
The Human system! Humanity's last hope.

After waking up in an unknown place, our protagonist, Amon Daisetsu, find himself face to face with someone he never expected to meet, it's none other than one of his favorite characters from a certain manga called records of Ragnarok, he then sees himself getting offered a deal. This deal will sign the start of his new life. Warning: please don't expect a perfect mc from day one, I plan to make this story as realistic as I can, so he will have his own personality, his own strength and weaknesses and will be constantly evolving throughout the story, if you can't understand that much then please do not even bother reading a single chapter. This will be a multiverse story so expect a few world travels. Also this isn't a harem story nor do I think there would be any romance at all and even if there is it won't be a main part of the story. **Disclaimer** -all copywriter content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Saint_Hubris · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Triggering a quest

Today the alarm rang as loud as usual, trying to break my eardrums, back in my old world I remember my first habit after waking up was to check my phone, but in this new world I had no friend who would send me messages nor anything interesting which is why I developed a new morning habit.

'Status open'


Name: Amon Daisetsu

Age: 15 yrs old

Title: none

Job: "student of Bonyari high school" (+2int/+1cha)


Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Endurance: 8

Dexterity: 7

Intelligence: 16 (+2)

Charisma: 11 (+1)

Skills: Cooking (Rank F/ lvl 8) ]

Checking my status window became one of the only ways for me to keep myself in check and make sure everything is indeed real.

The only notable events of this week have been the level up of my skill to level 8 as well as me noticing that in the streets some yakuza were way more frequently present.

I believe today is the fated day were Raku and Chitoge go to their first date so I was planning on trying to find them and trail them then join in on them at the best time to try to get a quest.

During this whole time I didn't get any other quest, no matter how hard I tried and how much I sticker to the main characters nothing happened, it was frustrating but I tried to stop thinking about it since I was already ready to get out.

I thought a bit about my past memories of where they went and might be and started wandering around aimlessly, this might be the first time I've went out where I can actually just roam aimlessly.

After an hour I nearly gave up on finding raku and Chitoge but that's when I noticed a bunch of hidden men who seemed to be pretty pissed off, they were all wearing formal attires, after looking towards where their anger seemed to be coming from I finally understood what was going on.

And that's when I finally got my long awaited notification.

[Side quest:

Save the gorilla: (difficulty F)


Save Chitoge from the guys bothering her and hitting on her before Raku comes.


10 coins and 2 F class chests]

'Finally!!' The big smile plastered on my face failed to hide my huge burst of happiness the appearance of this quest gave me.

Looking at the situation I thought that the best way to "save her" was to simply act like a friend who just met her, worst case scenario I gain the respect of the members of her gang and they save both of us.

"Heyyy! Chitoge!! what are you doing here?" I called out for her trying to be as loud as possible as I came near her.

"Amon?" I could see the clear surprise in her eyes, we obviously weren't close enough for me to act so familiar with her so she directly understood what I was trying to do

"What? Is he your bf?" After a few more words those gangster looking guys simply gave up and moved on to someone else.

"Thanks for the help Amon" Chitoge looked at me and threw one of her rare smiles which indeed looked great, but I couldn't let her date with Raku stop here or else I'd lose my chance to get more quests from them.

"You're welcome, what are you doing here alone?" Right as I said that Raku finally came back with what Chitoge asked from him.

"Amon? What are you doing here?" He also seemed very surprised to see me.

I greeted him shortly and explained what happened then I looked at both of them and feigned a surprised expression.

"Ohh I'm so sorry! I didn't notice you guys were in the middle of a date! I'm sorry for interrupting!" After saying those words I didn't give them any chance to reply and directly bolted away from the couple.

But while they thought I went back home, the truth was that I was still trailing them, hoping for another quest to be triggered. The system did say that quests are triggered during important events so it was worth a try.

Maybe I was blinded by my own greed but I kept following them, when suddenly Chitoge went to the toilet and Onodera met Raku.

I remembered this scene from the manga so I laid in wait until Chitoge came back and hugged Raku's arm while calling him darling, trying to hold in my laughter at the ridiculous scene in front of me was harder than I expected.

But luckily another event stopped me from bursting into laughter, it was none other than a system notification.

[Side quest:

Comfort the poor girl (difficulty F)


Onodera is sad, comfort her.


20 coins]

Onodera can be considered the first person I've became friendly with in this world so I didn't mind comforting her, even though it did sound annoying.

I looked at onodera turning around and leaving as I followed behind her and waited for a bit before running up to her.

"Heyy, Kosaki! What are you doing here?" I tried to act as natural as possible to not make this situation any more awkward than it needed to be.

"Amon? Oh I just went to run an errand for my mom hahahaha" I could see her eyes were very teary and that she was also simply trying to act natural.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked her hoping she'd directly tell me so that I could comfort her.

"Hahahaha nothing happened, don't worry about me" she turned around and tried leaving to not show me her teary face any longer

Unfortunately I couldn't let my dear 20 coins leave me so I grabbed her hand and looked at her in the eyes. She was clearly surprised by my actions but didn't push me away.

"Kosaki, you're my very first friend in Japan, I know my importance to you might not be the same, but to me you're someone very dear" she seemed to be touched by my empty words which helped her calm down.

We decided to sit down on a wooden bench at the end of the park as she started telling me how the guy she liked found herself a girlfriend.

After another round of empty words about how I was sure she'd be able to find herself a better guy and about how much of an important friend to me she was, I finally got the notification I was waiting for.

"I'm sorry Kosaki I just remembered I have something to do. I'll see you on Monday!" I said while I hurriedly left her and went back home, I could hear her thank me from the back but if I had to be honest, I couldn't care less.

My quest was already completed so now was time for me to come back home and collect the rewards.


After coming back home I cooked myself something and sat down on my lucky sofa again.

[Congratulations on completing the side quest "save the gorilla"!]

[Congrats on completing the side quest "comfort the poor girl"]

[Would you like to obtain your rewards?]

[Yes] [no]

I clicked on yes and retrieved the reward from both quests, I finally understood how the system worked and was already thinking of how I could put that to use in the future. But before that I opened my 2 F class chests.

[Congratulations on obtaining a small strength amplifier!]

[Congratulations on obtaining a small Dexterity amplifier!]

Those rewards were worth 10 coins so I had to say that I was very satisfied, I immediately used them and went to lay down on my bed thinking about my future plans.

Now that I understood how the quests worked I knew I had to stick to the protagonists, but I also knew that I couldn't eternally rely on them and that if I truly wanted to step it up I needed another source of quest.

A romcom protagonist wouldn't really be such a nice source of quests and I have no intention of becoming part of any weird love triangle or rectangle.

I decided to keep that problem in the depth of my mind as my mind drifted to sleep.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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