
Chapter 2: The Library

It was night time and the starry sky was visible from the ground. A populated residential city came into view, and it was really lively considering it was already night. However, it was not the good kind of lively.


"We're under attack!"


Desperate screams were heard all over the capital of Riznolai Kingdom as ordinary humans were being slaughtered. It was as if these humans were treated like helpless lambs.

"Somebody help us!"

At the same time, all of the houses were being razed. Flames were present everywhere, turning these infrastructures into ruins of the past.

"D-Dark elves! E-Everybody run!" A man shouted.

This loud scream worsened the situation among the panicking populace as they heard the words 'dark elves'. Humans feared them as they were known for being notorious and merciless in killing the human race.

The man started to sprint to safety with a plan to hide from the evil elves. But before he could, a Dark Elf appeared to block his way.

"Ho ho ho, where do you think you're going?" The Dark Elf gave off a creepy smirk that would send shivers to one's spine.

On one hand of the blue-skinned elf was a presence of a longsword that was stained with blood. Dyed extremely red, the weapon appeared to have already killed countless victims and this human was surely the next.

The man crashed down on his bottom, his body trembling from his fear towards the Dark Elf maniac. He tries to bring himself away, but the heavy killing intent emanated by the elf rendered his body immobile.


The sound of a sword cutting through flesh was heard, as the body of the victim was horizontally halved. Blood spurted out like water from a garden hose while the upper body of the ranger finally collapsed to the ground.

Still unsatisfied, the Dark Elf continued to stab the longsword towards the severed corpse of the poor man.

Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab!

Repeating the stab for about 30 more times, the Dark Elf's satisfaction was finally achieved. Looking at the corpse that was ragged to the point that it was barely recognizable, he gazed at himself with self-pride and started to laugh maniacally.

One by one, ordinary citizens of the kingdom started to fall as they fail to defend their own lives. Without hunter powers, they could not escape the clutch of death being given to them by the elves.


Warden has been walking around, trying to find the exit in this subterranean infirmary. Realizing that the place he was in was extremely huge, he searched for about an hour while opening any doors that would come to his way. He was exasperated at the labyrinth-like structure of the infirmary and began to curse under his breath.

This damn place!

The infirmary he was in was 20 meters below surface. Knowing that this place was underground, Warden checked every room while looking for stairs and ladders that could lead to the exit.

On his way, he would find shreds of human corpses lying on the ground.

Warden would tear up at the strong stench of blood that would sting his nose. Losing count of how many times he had done it, Warden gagged again at the horrific sight of a massacre.

These poor people...who would be so inhumane that these victims had to be killed in a cold blooded way?

Although he was feeling disgusted, Warden still thought that they were humans that once lived. He could not help but feel pity for these victims who were killed ruthlessly.

Putting these thoughts at the back of his mind, Warden continued to walk forward with the goal of reaching the end of the long corridor he was in. He was extremely careful not to step on the bodies scattered on the floor.

However, a few minutes later, he did not expect to find someone who was still alive in this bloodbath.

There was a silhouette of a person who had his back facing towards him. Although, he could not see properly due to a limited line of sight, he could still feel the presence of the other person in the darkness.

Warden felt the tension in his body relax as he found out he was not the only survivor in this place. If he were to ask the person where the exit was, he could spare himself from all the efforts of searching for the exit.

"Excuse me, I-" Warden reached out to the figure with his hand. However, he cut himself off when he saw the blue skinned nature of the figure.

Warden saw the humanoid in front of him covered in blood and killing intent. His hands trembled and quivered from the heavy murderous aura emitted by the creature.

A m-mo-monster!!

Warden quickly took a step back, his knees shaking uncontrollably. Even though he forced himself to stop shaking, he still could not prevent the heavy beating of his heart.

All he wanted was to find the exit and leave this place but then he just had to bump into a monstrous being capable of creating massacres!

Warden took another step backward silently, hoping that he was not able to draw the monster's attention.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out for him.

Just as he was about to take another step, the blue-skinned monster turned around and gave an eerie smile.

"Looks like I've missed one."

Warden felt his bones tremble upon this sight and his shivering grew uncontrollably greater. His body was drenched in sweat from head to toe due to his fear towards the creature.

He had to run away from this creature or else he would become one of those unrecognizable corpses!

"Why don't we play a game?" The blue-skinned creature smiled maniacally. "The game is called Tag, You're It. I'll be the it and you run away. However, I wouldn't use my hands to catch you. I will use this."

The creature waved the dagger he was holding in his left hand. It was a bloodstained dagger with fresh blood still dripping from it.

Warden saw this dagger and immediately gulped his saliva. He already imagined what would happen if the dagger managed to land on his neck.

"The game... starts now! Run, prey!"

Warden was frightened by this sudden declaration and began to run in the opposite direction. He was so desperate to escape from this creature. However, his body was so weak that he even had trouble balancing himself. If it weren't for the staff he grabbed earlier used as a balancing stick, he would have already tumbled down minutes ago.

