
The Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God

Thet say if you are quiet enough you could hear the lost sound of the dragons. Over 100,000 million years ago dragons disappeared from this world the voices from the gods also disappeared the world has changed with advice technology outstanding and talented people they are thousands of planets that now people can see the world has changed from before yet spirit beast have been suffering because of their unique powers and how humans can use it to become stronger, but the humans did not know they have awaken a ancient sleeping dragon that was known to destory a planet within a second no one could even see its enter body this dragon has been sealed away for over 30.9 billion years it's finally out but it's after revenge toward the humans that has destroyed the dragon clan, spirit beast, and demons. In a small city there lays a young boy who has always followed his older siblings around even on the day of awakening day he was a gentle yet cunning little guy. The world isn't simple but can this little guy truly bring piece to three races demons, spirit beast, and humans? Shen Riku Yuuto dream has always been to become a Heavenly Henjina Spirit Master and fleet commander. For a young master he must rise above his brothers and sisters he must walk through fire, throns, and blood. Shen Riku Yuuto might have a trashy spirit root but what he makes of it it's up to him. Attending the number one academy in the world Celestial Edrea Academy, makinh friends, finding allys, creating enemies taking revenge on those who harm his family what Shen Riku Yuuto doesn't known is within his body there lays a Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God Body, a real dragon that is sealed away can Shen Riku Yuuto rise above Heaven and Earth can shake the enter Heavenly Edogend Continent?

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 19 {Ehia Planet}

A day later. The Dark Knight Fleet landed on the ground and the doors opened. The Ehia military all lined up and welcomed Shen Yuan Lu who walked out of his fleet. His long jacket blew as he walked straight forward while the other members walked inside the other cars. They all started flying at a fast speed when they landed on a Rose Garden Palace. The emperor and empress welcomed Shen Yuan Lu and shook the emperor's hand.

"Mr. Shen, you are a hard man to find. Your unit is known to be the best undercover agency."

"Emperor Walker please my fleet and I accounted for some trouble and we are tired so can we sit down."

"Oh yes we will be having a banquet for your fleet in two days. In these next two days please rest up Ah who is this boy?"

"Hello my name is Zu Easton. I am here to follow Commander Shen Yuan Lu. My parents sent me here," Shen Riku Yuuto said.

Well done son, good lie.

"Oh I see we'll then we will hand you to a nanny."

"I think you misheard me. I said I am following Commander Shen Yuan Lu. Do you have a problem with me sitting with you guys? After all I might be a dwarf but I am a smart person," Shen Riku Yuuto said as he acted.

Emperor Walked clenched his jaw. He wanted to kill this dwarf so badly but he calmed down its best not to make an enemy out of this boy who is a disciple of Shen Yuan Lu.

Everyone walked toward the dining areas.

"Andrew, didn't they used to be a different emperor and his family?"


"Are you kidding me they didn't disappear? I bet you they are imprisoned somewhere."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean this man is something else the way he takes to my father shows he wants to trap him here and imprison him look at over there everyone is overworked and no one dares to say a word or they are goner, even in our continent we have kings and queens but they aren't in charge of our death sure they can choose to kill us but they have to get approval from the higher ups and then we have people who put the two parties if they are guilty or not."

"For a nine year old you know a lot about laws."

"Well I need to know so I can be ready for anything."

"Actually our job is to free the real royal family the attack is supposed to get us away but we will be able to search the palace."

"I see not a bad idea so smart!"

"Now go to bed."

Shen Riku Yuuto sat on his guest bed and he stared out the window men dad job is hard being a fleet commander and yet a secret agent if he was find out he would be good as dead. Shen Riku Yuuto opened the bathroom door and he took a long shower when he opened his eyes he stared at Ehia Capital City.

Ehia planet is beautiful if I was an evil person and I wanted the throne to myself where would I hide my family.

Wait, Dragontooth Mercenary Star might be a good help.

"Dragontooth Mercenary Star?"

A flouting small girl robot appeared. She had two pigtails, her eyes were large and she looked like a human. No one would be able to tell if she was a robot.

"Okay can you find the lost royal family?"

Scanning access granted they are hidden deep within temples up in the mountains.

"Wow awesome."

"I shouldn't call you Dragontooth Mercenary Star."

"Damn straight you shouldn't call me that name. now I am Penelope. I like that name."

"Oh by the way people can see you?"

"Sure powerful Heavenly Spirit Master can sense me and if I wanted to show myself I can do it like I am doing right now."

"Your an AI."

"Yup I was created by a powerful person but they disappeared why I choose you is you feel familiar well your bloodline does nothing else don't worry I don't like guys I like girls."

"Good to know, come and help me we need to go to the mountain and…"

"We can't be an idiot if you do not understand martial arts or even how everything works. Let me explain it to you."

1. The Savage Empire

2. The Perfect Isle

3. The Empty Planet

4. The Ghost Isles

5. The Timeless Empirehe Frozen Realms

6. The Vision Nexus

7. The Fierce Isles

8. The Steam Vale

9. The Rabid Forest

10. The Center Lake

11. The Ivory World

12. The Single Sanctum

13. The Steam Lake

14. The Elder Lake

15. The Eternal Terrain

16. Immortal Sea Shepherd

17. Heaven and Earth

18. World Eye

19. Emptiness Prison

20. Emperor universe

"These are the martial rank level and no these aren't the strongest, they are people who are above the Emperor Universe Realm but when you get to that level I will tell you."

"What's the big difference?"

"Attack me and I will use only The Empty Planet."

Shen Riku Yuuto rushed forward and Penelope closed her eyes she waved her wand Shen Riku Yuuto felt the powerful aura that came out of Penelope and it wasn't her Senia after all she is a robot so she doesn't have that this is just her martial art she is like a fast rocket who is catching up on him on anything he does.

"Now do you understand that's a low level? Each realm has eighty layers. You must make a breakthrough the higher your martial art rank is, the harder it is to breakthrough the other layers and each layers gives off a special effect like this is The Empty Planet ninth layer effect. Penelope disappeared and she kicked her leg upward skd shot Shen Riku Yuuto backwards she caught him and drppped him as she dusted her hands.

"Understand now those people are high martial art and have high level skills."

"Okay go back."

Penelope disappeared.