

Life started for Linda when she got into the university. The cool breeze of freedom and peace swept every strand of hair she had. She looked towards finding friends, connections and purpose.

There were so many social clubs to join but since she was a good voice over artiste, she gave the spoken words department a try. A promising young lady with the heart of kindness filled with potentials and grace; soon after her first performance, she became the talk of the school.

One very fine Tuesday, her phone beeped, "please, who is Linda here?", the message read. It was the social club's group chat. She was taken aback, "who could possibly want to know me?", she thought. Out of curiosity, she replied and the sender showered her with accolades. She was happy and from there, they became friends. "But how can one become this close with somebody I have not seen?", the thought bothered her and she picked a date for them to meet.

In reality, the person she had been talking with appeared to be wretched-looking but as a lover of arts, she had always lived in her head and quickly, she saw a Prince Charming. "Hi, I'm Linda", she introduced herself with a big smile. "Nice knowing you, I'm Charles", he said. They went out, had lunch as their eyes kept locking.

The first regret was the butterflies Linda had experienced. "Well, before it's too late, I wanted you to know I'm imperfect", she said out of the fake aura that was in the air. "No one is perfect", he said hiding his fake intentions.

They began chatting, calling and giggling. Likeness started turning to love, they constantly saw one another and Linda thought she had met her "right find". Soon and very soon, he started making advances but she wanted to be careful, with constant turndowns from her side, he still persisted. "Could this persistence mean forever? why does he like me this hard? what could be his motive? well, I'm not after his pocket, I'm after love but should I give him a chance? no, what if he breaks me at my lowest? does he really mean it when he says he likes me? oh my, could he be the one?", all these questions made her ponder on her decision. As fate would have it, the reports she got from people described how perfect the guy is, how strong in Christ he is and how lovely he could be.

This was the first deceit for Linda.

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