The creature just walked towards Warden, confident that he could kill the brat without much effort. He didn't even feel the need to run.

His extremely high pride told him that running would just waste his energy. Why not just take the time and give the brat some hope that he could escape and then kill him when he realizes he couldn't? The brat would then sink into despair. Oh, how tasteful and lovely it is to kill a brat who has lost all hope!

"Taste despair human!"

While running further away, Warden heard another maniacal laugh from the creature who was chasing him albeit only slowly. Another shiver ran down his spine when that laugh grew even louder.

Warden knew that if it would be his end if ever the creature caught up to him.

Pushing himself forward, Warden continued walking until he reached the end of the corridor. His complexion worsened when he realized he was in a dead end and there were no other paths around other than a metal door.


Warden looked back from where he came from only to find a creepy smile outlining from the darkness. The creature that was "chasing" him seemed to enjoy seeing his prey's end ticking closer.

Warden's quick thoughts suddenly went into action and dashed to the metal door that was near him.


Warden slammed the door and rammed the lock in place. Right after, he could hear sounds of banging through the door as if someone wanted to forcefully break the lock. Fortunately, the lock was really strong and secure and wouldn't budge anytime soon.

It was only then that the adrenaline in his body dropped did Warden's knees crashed into the ground. He was bathed in his own sweat from the horror and nervousness he felt while being chased. Even though that creature was only walking briskly, he still felt that his life was dangling on the edge of a blade. It was fortunate that he stumbled upon a door whose locks were very secure.

While looming on his thoughts, Warden heard a frenzied laugh from the creature. The blue-skinned maniac was talking to him through the door.

"Come out, come out little mice! The cat wants to play!" It continued to laugh hysterically.

Another round of goosebumps ran through Warden's body when the laughter echoed in the corridor outside. Although Warden knew that the creature could not pass through, he still could not help but shiver at the extreme eeriness the laugh emitted.

Picking up the staff and the device that were on the ground, Warden cast his sight on the room that he was in. It was an enormous room and just like the hallway he was being chased at, it was void of light.

Warden edged towards the darkness of the room, hoping to find some sort of exit within the place. Although he knew that he was safe for now, the same thing couldn't be said later. Who knows if the creature actually had some means to break the door but rather did not because it still wanted to "play a game"?

Warden brought the light closer towards the darkness and saw many large bookshelves towering at three times his own height. Dust was blanketing the bookshelves as if it was left alone for a long time. Some of the books contained in the shelves were damaged by bookworms to the point that not a single page could be read while some others whose covers were coated with magic managed to survive.

Warden figured out the room that he was in.

This room is a library!

Gathering his wits, Warden quickly searched for a book that could give information on the framework of the subterranean infirmary. Warden thought it would be better if there was an exit in this room, so that he wouldn't have to encounter the twisted creature outside again.

For a whole 30 minutes, Warden searched from top to bottom in the bookshelves. His body was already strained from going up and down the library ladders just to search for the book that can possibly be found in the highest shelves.

Warden went on for another 20 minutes until he finally found the book he was looking for. Located at the uppermost shelf, it was a black book covered in leather and was still in a fair condition. On its cover page, the words "Map of the Hunter Academy" were written in golden ink, which satisfyingly complimented with its black background. The contents of the book were readable, which made Warden sigh with gladness.

'I can finally escape.' Warden thought to himself as he smiled.

Warden tucked the book on his underarms and went down the ladder. He went to the nearest wall, sat down and leaned on his back. He put down the staff he was holding and opened the book, while the device remained on his other hand to give light.

While wishing that there was another exit in this room, Warden opened the black-leather book and viewed its contents.

The book contained the geographical information on the whole Hunter Academy of Riznolai. It was a map of the entire academy, including the infirmary he was in.

A while ago, Warden heard from Chrysalis that he was staying inside an academy. However, he didn't pay it too much attention because he thought that it was just a normal academy in the woods or something.

Unfortunately, his expectations were turned down when he found out that the infirmary was actually underground. No way could a normal academy be capable of creating an underground maze this huge!

Warden then glanced at the entire map of the academy. There were walls erected at the boundaries of the academy. Although the academy's areas within the walls were enormous, it was still mostly occupied with trees. The buildings of the academy were located in the middle, including the subterranean infirmary.

Warden continued to scan the book and turned page after page to look for the framework of the labyrinth-like infirmary. There was that little blazing hope in him that wished for another exit in this room.

However, he was extremely dismayed when he found no other exit in this room.

Warden felt his world crumble when he learned upon this. He didn't want to go through the door where the creature was waiting. That was no different from suicide!

He could try to wait for hours in this place, but all it would do was just delay his death. Perhaps, a few hours from now, the creature would eventually be bored from "playing" and would just bust down the door with special means. He could try to hide, but not for long.

Just as Warden was about to decide on what to do, a mysterious violet orb in a corner suddenly began to flicker excitedly as if it was a long lost object that found its rightful master.