
The team

Paranormal Defense Agency HQ

Undisclosed location

Alright Sgt we just need to process your personal information so we can introduce you to the other agents.Starting from the top name:Staff Sergeant Patrick Gormen, height:6 foot 4 inches, weight: 240 pounds, and finally background/abilities: assault specialist, designated marksman, monster/cryptid expert and natural leader/alpha male.Ok Sergeant thats it you and your pet can go in and meet everyone just be careful not everyone is entirely human in there and by the way my name is Carol and I'm pretty much here to help out with anything you guys need and the common room is the third door on the right

As me and Brutus enter the common room everybody stops what they are doing and stares at us both with me being given a quick once over and Brutus being stared at more intensely to the point that he runs and hides behind my legs in fear. As Brutus runs behind me I pick him up and tell him not to worry about these people because I'm not going to let anybody hurt you because you're my little fuzzy buddy and besides nobody here is a threat to you mostly because I'm here to keep you safe ok.

As I make my way inside people start introducing themselves to me and so far I've met one elf, two orcs,and a lizardman after everyone finished introducing themselves a thin man in black charges towards me screaming Hunter!!!

As he closes in with my I throw a front kick straight to his gut stopping him dead in his tracks . As he gets to his feet he swings his razor sharp nails at me which I catch hold of and then procede to bend his arm into an armbar to restrain him. As soon as I bend his arm the others break us up and say this is Hans Schmidt and he is our residential royal monster congratulations by the way now one has ever beaten him like that and on that note lets take our seats and wait for the boss

Next chapter