're looking for him?" He said as he looks at me and said

"Number 1 rule of society… know who you are fucking with. HAHAHA," he laughed as he walked off with his beautiful partner.

"I'M AFRAID YOU WILL HAVE TO COME WITH US YOUNG MAN," the man said even though I was right in front of his face.

"Okay sir" I replied weakly.


"If you don't mind me asking, who are you here representing?" I asked the man.

"We are here on behalf of the Awakened Association." He replied.

"I see… Is there a problem?" I asked because I was curious, I also wanted to gauge the trouble I was in.

"Please wait till you arrive at the headquarters," He replied, giving me an annoyed look.

We had about a 3-hours drive before we arrived at the building, and during that time it was so silent in the car that I could hear my own heartbeat over the engine of the car.

"Here we are… Wait here we will get the door for you." He said as he got down the front door, I don't know why but I could feel danger coming from him.

They opened the door and after I got down from the car I was surprised at just how big this building was.

"Follow me." He said as he scanned his ID card to walk through the door.

"Where are we going, sir?" I asked after we passed a few departments.

"We are going to meet the people who deal with newly awakened people" He answered, he still had the same tone.

After a little while, we appeared in front of another door, then he pushed a button that made a ringing sound and before I knew it a voice came echoing through the speakers.

"Who is this?" The voice asked

"This is Kim Lee… from the Scouting unit." He replied

*beep - click click*

The door opened right before our eyes and inside it was not a monster this time, but a group of people with a couple of machines and the guy from the entrance of the hospital.

"Are you John Brown?" I heard and scanned around for the figure who said it and I see the only man sitting down in the whole room.

"Kid… I hate asking questions twice. Are you John Brown?" He said again.

"Yes, I am" I replied trying to match the energy he gave off while talking to me.

"So you are the new awakened huh?" He said as he gave off a little smirk.

"So kid… Are you our enemy?" He asked as he glared at me with murderous intent, I had felt this before back in the car but it wasn't this much.

"W-what do you mean?" I replied

(* I should be asking what's going on… I just faught a bunch of goblins *)

"That raid that was closed by you… Why did you start it?" He asked as his murderous intent got stronger and it was soon hard for me to breathe.

"I didn't start that thing. Why would you think that?" I replied, I knew I would soon drop on my knees just from the pressure they were giving off.

"We collected data from that dungeon and it matched your energy waves." He said with a louder voice.

"Anyone could have the same waves whatever as me… how are you sure it wasn't forged?" I replied it was getting harder for me to breathe.

(* I don't want to die like this, not when I was given a second chance *)

"Every Raider has a different energy wave… Anyway, what level are you currently?" He asked with an interested voice behind the harsh looks on his face.

"I believe I am Level 13 sir" I replied

"Check his limiters" He commanded

After saying that a lady walks right in front of me and looks into my eyes, then she slowly moved closer and closer until our heads touched each other. Then she turned around and said,

"I believe he has-----"