
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Alex POV: -

Being a billionaire at the age of 28 seems weird and impossible. As I stand in front of my office window looking over the world down below. “Platinum Corp” is one of the world's top organizations that deal not only with shipping, but we have invested in clothing, home appliances, and other daily using the merchandise. It seems a long journey of 4 years. Taking a sip from my black coffee, I looked out of my window observing the view.

'Has it been that long?'. I keep asking myself that question again and again.

’Well, I don't know’ The time passed way faster than I anticipated.

It seems like it was just yesterday when my father stepped down from his post as the CEO of this organization. There was no ceremony or a party. He just fell sick. We thought he would be gone. He had plenty of debt on his shoulder and the burden to survive without collapsing in the world market.

His command for me to step ahead and take his place was like the last plea before his death.

When I took his place here we used to be just an organization investing in shipping. Heap down in debt. My first day here. Everything was chaos. My father is on a hospital bed the organization is on the verge of bankruptcy. I have to make big decisions to be where I am right now.

Re-Building this organization from the bottom of the dept. To the top of the world. Now it’s one of the Forbes top 10 organizations. It took a lot for me to do, What I did when I did it. But it does not seem that bad now.

I hummed a foreign beet savoring the last sip of my coffee disposing of the cup. A knock on the door had me turned around.

'Mr. William your meeting with the Asian Corporation is at 2 pm. The owner does seem desperate to see you this time. I guess you already have him convinced. So, shall I get the papers for the merger ready or do you want to hold a bit longer?' asked my secretary Anna.

Leaning over my mahogany desk, she tried to give that stupid seductive look. Pulling her shirt down to give me a better look at her cleavage. It made me roll my eyes at her predictable behavior. It’s her usual one! Behavior like this is something I tend to avoid while working.

Showing more skin to get attention is something all girls do around me.

I don't get it, why does she not take this clue, I’m not interested in her like that.

I mean no offense to her. She is good-looking with a 5.6 height and the perfect model figure and those blue eyes, but she is not my type. Well maybe even if she is, and maybe someday she might get lucky. But right now it’s a big turn-off.

I would have fired her out of this place. Could have her pack her cleavage and her clothes. I wanted to and would have had her kicked out a long ago if it's not for her working skills and qualification. She was MBA in international business and finance. The most important factor keeping her here is her persuasion. She is very persuasive when it comes to working, and that's what kept her here.

Getting back from my train of thoughts, I dismissed her and locked my door behind her. I hate it when people barge in my door without knocking. Like hell, I’m a CEO, not some middle-class agent. But, I think I’ve been too lenient with them till now.

I let out a sigh and grabbed my phone from my coat pocket.

There is some personal business that needs my attention first. I scrolled down my contact list and pressed dialed on the number. After after a decade or so, my father picked up his phone.

'Son, I thought you would never call." His voice was calm as always calming me down as well.

"I thought you forget about your old man and your mom." my dad said, a Thin layer of sarcasm lingering in his voice.

'Dad, how are you? I asked. I mean I don’t want to be rude. But the less you talk to your parents At the age I am, the better.

Because the conversation always ends up on the same topic. I think you know what I mean if your brain processing is not too slow. You know!!

"Well, I am good. Are you coming to the dinner tonight? or do I need to make an appointment with your secretary to have dinner with my baby boy?" He asked. My dad still calls me baby boy it's embarrassing.

'Dad you for sure know that I am not your ‘baby boy' anymore. Yes, I am coming, but you need to make sure mom doesn't pick another of her friend’s daughters as my blind date this time, or I won’t be staying!" I told him more like silently pleaded. "I Just don’t want a repeat of last time. I had my full of dating life at that time, and I don’t think I will be needing more anytime soon." I hope he feels the same but someone tries to tell this to my Precious Mother.

It’s not true. I do need my fill of women on a daily or sometimes hourly basis. But they are just for one night stand and no string attach thing. However, my mother wants something I’m not ready to give.

Not right now, not ever. maybe in a million or so years, I will give it some thought, but at this moment NOT_ GONNA _ HAPPEN.

'Well, I make no promises Son, but I will try. You know how your mother can be, and if you want her to stop. why don't you bring your girl or better get married to some beautiful lady? 'he asked.

See, I told you, too much talk leads to a conversation that I don't want. This "MARRIAGE” conversation is on top of that list.

"Dad I am not interested in marriage, or any kind of and in a relationship so let’s not talk about it. I will see you tonight at the dinner bye dad." I said wanting no more discussion on the marriage topic.

"Ok Bye son, I will see you tonight. Take and take care and please don't think that you can escape this marriage topic for long. You will come around sooner or later" I see you tonight," he said. I know he is giving me his knowing smile even though I can’t see i.e. can surely feel it. I rolled my eyes and disconnected the call.

After putting my phone down, I looked at the time on my office wall clock. I groaned it two PM now. I have this meeting with the Asian cop CEO now.

I opened the door coming face to face with Ana. She blushed and stop in the middle of what looked like, she was about to knock on my door. I raised my brow making her realize that her hand is still hanging in the mid-air. and she quickly pulled it down and cleared her throat.

"Are the guest settle in my conference room, Ana?" I questioned getting her attention back. which a minute ago was lingering on my body.

"Ye... Yee. Yes, sir, they are here. Please proceed. I will meet you there in a minute with the paperwork." She stuttered and stepped aside. Giving me a respectful nod and went to her cabin to get the paperwork, leaving me with the knowledge that I can still make women’s mute with just my presence.

I shook my head my taking my steps forward to my conference room.

Now I have to attend a meeting with the damsel in distress let's get this over with then I have a long day planned anyways. ....................................

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