
Chapter 2: System and The Phoenix Clan

An unknown amount of time passed by when Zarr finally began to stir awake, the first thing he noticed was that it was still dark around and he still couldn't smell, taste or even hear anything this time. 'Where am I!? Is anyone there?!' {Yes Host I am here}. responded back a calm female voice. 'So it wasn't a dream? who are you and where am I' Zarr was rightfully nervous right now but on top of that he was also interested and curious of what was going on as his last memory was of him exploding.

{To answer your questions host I am your system, you and me, and right now we are currently inside your mothers womb} the system answered back to Zarr which confused him massively, 'What do you mean by any of that' {Well host as you can remember you died in that explosion, but at the last moment just before your soul was sent into the cycle of reincarnation I was created due to your accumulation of good karma from all throughout your life and saved you by bringing you to a different world, I am both you and me as you created me from your Karma and your soul is completely fused with me resulting in us being one. To answer the second part is that your body was beyond saving so i teleported and attached you to a baby that just happened to die at the same time you did}

'Oh... ok well that answered those questions, but also brought up a couple of others like what do you mean by different world, what world is this, how long till I'm born and what can you do?' Zarr was still a little confused but also very curious about this new world and what it has to offer. {Well host there is an incalculable amount of worlds in the multiverse some from the movies, tv shows, books and even anime from your world. This world you are currently in is one of the anime worlds known as 'One Piece' filled with pirates and marines, and to answer your other two questions you will be born in about 10 days and for what I can do is this-} as the system says this a blue screen appears in Zarr's face.


{Name: Zarr Phoenix - Age: 0}

{Clan: Phoenix - Ancient clan that went extinct back in the void Century, known for having unmatched vitality, Talents, body and mind strength. [Increased body Regen] [Body of Chaos]}

{Level: 0 (0/200) }


{HP: ∞/∞}

{Bloodlines: } (Different bloodlines in body from different races merged)


{Money: 0 Berry, 0 System Points}

{[Talent: Mutation in Bloodline resulting in being immortal and not being able to die as body is constantly in a state of regeneration (Stops aging at 15 years old)]

[Body of Chaos: Gain ability to absorb all types of energy and merge together to form higher quality and purity (Chaos Energy), also gains a perfect body with no impurities (Control fire and Ice from parents]}


[Beginner Armament Haki lvl 0/10 (0/200Xp) Coat 1 finger with invisible Haki]

[Beginner Observation Haki lvl 0/10 (0/200Xp) Can see 1m around himself]

[Beginner Conqueror's Haki lvl 0/10 (0/200Xp) Can Overpower people who are weaker]

{Missions:} (Get missions to complete in exchange for rewards)

{Shop:} (Can buy anything from store for right price)

{Inventory: } (Can Store anything not alive)

{World Travel: Locked} (Able to travel to different worlds when the strong enough and complete main mission)

'....WOW....' the sight of this screen took the breath away and completely shocked Zarr to the point of being speechless. After an unknown amount of time passed Zarr was able to collect his bearings of what was going on 'So system I have a couple of more questions. What is the Phoenix clan, why is my heath infinity and what is the current timeline?' {Answering Host, the Phoenix clan was an ancient clan known for their smarts, vitality and strength so during the void century the World government put out an order to hunt down and eliminate the clan from existence and they thought they did, but a small amount were able to survive and try to repopulate while in hiding creating a branch family known as 'The Will of the D' while host is from the main family. Hosts health is infinity as host will never be able to die no matter how much damage you take as there was a mutation in host bloodline resulting in this curse/blessing. Host will be born on April 16 1506, meaning host is 19 days older then the main character Monkey D. Luffy.}

'Well that answers that, but what is the main mission I need to complete to leave this world and what is some of the side quest I can do?' {That's easy Host just focus on the 'Missions' tab.} After being told what to do Zarr focused his thoughts onto the Missions tab, and to his surprise it extended to reveal 4 Missions.


[Main: The World is Mine!

Being blessed with the power of the system means you can't be anything other than number 1.

Requirements: Become the Strongest in the World (0/1), Become famous all over the World (0/1) and Create a Legacy (0/1)

Failure: Death and World destroyed

Reward: ??? System Points, World Travel (Unlocked), 50% off Store Card]

[Side Quest 1: A Healthy Body (Repeatable Till 10 In Each Stat)

To be number 1 you must be at least as strong as an average person.

Requirements: (0/100) Push-ups, (0/100) Sit-ups, (0/100) Squats and (0.0/10.0km) Run everyday till 15 years old

Failure: Death, Miss a day

Reward:[Primordial Chaos Devouring Manual ]

[Side Quest 2: When I Grow Up, I Want to Be...

To make it in the world you must take a side and stance.

Requirements: Choose to be a Pirate, choose to be a Marine, choose to be a Revolutionary or Choose to be a Bounty Hunter (0/1)

Failure: Death


Pirate - Small Boat (enough for 4 people, no cannon), Jolly Roger Stamp, 1 Weapon Ticket

Marine - Small Boat (enough for 4 people, no cannon), Log pose (All Marine base), 1 Weapon Ticket

Revolutionary - Small Boat (enough for 4 people, no cannon), Log Pose (All Revolutionary Base), 1 Weapon Ticket

Bounty Hunter - Small Boat (enough for 4 people, no cannon), 10 Bounty Posters (5 Closest, 5 Highest), 1 Weapon Ticket]

[Side Quest 3: Set Sail!

Welcome to the world. One small step for you, one giant storm for the world.

Requirement: Set sail and start your adventure (0/1)

Failure: Death, don't set sail before your 18

Reward: 1 Month of food Rations, 1 Month of Water, New World Log Pose, 100,00 Berry and 1,000 System Points]}

'Damn, why is there no missions I can do now?' {Answering host there is non as the host is only a baby and inside yours mother's womb, because of this there is non as if could injure your mother}, 'Alright, well how about a starting package? Also I'm going to call you Ava from now on.' {Host doesn't have a starting package as this isn't a charity, and affirmative Host, Thank you for the name}

'Alright if I don't have one I'm going back to sleep till I'm born, So please wake me up 10 mins before Ava.' {Affirmative Host, Goodnight} With that Zarr began to drift off to sleep filled with excitement towards what the future adventures will hold for him.

Hey guys thanks for reading the chapter, sorry for the info dump i just thought some of the questions people might hold will be answered by this. Also after reading a recommendation by a reviewer I have changed a couple of things in the system and missions.

DiabloBearcreators' thoughts