
The Human Bearer – Chapter 9 – Part 4

The Human Bearer – Chapter 9 – Part 4

Melding Kyle with the bot at home had proven a difficult task, but Riordan didn't want to make the other bot suffer. If Kyle could achieve sentience, who was to say that others couldn't? He really hoped that Kyle and the rest of the domestic bot would enjoy each other's company.

Once he was done, he was tired but hopeful. He initiated the boot sequence and waited, as the lights on what was supposed to be the bot's face began to flicker.

"Master Rio," Kyle's voices sounded metallic and weird, but it was there.

"Thank fuck," Riordan said and grinned ear to ear. "It's good to hear you, man."

"I thought I was being recycled," Kyle said. "Master, you were in danger. Were you saved?"

"Not because you protected him."

Riordan jumped at the sound of Xana's voice. Of course, the fucker had to slither his way inside their home without making a sound. He got to his feet and put himself between Xana and the bot. "You can't take Kyle away from me again. I won't let you."

"And what exactly do you plan to do to stop me?" Xana towered over him, his green eyes boring into Riordan's and making him tremble.

There was such a thing as cruel beauty, he thought. One look at a Xeno like Xana Lei, and any human learned the meaning of that.

"Please," he said and swallowed the ball of fear lodged in his throat. "It's not like I'm asking you for anything all the frigging time. Can't I have my fucking toy?"

He expected Xana to slap him over the face with his strong tail, but he braced himself for nothing. Xana leaned over, their faces so close, he could smell the sweet intoxicating scent of his master's skin. "What exactly did you do to get your bot back, Riordan?"

Riordan didn't dare to turn his head. Xana's breath was hot on his cheek, and the bifurcated tongue was playing with his ear already, making him lose his mind little by little. "I went to the landfill and searched through heap after heap of garbage until I got what I wanted."


Xana had to think he'd give away his friends just like that. "Yeah, totally by myself."

"I don't think so. You see, Riordan, we have eyes everywhere."

"Of course you do." It didn't surprise him. But, that also had to mean that Xana had let him get Kyle, since he could stop him at any moment. He kept his mouth shut. There was a deal to be had, and he only had to keep his trap if he wanted to get there.

"So, if I tell Marn what his son and his bearer were doing this afternoon, what do you think he'll do?"

Riordan gulped hard. Was he fucking stupid? Of course he was. Xer would be fine, but Tasha… oh, fuck, he was just an idiot. "Tasha's not Marn's bearer. He's preggo with Xer."

"And? How does that influence my decision?" Xana asked.

"Fine, you win," Riordan said. He was pissed and he couldn't hide it. "What do you want so that you don't blab to your friend? Please, don't say you want me to get rid of Kyle. It's not fair."

"Fair is what I choose," Xana said and wrapped his tail slowly around Riordan's lower body. (…)

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