
Episode 1

(The episode opens with a bunch of people walking on the sidewalk, entering cars, driving cars, and talking on their phones)

(The screen shows Kanisha: a 13-year-old girl who has long black hair in a ponytail, brown skin, wearing a white shirt with pink swirls on it, blue jeans, and red shoes eating a sandwich on top of a skyscraper specifically the roof)

A voice: Aaaah!

(Kanisha swallows the whole sandwich and flies off at super speed)

(The screen shows a burning building where firemen are and a bunch of people are looking at the bunch of people)

(Kanisha looks shocked)

A man (banging on the door): Help! Help! (Coughing)

(Kanisha flies off)

(Kanisha past the firemen, enters the building, and knocks the door down)

(The man looks shocked)

(Kanisha grabs the man and goes through the building like a ghost with the man)

(A bunch of people see Kanisha flying down with the man in her arms; they land on the floor)

A girl: Look, it's Kanisha!

A fireman (looks at his partner): Is that everybody?

The other fireman: As far as I can see

(Kanisha looks at the building and sees a little girl hiding in the closet with x-ray vision)

(Kanisha phases back into the building)

(The little girl is coughing and tears coming down)

(Kanisha picks up the little girl and her teddy bear, then phases out of the building)

(The screen shows the man looking worried and looking around)

(Kanisha puts the little girl and her teddy bear by the man)

The man (picking up the little girl): Elizabeth

Elizabeth (opens her eyes): Daddy!

(The man kisses Elizabeth on her cheeks)

(Elizabeth smiles, while holding her teddy bear)

The man (looks at Kanisha): Thank you

Kanisha: You are welcome, it's good to see you two are safe, bye

(A dog barks)

Kanisha: Oh, and here's a special pet I saved

(The dog heads to The man and Elizabeth)

Elizabeth: Copper

(The dog licks Elizabeth)

A voice (monotone): Malfunction. Malfunction

Kanisha: I missed somebody

(The fire is absorbed by Kanisha, then she flies into the building)

Kanisha: Hello! Hello!

A voice: Reboot system

Kanisha: An android, interesting

(Kanisha sniffs around and knocks down the bathroom door)

(An android that looks like a normal human who has short red hair, white skin, wearing a red shirt, blue pants, and white shoes sitting down on the toilet with blank eyes)

Kanisha: Oh!

(Kanisha lifts the android and flies out of the building)

(The android's eyes turn from blank to brown eyes)

The android (scanning): Kanisha Walter

Kanisha: Oh, you are awake, do you know your master?

The android: My master (glitches) my master

(Kanisha takes the android and drops it by a building with the name 'Computer, Android, and other technology repair shop)

Kanisha: This is the perfect place to get yourself fixed

The android: Can (glitch) you (glitch)

Kanisha: I'll come with you

(Kanisha picks up the android and enters the building)

(A woman who has short black hair with red streaks, white skin, wearing a white shirt, blue pants, and yellow shoes is behind a desk and typing on the computer)

(Kanisha taps a bell)

The woman (smiles): I'm Chasi Bomb, and I will be helping you. So, what's wrong?

Kanisha: I have an (points to the android) android that's memory bank is glitching

Chasi: Oh (gets from behind the desk) lets see which model it is

(Chasi looks at the back of the android's back and sees '#98765')

Chasi: Oh! A two year model

Kanisha: Oh! So?

Chasi: I am sorry, ma'am this model has been discontinued, so I can't help you

Kanisha: Oh

Chasi: I am sorry, but I can give you a (shows a card)discount on a new model Android

Kanisha (looks at the android): No thanks

Chasi (disappointed): Really?

Kanisha (takes the card): But, I can send this to a friend of mine

Chasi (smiles): Thank you and I have to say I am a huge fan of yours

Kanisha: Oh, you want an autograph?

Chasi (smiles): Really?! I thought you didn't like to sign autographs

Kanisha: Normally I don't, but you seem kind and cute

Chasi (blushes): Thank you

(Kanisha grabs some paper and writes 'Kanisha Walter' in cursive and gives it to Chasi)

(Chasi smiles)

Kanisha (picks up the android): Bye (blows a kiss)

(Chasi fainted)

(Chasi falls on a pile of pillows)

(Kanisha speeds out of the building)

(The screen shows Kanisha and the android in a living room)

(Kanisha opens the android's neck, her tail turns into a plug, and puts it in the android's neck)

(Kanisha's eyes show equations and stick people)

Kanisha (red eyes): Interesting, your name is Berry, what a cute name, your master left you in that apartment, awww

(Kanisha takes the plug out of Berry the android's neck)

(The android starts moving)

Berry the android: Memory bank complete.

(Kanisha's tail turn back to normal)

Berry the android (looks Kanisha): Thank you, my system is functioning properly

Kanisha: You are welcome, I'll help you find your master

Berry the android (bows Kanisha): But, you are my master

Kanisha (confused): Pardon?

(Episode ends)